rural little Shennong

Chapter 290 Goal

Chapter 290 Goal
Xu Dong thought that Fang Qing had dark circles under her eyes because she was too busy with work and often stayed up late, but to his surprise, Fang Qing and Jiang Ran showed embarrassment when she heard his question, and she smiled unnaturally Said: "Maybe I'm tired."

Xu Dong was a little suspicious, thinking that Fang Qing was not telling the truth, but Fang Qing had said so, and it was not convenient for him to break the casserole and ask the end.

"That's just right, take a good rest these days, and I'll prepare some medicine to help you take care of your body."

Fang Qing nodded, looked at the furnishings in the room, and was full of admiration, "It's really troublesome for you, the preparation is so thoughtful, and the conditions here are much better than I imagined!"

"I basically didn't care, it was all prepared by sister Qiuxiang. All the sheets and bedding are brand new, and they have been washed and exposed to the sun, so they are [-]% clean, and other things are also new. Don't worry, if you need anything, just follow me or Tell Sister Qiuxiang, don't be polite." Xu Dong laughed.

"It's really hard for her!" Fang Qing said with emotion.

"It's okay, Miss Qiuxiang is happier than me when she knows you are coming!" Xu Dong laughed.

At this time, Guoguo asked sweetly, "Dad, is this your home?"

"That's right, this is Dad's home!" Xu Dong kissed Guoguo's pink cheek, and said with a smile, "It will be Guoguo's home from now on, do you like it?"

"I like it!" Guoguo smiled happily with bright eyes.

Xu Dong came to the next room with Guoguo in his arms, and when he opened the door, there was half a room full of toys inside, all kinds of toys.

Guoguo cheered "Wow", slipped out of Xu Dong's arms immediately, and rushed towards the toys in the room, having a great time playing.

Fang Qing smiled wryly, "You'll spoil her like this!"

"It's okay, girls, you should pamper me a little bit, otherwise some bad boy will come and cheat my precious girl away in the future, that won't work!" Xu Dong laughed.

Looking back at the other room, Xu Dong asked in a low voice: "Sister, where did that Shen Xi come from? Why do I think this person is a bit weird."

"She is Shen Yan's younger sister."

"Ah?" Xu Dong was stunned, "Didn't she come here to help Shen Yan keep an eye on her?"

"No!" Fang Qing shook her head, "Xiao Xi is different from her brother, she is quite a nice person, but—"

The words were so-so, Fang Qing didn't continue, and finally shook her head with a wry smile, "She may only stay for a few days and go back, Xiaodong, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble!"

"It's okay, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks!" Xu Donghun said indifferently.

After a while, Qiuxiang came back from the outside, seeing Fang Qing, Guoguo and the others, there was another burst of excitement.Qiuxiang really likes children, and it just so happens that Guoguo doesn't recognize her as a child, and she calls her auntie so sweetly that she is so happy that Qiuxiang hugs her in her arms and refuses to let go.

At noon, Xu Dong brought them back home with the gift Fang Qing had prepared for the two elders.Guoguo called grandpa and grandma in one mouthful, which made Xu Laiwang and He Xiuzhen burst into joy, and immediately held this little thing like a jade carving into a treasure in their hands, and they liked it very much.

After lunch, Xu Dong took Fang Qing and the others to visit his vegetable greenhouse, and then walked around the village.

Beside the Fairy River, Fang Qing looked at the undulating mountains all around, and she couldn't help feeling: "This place is really nice, it's like a paradise, I wish I could come here sooner!"

"It's not too late now, if you want, you can live here forever!" Xu Dong laughed.

"I don't think it's so good here!" Shen Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "It's too inconvenient, there is no shopping mall, no movie theater, and no coffee shop. It's okay to stay for a day or two. Will be insane!"

Xu Dong raised his brows, feeling a little displeased, "It's true that there are no such things as you mentioned here, but there are good mountains, water, and air here, as well as fresh vegetables and all kinds of mountain delicacies. Can you find these in the city?"

"The air in Haicheng is also pretty good, and the scenery in Forest Park is even better than here, and as long as you have money, you can buy the vegetables and wild game you mentioned!" Shen Xi confronted.

Xu Dong continued: "Then can you live in the forest park all the time? Living here, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery as soon as you go out, and you can take a breath of good air. There is an authentic virgin forest behind the house, which is not better than the park you mentioned. How much? And a hospital has been built here, and schools and shopping malls will be built in the future. By then, there will be all the cafes and cinemas you mentioned, and the living conditions will definitely not be much worse than those in the city!"

Fang Qing was surprised: "Xiaodong, is what you said true?"

"Yeah!" Xu Dong nodded, pointing to the sanatorium not far away and said, "The sanatorium has already been built there, and it will be expanded into a hospital in the future. I plan to build another school near there this year, from kindergarten to high school There are all of them. Besides these, I will build a building in the future, with shopping malls on the lower floors and office buildings on the upper floors, just like in the city.”

Shen Xi curled her lips, "There are no people here, and you still open a shopping mall, it's your fault!"

Fang Qing nodded, "This is indeed a problem. Everything is good here, but there are too few people."

Xu Dong said with a smile: "Actually, there are quite a few people here now. Before the sanatorium officially opened, all the rooms have been booked, especially the villas in the back, which have been booked until the end of next year. Wait for the Qinglong Mountain tour to start." Get up, there are more people coming here, maybe one shopping mall will not be enough by then. Sister, when I finish building the school, if you don’t worry, you can send Guoguo here, or you can come together, anyway, from here It won't take long to go to Haicheng."

Shen Xi immediately said: "How can it be done? Even if you build a school, the quality of education will definitely be incomparable to that in Haicheng."

Fang Qing mused thoughtfully, "Xiaodong, do you want to build another Huaxi Village here?"

"You can also say that, but the natural conditions here are much better than Huaxi Village. As long as we do well, I think our village has greater potential than Huaxi Village, and we will be able to develop better than Huaxi Village in the future."

Xu Dong looked at the Qinglong Mountain in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "One has to pursue something in one's life. I am just a farmer, and I don't have much promise. Now I just want to make the place where I grew up better. If If I can do this, then I will not be in vain to come to this world, and I can be regarded as worthy of the soil and water that raised me!"

Hearing this, Fang Qing and Shen Xi were both stunned.

Fang Qing stared blankly at Xu Dong, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on Xu Dong, as if casting a layer of golden light on his whole body.

She really didn't expect that Xu Dong still had such a big ambition in his heart.

Beyond Huaxi Village, is this worthless?

So what does it mean to be promising?
(End of this chapter)

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