rural little Shennong

Chapter 261 Daddy Is Really Awesome

Chapter 261 Daddy Is Really Awesome

Xu Dong looked at Guoguo again, and said with a smile: "Of course I won't give up. In fact, to me, Guoguo is like a little angel. It is my blessing to grow up with her!"

Fang Qing looked at Xu Dong and said after a while, "Thank you!"

"How did you become so polite?" Xu Dong asked puzzled.

"It just occurred to me that you will have your own children in the future, and if you have to take care of Guoguo at that time, it may add a lot of burden to you." Fang Qing said with emotion.

"Sister, you really don't have to be polite to me. I said long ago that you and Guoguo are my closest people. I am willing to take care of you and enjoy it. It is not a burden at all."

Fang Qing pursed her lips and smiled, "I'll forget it, if it makes Sisi and the others unhappy, you'll have to explain for a long time later. By the way, what are you thinking, you can't go on like this forever, can you?"

Xu Dong knew that Fang Qing was asking about Qiuxiang and Ma Sisi. Fortunately, Fang Qing didn't know that there was another Chen Dan, otherwise she wouldn't know what she thought.

He scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "Let it be, anyway, they haven't said anything now."

Fang Qing gave Xu Dong a white look, and said in a low voice: "I really didn't realize that before, you are so careless, it seems that you guys don't have a good thing."

"You can't say that!" Xu Dong chuckled, "Some people love the new and dislike the old, and abandon their wives and children when they have a new love. I'm different from them."

"You see one and love the other, and you can't miss one, right?" Fang Qing said sharply.

"Of course it's not about seeing one and loving the other. Whether it's Sister Qiuxiang or Sisi, we all have emotional foundations. I like them, and they like me, so we are together naturally. Anyway, no matter what others think of me, as long as we live together Just be comfortable, and I think that’s fine.”

"Sisi is willing to do this? She didn't let you break up with Qiuxiang?" Fang Qing asked in surprise.

"No, she doesn't care about it at all, as long as I treat her well."

"Even if they are willing, are you busy?" Fang Qing raised her forehead, she really couldn't understand this situation, and her three views were a bit subverted.

It's not that she has never seen a lover. In the upper circles, there are countless such things, but there is no one like Xu Dong who is so blatantly stepping on two boats, and the boat hasn't capsized.

"Hey, who made me so powerful? Anyway, up to now, they are very happy. Last time, Sister Qiuxiang took the initiative to persuade me to find a girlfriend, saying that she couldn't stand me anymore." Xu Dongle said.

Fang Qing is someone who has been there, of course she can understand the little train driven by Xu Dong, she immediately blushed, and spat: "The more you talk, the more outrageous it is, I think you will die on a woman sooner or later!"

At this time, there was a sudden cry from the front. Fang Qing and Xu Dong turned their heads to look, and saw Guoguo sitting on the ground crying tears, and a chubby man was stepping on the pile of sand that Guoguo had just built.

They ran over in a hurry, Fang Qing helped Guoguo up and asked, "Guoguo, what happened?"

"He pushed me and destroyed my castle!" Guoguo cried, pointing at the little chubby guy.

The chubby man saw Xu Dong and Fang Qing approaching, turned around and ran away, Xu Dong grabbed his collar and asked with a straight face, "Why did you bully her?"

"Let go of me, let me go!" Little Fatty struggled desperately, Xu Dong didn't want to hold him, after all, he was just a child, but just as he let go, Little Fatty fell to the ground, and then cried loudly .

A fat woman ran over quickly, helped the fat man up and shouted loudly: "What are you doing, why are you beating my son?"

"We didn't hit him. Your son just pushed my daughter. We just asked him why he did that." Fang Qing said.

"Nonsense, I clearly saw you beating him!" The fat woman shouted aggressively.

"You can ask your son if you don't believe me!" Xu Dong said.

"You don't need to ask. My son is very good. He never bullies anyone, let alone pushes others. This little girl must have provoked him first. You better apologize quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Fang Qing's face was livid with anger, "Are you still unreasonable? Your son is so big and my daughter is so young. How could you provoke him?"

"Anyway, I saw your husband beat my son just now. Let me tell you, something happened to my son, and you must be responsible!" The fat woman was extremely arrogant, and she really started to check whether the little fat man was injured.

Fang Qing was so angry that she didn't bother to talk to that unreasonable woman, and began to help Guoguo carefully pat the sand off her body.

Not long after, the fat woman suddenly screamed: "You still said you didn't beat my son, look, my son's eyes are red, obviously you beat him!"

"That's what he wiped it out with his own hands!" Xu Dong said angrily, the little chubby man had sand on his hands, and when he wiped his eyes, he got the sand into his eyes again, it's no wonder his eyes weren't red.

"Husband, husband!"

The fat woman suddenly yelled loudly, and not long after, a strong man with a height of at least 1.9 meters ran over, "What's going on, what happened?"

"Where did you die? Someone beat your precious son!" the fat woman screamed, her voice extremely harsh.

The strong man suddenly became furious, and pointed at Xu Dongdao: "Boy, if you dare to hit my son, I will tear you apart!"

Before Xu Dong could explain, the strong man raised his fist and threw it at him. Fang Qing's face changed color in fright, and Guoguo also cried loudly.

But before the strong man could touch Xu Dong, Xu Dong tightly clenched his fist and snorted coldly: "If you want to fight, I'll accompany you!"

He exerted a sudden force in his hand, and immediately there was a sharp pain in the strong man's fist, which made him scream in pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant.

"Let go, let go of me, my hand is going to break!"

"Can you hear me now?" Xu Dong asked in a deep voice.

The brawny man nodded hurriedly, Xu Dong pushed him away, and said in a deep voice: "There is surveillance next to it, which child is bullying which child, just look at the surveillance to find out. If you are unreasonable, no matter whether it is the text or the text Wu, I will accompany you to the end!"

The strong man rubbed his fists and looked at Xu Dong in fear. The fat woman was also stunned, speechless for a while.

Not long after, at the management office of the zoo, they saw the surveillance video on the beach.From the video, it can be clearly seen that it was Xiaopangdun who pushed Guoguo down, and then stepped on the pile of sand that Guoguo had just built.

After watching the video, Xu Dong stared at the fat woman and the strong man, "Don't you want to say something?"

The two were speechless.

"Can't you even say an apology? How can you teach children well like you?" Xu Dong said in a deep voice.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" The strong man must have been frightened by Xu Dong, so he quickly apologized, and then fled with the fat woman and the little fat man.

Xu Dong let out a sigh of relief, turned around and came to Fang Qing and Guoguo, and said with a smile: "Guoguo, don't be afraid if you meet bad guys in the future, Dad will avenge you!"

"Father is amazing!" Guoguo hugged Xu Dong and kissed him on the cheek.

Fang Qing also said with emotion: "Thanks for having you here today!"

Guoguo suddenly said like a little adult: "Mom, it doesn't matter, Dad is a great hero, he will protect us!"

Fang Qing smiled, pinched Guoguo's face, "Yes, you are the smartest!"

(End of this chapter)

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