Chapter 273

Xu Dong suddenly opened his eyes.

He came to the door lightly and looked out through the crack of the door.

On the way up the hill, a man was walking towards the pool.

The man did not light the lamp, and walked very slowly, looking around from time to time, very cautiously.

Even though there was no moon tonight, Xu Dong recognized Tian Zhigang at a glance.

"It's him?!"

Xu Dong was very surprised. He had doubted many people, especially Li Erguai, but he had never doubted Tian Zhigang.

It's not because Tian Zhigang is so loyal, but because Xu Dong has never treated him badly in the past six months.

In his hands, Tian Zhigang can not only get a high salary, but also get the most monthly bonuses.In the past six months, Tian Zhigang has received more than [-] yuan in money, and there is still a large amount of dividends waiting for him at the end of the year.

Therefore, as long as Tian Zhigang is not stupid, he will never do anything that will damage the vegetable base.

Xu Dong didn't disturb Tian Zhigang, and continued to observe silently.He still had the last trace of luck in his heart, maybe Tian Zhigang just came to check the water pump.

At this time, Tian Zhigang tiptoed to the pool. After observing the surrounding area, he quietly filled two plastic buckets with water.

Each bucket can hold at least [-] kilograms of water, and two buckets are [-] kilograms.

It seems that Tian Zhigang is undoubtedly the one who stole the water!
Xu Dong's last sliver of luck was lost, and instead, a wave of anger surged up.

Not to mention that he cured Tian Zhigang's illness, he has never treated Tian Zhigang badly in the past six months. betrayed him.

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, when Xu Dong was about to rush out to question Tian Zhigang, he suddenly saw Tian Zhigang take out a paper bag from his pocket.

Xu Dong narrowed his eyes and stopped walking.

I saw Tian Zhigang hesitated for a moment, then opened the mouth of the bag, and poured the powder inside into the sink.

But it was only halfway down, Tian Zhigang stopped, and said to himself by the pool: "Xiaodong, I am sorry for you, don't worry, when I get married with Huihui, when the child in her belly is born Come down, I will definitely repay you like a bull and a horse!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Zhigang threw the remaining half bag of medicinal powder into the nearby bushes, picked up two buckets of water, and walked down the mountain with difficulty.

After Tian Zhigang walked away, Xu Dong walked out of the house, found the paper bag in the bushes, picked out a little powder and smelled it, Xu Dong immediately frowned.


As he guessed, the powder in the paper bag was pesticide.

Although this kind of pesticide will not have any effect on vegetables, it will remain in a large amount in vegetables and can only be removed after a few days.

During this period, if the vegetables with pesticide residues are eaten by people, they will be poisoned.

And he would pick a batch of vegetables every morning and send them out.

In other words, if he didn't find out tonight, there would be a lot of pesticides left in the vegetables sent out tomorrow, and all the customers who ate the vegetables would be poisoned by then.

Fortunately, Tian Zhigang still had a little conscience, and only half of the pesticide in the bag was sprinkled, which would not cause death, but vomiting and diarrhea would definitely be inevitable after eating such vegetables.

As a result, it is conceivable that once many people eat his vegetables and cause food poisoning, the police will definitely be alerted. At that time, he will not only lose a lot of money, but also lose his reputation, and no one will buy his vegetables again. up.

What's more, if a weak customer ate his food and died in the end, then he would go to jail.

And Jia Dongsheng from Dongyang County was able to take advantage of the situation and grab all the customers.

Xu Dong's face turned livid. He really didn't expect that Tian Zhigang was not only ungrateful, but also did such a heartless thing, helping outsiders to harm him!

What a jerk!
I was really blind before, to believe in such a bastard.

And that Jia Dongsheng, in order to grab business, even ordered Tian Zhigang to poison him, he is also a beast.

Xu Dong became furious, and immediately turned off the water pump by the pool, then took out several bottles of detoxification pills from the space of the Chaos Origin Bead, and sprinkled them all into the pool.

A moment later, as the Jiedu pills were all dissolved, all the pesticides in the pool water were also completely dissolved.

After confirming that the water source was clean, Xu Dong turned on the water pump again and continued to supply water to the vegetable greenhouses down the mountain.

Afterwards, Xu Dong quickly descended the mountain and quickly caught up with Tian Zhigang.But he didn't disturb Tian Zhigang, but followed from afar.

After Tian Zhigang carried two buckets of water down the mountain, he put them on the truck that delivered vegetables to the county every day, and covered them with sacks, then Shi Shiran rode his motorcycle to the town.

As soon as Tian Zhigang left, Xu Dong came to the truck.As the saying goes, coming but not going is indecent, since Jia Dongsheng does everything he can, he won't be polite to someone surnamed Jia.

After unscrewing the lids of the two buckets of water, Xu Dong took out two pills from the chaotic bead space and threw them in respectively.

Contrary to Jia Dongsheng, the two pills used by Xu Dong are harmless to humans, but very deadly to herbs.

Since Jia Dongsheng wanted to harm him, then he just waited to taste the consequences of his own evil!

After finishing these, Xu Dong covered the two buckets of water with sacks again, and then went back to the mountain.

The next morning, Tian Zhigang came to the village and drove a truck full of vegetables towards the county town on time as usual.

Like the previous few times, after all the vegetables were unloaded, Tian Zhigang drove to the side road next to him.A van was waiting for him here, and Jia Dongsheng was standing beside it.

Seeing Tian Zhigang's car coming, Jia Dongsheng quickly threw away his cigarette butt, walked over quickly and asked, "Is everything settled?"

"It's done!" Tian Zhigang said.

"Is that packet of medicinal powder spilled into the pond?" Jia Dongsheng asked excitedly.

"Hmm!" Tian Zhigang said worriedly, "Those medicinal powders won't kill people, right?"

"No, at most it's diarrhea!"

Tian Zhigang breathed a sigh of relief, "I won't do this kind of thing again in the future, Xu Dong treats me well, it's really inhuman for me to do this!"

"Don't worry, it's only this time, there won't be a next time!" Jia Dongsheng patted Tian Zhigang's shoulder excitedly, "You did a good job this time. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. Wait until you and Huihui get married." If you are married, come and help me, and then I will give you [-]% of the dry stock, and I guarantee that you will earn more than you do now!"

He handed Tian Zhigang a cigarette, and Jia Dongsheng lit it for him again, "Now you only have one last task left, which is to get that kid Xu Dong's secret recipe. Don't worry, I will definitely not treat you badly, as long as you can get it When it comes to the secret recipe, in addition to 100% dry shares, I will give you 100 million! With this [-] million, you can buy a house. After the child in Huihui's belly is born, you young couple will bring the child to live in the new house. In the house!"

Tian Zhigang wanted to refuse, but after hearing what Jia Dongsheng said, he took it back when it came to his lips.

"Then... let me try, but I can't guarantee that I can get the secret recipe!"

"Believe in yourself, you can do it!" Jia Dongsheng patted Tian Zhigang on the shoulder and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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