rural little Shennong

Chapter 262 The Birthday Cocktail Party

Chapter 262 The Birthday Cocktail Party
After playing in the zoo for half a day, I had a meal at a restaurant outside at noon. On the way home, Guoguo lay in Fang Qing's arms and slept all the way. After arriving home, Guoguo regained her spirits and played games with Xu Dongfangqing. , can make her very happy.

In the blink of an eye, it was five o'clock in the afternoon. Guoguo was leaning in Xu Dong's arms and watching the animation intently. Fang Qing brought out a plate of freshly peeled apples from the kitchen. Seeing the appearance of the father and daughter, she couldn't help smiling.

I have to say that when Xu Dong is there, it really feels like a family. They are like a real family of three, they seem so harmonious and warm, full of family atmosphere.

And no matter from which aspect, Guoguo really needed the encouragement and company of a father during her growth.

For example, today, without Xu Dong's encouragement and Xu Dong's role model, Guoguo probably wouldn't be on the small stage to participate in the event. If Xu Dong didn't protect them behind at the critical moment, what happened on the artificial beach The conflict is likely to cast a shadow on Guoguo's heart.

Fang Qing used to think that she could take good care of Guoguo, but it was only now that she realized that the child's growth was really inseparable from his father's company and encouragement.

Fortunately, they met Xu Dong, otherwise she might not have discovered this until a long time later, and by then, Guoguo's character might have left irreparable flaws, such as introversion, timidity, low self-esteem, and so on.

Thinking of the result, Fang Qing couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Xu Dong couldn't help asking curiously when he saw Fang Qing standing there holding the fruit plate without moving for a long time.

Fang Qing smiled, and handed the apples with toothpicks to Xu Dong and Guoguo respectively, "I was thinking, you will definitely be busier and busier in the future, and I can't keep bothering you to come to Haicheng. You can go to Wangchuan, or to your village."

Xu Dongdao: "I'm not troublesome. Coming here is like a vacation for me. It's so comfortable. But when Guoguo's kindergarten is on vacation, you can really live in our village for a while, and you can even stay in our village. Then Chinese New Year must be more interesting than in the city.”

Fang Qing's eyes lit up, Xu Dong's suggestion was really good.

"I also want to go to my father's house for the New Year!" Guoguo shouted loudly.

"Okay, then you go with your mother. Dad has a puppy, which is very cute. You must like it." Xu Dong pinched Guoguo's little face, found Xiaobai's photo on his phone, and Guoguo looked at it. After seeing it, I like it so much that I can't wait to go to Xiawan Village now.

But Fang Qing still had some concerns, she hesitated: "Will it cause you trouble, for example, will people in the village spread rumors? And Qiuxiang, will she be unhappy?"

Xu Dong smiled and said: "Sister, don't worry. You have met Qiuxiang, she is not the kind of narrow-minded person at all, she will be happier if you go! Especially Guoguo, sister Qiuxiang has long wanted to see Guo Fruit, if she knows that Guoguo is going to our place, she will be very happy! As for the villagers, you don’t have to worry, I am more effective than the village head in the village now, and no one dares to say three or four!”

Xu Dong really didn't brag. With the rapid increase in his vegetable sales, the planting area is also rapidly expanding. In the past six months, more than [-]% of the cultivated land in the whole village has been occupied by him. In addition to the high rent, he can also work in Xu Dong's plantation base, earning much more money than working in the city, so now Xu Dong's prestige in the village is definitely the highest. In a word, he is definitely better than the village head. Useful.

Xu Dong kissed Guoguo on the cheek, and said with a smile: "If someone really asks, Guoguo is my own daughter, I'll see who dares to chew their tongues!"

"See if you can do it!" Fang Qing gave Xu Dong an annoyed look, but also laughed.

In fact, Fang Qing is not a mother-in-law, otherwise she would not be able to manage such a large supermarket chain well. After a short consideration, she quickly made a decision to go to Xiawan Village after Guoguo's winter vacation and live in the village. I will return to Haicheng after the end of the year.

At this time, Fang Qing's mobile phone received a message. After reading it, she frowned slightly, and put the phone on the coffee table without replying.

A few minutes later, she received a second message on her mobile phone, but Fang Qing still didn't respond.

Not long after, her cell phone rang again, and someone called.

Fang Qing glanced at it, then hung up directly.

"Sister, if you have something to do, go and do it. It's fine for me to bring Guoguo." Xu Dong said.

"It's okay!" Fang Qing smiled, "A friend wanted me to come over for his birthday, but I declined."

"Should be a man?" Xu Dong smiled, "Is he chasing you?"

Fang Qing smiled and said, "Actually, you know him too, it's Shen Yan. Forget it, don't mention him, I'll cook for you."

"let me help you!"

When Xu Dong and Fang Qing were preparing dinner together, Shen Yan was continuing to call Fang Qing.

But he soon discovered that Fang Qing turned off the phone.

Shen Yan was so angry that he clutched the phone tightly, and almost couldn't resist throwing the phone out.

After a while, he turned and returned to the reception hall behind him.

Today is his 33rd birthday. In order to celebrate his birthday, he specially organized a grand birthday reception and invited many people.

But Fang Qing was undoubtedly the one he wanted to invite the most.

Because he was going to confess his love to Fang Qing in public tonight, so he specially prepared a bouquet of roses imported from Holland.Roses are expensive, costing more than 1 US dollars, but they are worth the money, and they are indeed very beautiful.

At this moment, this bouquet of roses was placed in the center of the reception hall.

Therefore, everyone who attended the birthday reception tonight knew that Shen Yan wanted to confess his love to Fang Qing.

But Shen Yan never expected that Fang Qing would reject his invitation and turn off the phone.

This is not only another heavy blow to him, but it will also make him lose face tonight.

When Shen Yan walked into the reception hall, listening to the whispers coming from all directions, he felt that everyone was laughing at him, and his face turned livid with anger.

At this moment, a person walked quickly to Shen Yan's side, and whispered in his ear: "Brother Yan, Miss Fang didn't go on a business trip today, and someone saw her. And..."

"And what?" Shen Yan scolded in a low voice, "Say it quickly!"

The man hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "And there is a man beside Miss Fang. Judging from their appearance, they seem to have an unusual relationship. The man is still holding Miss Fang's daughter, and he looks very close to her daughter. "

After speaking, the man picked up his phone and showed a photo to Shen Yan.

Looking at the three people in the photo, Shen Yan's eyes suddenly ignited with raging anger, he gritted his teeth and growled: "Xu Dong!"

(End of this chapter)

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