rural little Shennong

Chapter 260 The Brave Man

Chapter 260 The Brave Man
Xu Dong was really stunned at this moment, not only did he not expect that Guoguo would recognize Sisi, but he also did not expect that this little guy would let him kiss Fang Qing like Sisi.

How is this possible!
It's okay to kiss on the face, but the nature of the kiss has completely changed. Even if he dared to kiss, Fang Qing would never agree.

Sure enough, when Xu Dong subconsciously looked at Fang Qing, Fang Qing immediately glared at him, the meaning was self-evident, don't even think about it.

Xu Dong scratched his head embarrassingly, and said to Guoguo: "Guoguo, mom is shy, can we stop kissing? Daddy will take you to the zoo, don't you like going to the zoo to see monkeys the most?"

"No!" Guoguo said dissatisfiedly with her lips pouted, "Why can Dad kiss Aunt Sisi but not Mom?"

Xu Dong really doesn't know how to explain it to Guoguo, he definitely can't tell her that Aunt Sisi and I are in a relationship and will get married in the future, and we are just friends with your mother.

Not to mention that the little guy doesn't understand at all, even if she could understand, she would definitely be even more unhappy.

In Guoguo's heart, [-]% think they are a family, just like other families.

Kissing is definitely not allowed, so Xu Dong had no choice but to keep promising, trying to divert Guoguo's attention.

Who knew that the little guy would have recognized this matter, and the posture seemed to be that if Xu Dong didn't kiss Fang Qing today, she would be angry all the time.

On the other side, Fang Qing saw Xu Dong scratching his head anxiously, couldn't help but secretly laughed a few times, and then came over and said, "Guoguo, stop making trouble, Dad finally had time to come over, don't do this. You didn't like this a few days ago Didn’t you also say that you want Dad to accompany us to the zoo to see monkeys, shall we go now?”

"do not want!"

"Guoguo!" Fang Qing put on a straight face and said seriously, "Are you trying to make mom angry again?"

Guoguo's face collapsed, and she burst into tears.

This time, not only Xu Dong was helpless, but even Fang Qing was helpless.

The two of them stared at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Xu Dong coaxed Guoguo for a while, but it didn't work, so he looked at Fang Qing as if asking for help.

Fang Qing hesitated for a long time, but finally she gave Xu Dong a glare, and closed her eyes angrily.

Xu Dong was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to Guoguo: "Okay, okay, can't daddy kiss mommy? Guoguo, if you cry again, daddy won't kiss!"

The crying stopped immediately, Guoguo looked at the two of them with teary eyes, Xu Dong leaned in front of Fang Qing, pursed his lips, and kissed Fang Qing's pink lips.

With a light touch, Xu Dong immediately backed away.

But even so, Xu Dong's heart was beating wildly, excited.And Fang Qing's face was also instantly flushed with a touching blush, her hands also tightly grasped the hem of the skirt, obviously, she was more nervous than Xu Dong.

You know, this is the first time she has had intimate contact with the opposite sex since her divorce.

clap clap clap...

"Dad kissed mom, dad kissed mom!" Guoguo clapped her hands happily, then kissed Xu Dong on the mouth, then threw herself into Fang Qing's arms, and kissed Fang Qing on the mouth too.

"You're such a jerk!" Fang Qing rubbed Guoguo's cheeks angrily and amusedly, then glared at Xu Dong with a blushing face, and quickly got up and said, "I'm going to change clothes, and then I'm going!"

An hour later, Xu Dong and Fang Qing led Guoguo into the gate of the zoo.

The weather is very good today, the sun is shining brightly, and the sun is warm on people.

Guoguo is wearing a beautiful little skirt and carrying a cute little bag. She looks very cute, like a doll.

Fang Qing also put on a long skirt. The skirt and long hair fluttered gently with the breeze. Not only was she very beautiful, but she also looked very young. If she hadn't been holding Guoguo by her side, it would be impossible to tell that she was already the child's mother.

Coupled with Xu Dong, the three of them together are a perfect family of three, and they are all very handsome.Along the way, it attracted a lot of attention.

Guoguo likes small animals very much. After entering the zoo, she never stopped laughing. After seeing the small animals, they rented a small boat with their feet and played on the lake for more than half an hour.

Just after landing, Guoguo was suddenly attracted by the sound of music coming from ahead, and she immediately ran over with Xu Dong and Fang Qing.

I saw a small stage set up in front, and the zoo was organizing parent-child activities. Many children danced with the host lady on the stage, and every child who came on stage could get a gift.

"Guoguo, do you dare to go up?" Xu Dong asked.

Guoguo put her arms around Xu Dong's neck and concentrated on watching the children on the stage. It was obvious that she wanted to go up, but she was a little timid.

"Guoguo, don't be afraid, Mom and Dad will cheer for you!" Fang Qing also persuaded.

Guoguo was still a little timid, and hugged Xu Dong's neck tightly.

Xu Dong smiled and said, "Guoguo, do you think Dad is brave?"

"Father is a firefighting hero, the bravest!" Guoguo said immediately, very proud.

"Then do you want to be a brave person like Dad?"

"miss you!"

"Then you go up too, okay? Let those kids see how good you are!"

Guoguo hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. Xu Dong quickly put her in front of the steps under the stage, and watched her go up the small stage.

It didn't take long for Guoguo to dance under the leadership of the hostess. She was a little cautious at first, and looked at Xu Dong and Fang Qing timidly.

Xu Dong raised his arms high and shouted loudly: "Guoguo, come on!"

Maybe it was Xu Dong's encouragement that helped, Guoguo quickly let go, and danced better and better. When the music stopped, the young lady who led the dance specially praised Guoguo.

When Guoguo got off the stage with the stuffed puppy, Xu Dong kissed her heavily on the face, and said happily: "Guoguo is awesome! Dad is right, it's not that difficult at all, just be brave Already!"

Guoguo nodded earnestly, and said crisply, "Guoguo will be like Dad in the future, and be a brave person!"

After a while, Guoguo played with sand on the artificial beach by the lake. Fang Qing looked at Guoguo and said with emotion: "I used to hear people say that if a child does not have a father, it will be very bad for the child's growth. Today I I finally believe it. Guoguo has been timid since she was a child, if she hadn't seen the scene of you saving people, she would definitely not dare to go on stage today."

Xu Dong turned his head and looked at Fang Qing, "Sister, you should help Guoguo find a father again, it will be good for both you and Guoguo!"

Fang Qing shook her head and smiled, "I'll forget it, it's fine to just stick to Guoguo and live a good life, if another person who doesn't go his way is bumped into, it will be another disaster. As for Guoguo,"

She suddenly turned her head to look at Xu Dong, and smiled slyly, "Isn't it you? Could it be that you, a father, are getting impatient and want to pick someone up?"

(End of this chapter)

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