Chapter 272
Until the afternoon, Tian Zhi just returned to Xiawan Village.

As soon as he entered his yard, Tian Zhigang raised his head and saw Xu Dong standing at the door of their house.

Tian Zhigang was taken aback, "Xiao...Xiaodong, why are you here?"

Xu Dong stared at Tian Zhigang with a straight face, "Brother Zhigang, you did a good job!"

Tian Zhigang was so frightened that his legs became weak and he almost knelt down, "Xiaodong, it's my fault, I'm sorry!"

"No, it's my sister-in-law that you're sorry for!" Xu Dong walked in front of Tian Zhigang and said in a deep voice, "Do you know that my sister-in-law cut her own wrist this morning and almost died!"

Tian Zhigang was stunned, and then he realized that Xu Dong didn't find out that he had stolen the water. After secretly heaving a sigh of relief, he said with a bitter face: "Xiaodong, I can't help it either! I know, your sister-in-law is a good woman, It is my good fortune to marry her in this life, but I really have no choice now."

"Just because the woman outside is pregnant with your child? Sister-in-law also gave birth to a child for you, why don't you feel sorry for her? Brother Zhigang, you are so stupid!"

Tian Zhigang sighed heavily, "I'm sure I'm to blame for this. Xiaodong, don't blame me. I know it's all my fault. I'm sorry for Xiaohui, I'm sorry for Yanzi, I'm sorry for them Girls!"

"So, are you determined to get a divorce?" Xu Dong asked angrily.

Tian Zhigang gritted his teeth and nodded.

A burst of anger welled up in Xu Dong's heart, and he said angrily: "Brother Zhigang, you are really fascinated by ghosts. Does that woman outside have a sister-in-law? If you do this, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

Although he was angry, he would rather demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage, Xu Dong wanted to persuade Tian Zhigang again.

But Zhang Xiaohui came out of the room, holding the door frame and staring at Tian Zhigang, "Xiaodong, don't talk about it, this marriage, I'm divorced!"

Tian Zhigang looked at Zhang Xiaohui in surprise, opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Xu Dong persuaded: "Sister-in-law, calm down, brother Zhigang is also confused for a while, just wait for him to figure it out."

Zhang Xiaohui shook her head, "You were right just now, even if we don't rely on him, our mother and I can survive. I have hands and feet, why do I have to cling to him! His heart has been hooked by the vixen outside. Gone, it doesn't belong to our wives at all. He doesn't want our wives, and I don't care about him. From now on, I have nothing to do with him!"

"Xiaohui!" Tian Zhigang opened his mouth, and finally said, "I'm sorry for you!"

Zhang Xiaohui's face was frosty, but she didn't look at Tian Zhigang at first.

The matter has come to this point, there is no way to undo it, Xu Dong sighed and said, "If this is the case, then leave. But you must leave a place for your sister-in-law, you still have a house in the town, then you have to buy this house Leave it to her."

Tian Zhigang nodded quickly, "Sure, besides this house, I will give her another 5 yuan, and I will also pay for the child's tuition and living expenses! Yanzi is still young, so I will let her live in the town for the time being, so that it is convenient for her to study. , let her go back to live in the village after the holiday."

Zhang Xiaohui didn't make a sound, so she agreed.

Afterwards, Xu Dong drove them to the town to obtain a divorce certificate, and then brought them back to the village.

Tian Zhigang simply packed up his clothes, and then went out. Zhang Xiaohui heard the sound of the car starting, couldn't bear it anymore, fell down on the sofa and cried loudly.

A good couple, a good family, just ruined like this, the happy life in the past can never be found again!
Zhang Xiaohui is really in extreme pain now.

Xu Dong persuaded her for a while, then quickly called Qiuxiang over, and asked Qiuxiang to accompany Zhang Xiaohui, firstly to enlighten Zhang Xiaohui, and secondly, to prevent her from being overwhelmed and doing something stupid again.

Under Qiuxiang's persuasion, Zhang Xiaohui's mood gradually stabilized. In order to prevent her from thinking about others and thinking about sad things, Qiuxiang took her to a villa on the mountain, and the two women could just be companions.

Xu Dong has not been idle, he has been secretly investigating in the village, and at night he moved back into the bamboo house next to the orange orchard, trying to find out the ghost.

But one night passed, the weather was calm, and the inner ghost did not appear.

The next afternoon, Xu Dong was busy working in the fields, and Tian Zhi had just returned from the county.

"Xiaodong, is Xiaohui okay?" Seeing Xu Dong, Tian Zhigang hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help asking.

"Since you can't let go of your sister-in-law, why do you have to divorce her?" Xu Dong had a big opinion on Tian Zhigang, and said unceremoniously: "Even if you want a son, it's not that sister-in-law can't have one. Women outside are really so good? "

Tian Zhigang said sarcastically: "Xiaodong, it's all my fault, I was also confused for a while...but it's too late to talk about it now, Huihui is pregnant with my child, I can't leave them alone."

Xu Dong secretly shook his head, Tian Zhigang's mind was completely on that woman named Huihui now, it would be futile to tell him more.

Although he felt uncomfortable and had a lot of opinions on Tian Zhigang, he didn't bother to say anything more. After washing his hands, he said, "Forget it, the marriage is divorced, so go ahead and do what you should do. I hope you won't regret it in the future!"

As a result, Tian Zhigang didn't go away, but stood beside him, hesitating to speak.

"Why, you have something to do with me?" Xu Dong asked Tian Zhigang sideways.

Tian Zhigang didn't sleep all night last night. Firstly, he had just divorced Zhang Xiaohui and he was in a difficult mood. Second, it was because of the paper bag Huihui gave him.

Stealing water from Xu Dong's pool was already embarrassing for him, and asking him to add medicine to the pool was really beyond his acceptable range.

Not to mention that Xu Dong cured his hidden illness for many years and turned him into a real man again, just say that in the past half a year, under Xu Dong's care, he has made a lot of money, which is as much as what he used to be one or two years ago. annual income.

If he poured medicine into the pool again, he would be too sorry for Xu Dong, and he would be too worthless.

But thinking of Huihui and the child in Huihui's womb, he was shaken again.

After hesitating all night, Tian Zhigang still couldn't make a decision. When he came here today, he also put the paper bag in his pocket by accident.

"'s fine!"

Tian Zhigang was startled by Xu Dong, and hurried out of the shed.

Looking up at Daqing Mountain not far away, Tian Zhigang sighed.

He was impulsive just now and almost confessed to Xu Dong, but he still couldn't muster up the courage in the end.

He was worried that Xu Dong would blame him, or even drive him away, and his year-end dividend would be gone.Without money, what would he use to marry Huihui, buy a car and a house.

What's more, Huihui's cousin promised him 50 yuan!

With this 50 yuan, he will definitely be able to buy a big house in the county, and Huihui will definitely marry him!

Thinking of this, Tian Zhigang couldn't help but get excited, and then left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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