rural little Shennong

Chapter 263 1 Slap

Chapter 263 A slap in the face
Nine p.m.

Seeing Xu Dong coming out of the shower, Guoguo immediately cheered happily: "Dad, you can go to bed after taking a shower!"

Guoguo and Fang Qing had already taken a bath. Guoguo was wearing cartoon pajamas and looked very cute. Xu Dong held her in his arms, kissed her pink face, and teased her, saying, "Guoguo!" Should I sleep with my mother or my father tonight?"

This question stumped Guoguo, and she struggled for a while before she said, "I want to sleep with my mother, and I want to sleep with my father! Can I not choose?"

"That can't be done, you have to choose one!" Xu Dong laughed.

"No!" Guoguo suddenly jumped off Xu Dong's body, grabbed Xu Dong's hand with one hand, and Fang Qing's hand with the other, "I don't want to choose, I want to sleep together!"

"Guoguo, be obedient!" Fang Qing couldn't help laughing, but said with a straight face.

"No, Pippi said that his parents slept with him."

"Who is Pippi?" Xu Dong asked curiously.

"It's a classmate of Guoguo Kindergarten." After Fang Qing explained to Xu Dong, she continued to face Guoguo with a straight face, "Guoguo, if you don't obey, Dad will leave early tomorrow morning, and you won't be able to be with Dad tomorrow." played!"

"No, I don't want daddy to leave!" Guoguo burst into tears immediately, hugging Xu Dong's leg and refusing to let go.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Dad will continue to play with Guoguo tomorrow!" Xu Dong hurriedly picked up Guoguo, winked at Fang Qing, and said with a smile: "Okay, Mom and Dad will sleep with you, so it's okay ?”

"Yeah!" Guoguo smiled through tears, finally satisfied, and finally pouted and snorted at Fang Qing, "Bad mother!"

Fang Qing said unhappily: "I'm a bad mother, you still want to sleep with me? Go to sleep with Dad tonight, Mom doesn't want to talk to you anymore!"

"Guoguo, mom is angry, hurry up and apologize to mom!" Xu Dong whispered in Guoguo's ear.

Guoguo hesitated for a while, and finally got into Fang Qing's arms, and said in a childish voice: "Mom, I was wrong, don't be angry with Guoguo!"

After finishing speaking, she leaned over and kissed Fang Qing on the face, "Mom, I kissed you already, you can't be angry anymore!"

Fang Qing couldn't help laughing, Guoguo immediately clapped her hands and cheered, "Mom laughed, mom laughed!"

Both Xu Dong and Fang Qing couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, there was a sound outside the door, as if a car was parked outside the door.

Xu Dong walked to the door, looked through the cat's eyes, turned to Fang Qing and said, "It's Shen Yan!"

The smile on Fang Qing's face disappeared immediately, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

To be honest, she really has no feelings for men and women towards Shen Yan, they can only be regarded as ordinary friends at most, Shen Yan's repeated entanglements made her very annoyed.

"Do you want me to drive him away for you?" Xu Dong asked.

Fang Qing shook her head, "Let me go, don't come out."

After finishing speaking, Fang Qing opened the door and came outside.

Shen Yan was already drunk, and with the support of another person, he stumbled to Fang Qing.

"Xiao Qing!" Seeing Fang Qing, Shen Yan showed a smile on his face, suddenly pushed the person next to him away forcefully, and asked loudly, "Where are my flowers, where are my flowers?"

The man hurried back into the car and took out the roses. Shen Yan brought the roses in front of Fang Qing, "Xiao...Xiao Qing, these are the roses that I specially brought from Holland. Do you like it?"

"Shen Yan, the flowers are very beautiful, but I can't take them! You are drunk, go back quickly!" Fang Qing shook her head and said.

"Why, why don't you?" Shen Yan suddenly shouted excitedly: "I like you, I really like you, I can give you whatever you want! Xiaoqing, I will treat you well, you believe me !"

"Shen Yan, calm down!" Fang Qing said calmly: "I told you a long time ago, we are impossible, if you continue like this, we won't even be friends in the future!"

"Is it because of that kid surnamed Xu?" Shen Yan stared at Fang Qing with red eyes, panting like a cow, "I know he's in your house, you let him out, you let him out!"

"Shen Yan, stop making trouble for no reason, go back quickly!"

Shen Yan suddenly pushed away the person beside him, and rushed towards the gate of Fang Qing's house.

Fang Qing hurriedly grabbed him, "Shen Yan, are you crazy, stop now!"

However, Shen Yan couldn't listen at all, and even pushed Fang Qing away forcefully.Fang Qing couldn't stand steadily and fell to the ground.

Just then, the door of the villa opened.Xu Dong quickly rushed out of the room and helped Fang Qing up from the ground, "Sister, are you alright?"

"Fortunately, you go in quickly, Shen Yan is drunk!"

"Xu Dong!" At this moment, Shen Yan had already seen Xu Dong, he roared angrily, rushed over suddenly, grabbed Xu Dong's collar, swung his fists and punched him in the face.


A crisp slap suddenly sounded.

The person who came with Shen Yan was stunned, because the one who received this slap was none other than Shen Yan.

Even Fang Qing was stunned, and it took a while to wake up, and quickly pushed Xu Dong into the room, "Don't do anything, you go into the room!"

"Sister, it's okay, he's drunk, I'm helping him sober up!"

Shen Yan was knocked down to the ground by Xu Dong's big ear scraper, before he could get up, he vomited, and then fell asleep beside the vomit.

"Look, the effect of my slap is not bad!" Xu Dong laughed.

Fang Qing was frightened to death, she was in no mood to joke with Xu Dong.She glared at Xu Dong, quickly pushed him back into the room, and said to the other person, "Hurry up and take him back, nothing happened tonight, remember?"

The man was also frightened to death, nodded quickly, then helped Shen Yan into the car, turned around and left, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Fang Qing shook her head, and after returning to the house, she called the property owner and asked the property owner to send someone over to clean it.Then he said to Xu Dong with a solemn face: "Remember, don't conflict with Shen Yan. Fortunately, Shen Yan was drunk tonight, and I probably won't remember what happened just now tomorrow, otherwise you will be finished!"

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of him!" Xu Dong laughed.

"You really don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!" Fang Qing glared at Xu Dong angrily, "I know you just brought down Liu Zhendong, but the Shen family is definitely not comparable to Liu Zhendong, and the energy of the Shen family far exceeds that of Xu Dong. Liu Zhendong! If you match up with the Shen family, you must be the one who suffers, there is no chance of getting lucky!"

"Okay, can't I stay away from him in the future?" Xu Dong continued to laugh, "Sister, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"It's better like this, alas, I hope Shen Yan won't remember anything tomorrow." Fang Qing had just taken two steps, when she suddenly let out an ouch, supported her waist and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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