Chapter 291
Make Xiawan Village a better village than Huaxi Village?

It has to be said that Xu Dong's goal is exaggerated.For anyone to say this, it may be wishful thinking.

Everyone knows that Huaxi Village is good, and everyone hopes that their village can become another Huaxi Village.

But is Huaxi Village really that easy to build?Don't you see, how many Huaxi villages are there in China now?

However, when these words came out of Xu Dong's mouth, people had to admit that there was a real hope that they could become a reality.

Among other things, Xu Dong now owns almost the world's top super-grade vegetable plantation, which brings him a lot of cash income every year, which provides him with the most solid foundation for realizing his ambition, and it is also difficult for others to obtain scarce resources. , has very strong competitiveness.

Moreover, with the further expansion of the vegetable plantation, the reputation of the vegetable base will also increase. The fruits and vegetables produced from this vegetable base are expected to become famous fruit and vegetable brands in the country and even in the world.At that time, Xu Dong's vegetable plantation can even be launched as a scenic spot, and it will definitely be very popular.

In addition, Xu Dong also has superb medical skills. As his reputation does not increase and his hospital is successfully completed, there will definitely be patients from all over the country, and even from all over the world, who will come here to see him. More people come here to seek medical treatment and medicine, which will definitely drive the local economy.

Agriculture with one hand and medical skills with the other, these are the two magic weapons that Xu Dong holds firmly in his hands.

Coupled with the first-class geographical conditions of Xiawan Village and the beautiful natural scenery of Qinglong Mountain, more and more people will come to Xiawan Village for tourism or even to settle here in the future.

Xiawan Village will definitely become more and more lively and prosperous in the future. By then, the blueprint drawn by Xu Dong is really likely to become a reality.

Maybe in less than ten years, Xiawan Village will become another Huaxi Village. Everyone in the village lives in a villa, everyone drives a small car, young people work in village-run enterprises, and old people walk and play chess in the park built by the village every day. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, enjoying the happiest life.

Fang Qing looked at Xu Dong, a little lost in thought.

She clearly remembered that when she first met Xu Dong, Xu Dong was still worrying about the sales of oranges, and was even made things difficult by the fruit merchants in the county.At that time, Xu Dong was walking on the street carrying a snakeskin bag full of oranges. No matter where he looked, he was just the most ordinary farmer.

Who would have thought that Xu Dong would have grown to such a height in less than half a year, and what was even more unexpected was that he had such lofty ambitions and strong self-confidence in his heart.

Fang Qing suddenly smiled, "You still say you are just a worthless farmer, compared to you, I'm just a rice bug waiting to die!"

Xu Dong quickly said: "Sister, you can't say that, in my heart, you have always been the object of my admiration!"

"What do you admire about me?" Fang Qing laughed dumbly, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, if there is anything I can help you, just tell me, don't be polite to me!"

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you!" Xu Dong laughed.

After joking around, the three of them were about to go back.

Several cars suddenly drove towards Xiawan Village, and the one in front was a black Daben with a Haicheng license plate.

When passing by Xu Dong and the others, the black Daben stopped first, and the one who got out of the car was actually Shen Yan.

Shen Yan was wearing a black woolen overcoat, his hair was combed meticulously, his leather shoes were polished brightly, and his whole body was well groomed.

Seeing Fang Qing, Shen Yan showed a bright smile on his face, walked over quickly and said, "Xiao Qing, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Xu Dong and Fang Qing immediately turned their heads and looked at Shen Xi. Shen Xi shook his head hastily, "I never told him that we are here!"

Shen Yan said with a smile: "Xiaoxi really didn't tell me that you were here, I happened to be here this time on business."

At this time, a person got out of the second car. It was Wu Tianming, the mayor of Nanshan Town.

Seeing Xu Dong, Wu Tianming walked over quickly, heard their conversation, and asked in surprise, "Xiaodong, do you know Boss Shen?"

Xu Dong smiled and said, "I met him some time ago. Boss Shen is very polite and generous. He also took care of my business and made me a small profit."

Well, it's true that I didn't earn much, only 2000 million!

"..." The corners of Shen Yan's mouth twitched, and the smile on his face became stiff in an instant.

Fang Qing held back a smile and glanced at Xu Dong, who smiled and didn't say any more.

"Shen Yan, what are you doing here?" Fang Qing asked.

Shen Yan looked at Qinglong Mountain in the distance, and said with a smile: "This matter is still kept secret from the outside world, but it's okay to tell you. The elders in the family have set the tone. From this year, our Shen family is going to develop a batch of cultural tourism projects. Qinglong Mountain is the natural treasure of our Haicheng, and it is also the first batch of our investigation objects. The preliminary investigation has already been done, but I still have to come and see it in person. If it is suitable, I will prepare to finalize it and start developing it immediately in the beginning of the year The tourism project of Qinglong Mountain can also be regarded as a contribution to the hometown."

Fang Qing's face changed slightly, and she immediately turned to look at Xu Dong.

She had just heard Xu Dong's blueprint and knew that Xu Dong was also planning to develop Qinglong Mountain, but she didn't expect Shen Yan to have such a plan.

Although no matter who develops it, once Qinglong Mountain's tourism industry develops, it will definitely benefit the people nearby, but for Xu Dong and Xiawan Village, the result may be completely different.

If it is developed by Xu Donglai, the entrance of the scenic spot may be arranged near Xiawan Village, so that Xiawan Village can enjoy the greatest benefits.

But once Shen Yan comes to develop it, if the entrance of the scenic spot is chosen at another location, even on the other side of Qinglong Mountain, then Xiawan Village may not enjoy any benefits.

This is definitely a heavy blow to Xu Dong's plan.

Fang Qing is not an ordinary professional woman. She is in charge of a large supermarket chain and has a very good business acumen, so she can think clearly about the key points almost immediately.

The reason why she immediately looked at Xu Dong was because she was worried that Xu Dong could not figure out the key point and how powerful it was, so she wanted to remind Xu Dong.

But she was obviously overthinking, so Xu Dong nodded to her, signaling her not to worry, and then asked, "Why is Mr. Shen suddenly interested in Qinglong Mountain?"

Shen Yan said with a smile: "It can't be said that it was sudden. The family has always intended to enter the cultural tourism area, and the investigation of Qinglong Mountain has also been carried out for a long time."

"Qinglong Mountain is huge, if it is fully developed, it will require a lot of funds." Xu Dong said.

"I know this, so we are going to invest [-] million in advance, and we will continue to invest in the future. The total investment will definitely exceed [-] billion!"

"Are you going to develop it alone?" Xu Dong asked again.

"With the financial resources of our Shen family, there is no problem in investing one billion yuan in a project, not to mention that the project of Qinglong Mountain is almost guaranteed without compensation! By the way, Mr. Xu seems to live near here. I wonder if you can Take us there to see?"

Shen Yan patted the non-existing dust on his sleeves, with a usual indifferent smile on his face, showing a kind of pride and confidence of a son from a wealthy family.

(End of this chapter)

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