rural little Shennong

Chapter 731 No clue

Chapter 731 No clue
Looking at the test results in his hands, Xu Dongfei didn't feel angry, but heaved a long sigh of relief.

It seems that my judgment is not wrong, someone has indeed injected mercury into it.

Xu Dong threw the test results directly into the shredder, and soon the test results turned into pieces of paper. Xu Dong took half of the paper notes at this time.

"Don't tell anyone about this matter." Xu Dong's face was gloomy, Shi Zhongming didn't ask any further questions, but just followed suit: "Understood, Mr. Xu."

After getting the result, Xu Dong immediately asked people to investigate the results and investigate, and found that this time it was like mercury falling from the sky for no reason.

Looking at the information Xu Tao gave him, Xu Dong frowned more and more: "You mean you have no clue at all, right?"

Xu Tao is inevitably a little embarrassed, but the fact is true: "That's right, but don't worry, I will continue to investigate until I give you a satisfactory result."

After getting his assurance, Xu Dong nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to give me a result." After Xu Dong's voice fell, Xu Tao left in a hurry.

In fact, what really surprised Xu Dong was not because he couldn't find out, but because this matter had nothing to do with Sheng Yu.

He thought that after he released the news, Sheng Yu wanted to add insult to injury and cause problems in his industrial chain, so as to take advantage of the situation and enter into a cooperation with Dongjiang Pharmaceutical.

As a result, it never occurred to her that this matter had nothing to do with Sheng Yu.

Now, his calculations are about to start again.

Originally, he was thinking of playing tricks, but when the time came, he would borrow the donkey from the slope to agree to Sheng Yu's matter, and let him fall into his own trap.

But he didn't expect that this matter had nothing to do with him, so it would be troublesome.

Xu Dong thought about this, and his doubts deepened. At this moment, he suddenly received a call from Zhu Xinyu: "Reliable news, Shang Jun and the others told me that they will do it in two weeks, so I will give you time It's only half a month away."

Less than half a month... Xu Dong unconsciously looked away, the pen in his hand became tighter and tighter, and even the plastic creaked.

Even if this matter is still at a loss, Xu Dong doesn't want Zhu Xinyu to worry too much, and now he just agrees: "Okay, there is no problem, I will definitely take care of this matter."

Zhu Xinyu thought that Xu Dong's matter was already on the horizon, and now she agreed affectionately, and then hung up the phone.

After Zhu Xinyu hung up the phone, she turned around and found that her father was also standing behind her.

Almost frightened out of his wits, he covered his chest with his hands, panting heavily, and complained to Zhu Qishan: "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Didn't you love to drink before, why don't you know how to drink now but keep staring at yourself?
Of course Zhu Qishan liked to drink before, but now that her daughter has been suspended, she must be in a bad mood. She is also afraid that her daughter will do something stupid, so she can only accompany her well.

But this point, he will not let Zhu Xinyu know.

Zhu Xinyu has enough things to worry about, now don't feel bad about being in a bad old man's mood.

But just now, she seemed to be on the phone with Xu Dong?

I have said everything I could say before, but if I still can't persuade her, then I just let her go. The most important thing is that my daughter is happy.

Zhu Xinyu looked at Zhu Qishan's strange eyes, and didn't know what to say for a while.

My father is good everywhere, but he is too fussy, and I can't wait to rush to my side immediately when I have something to do.

Now that it's all right, he's finally able to stay here, and he probably feels happy in his heart.

Zhu Xinyu put his hands on Zhu Qishan's shoulders, turned his head and led Zhu Qishan back to his room step by step.

"Smelly girl, you want me to go back to my room to sleep in broad daylight?" Zhu Qishan thought it was Zhu Xinyu, and felt that he was annoying, so he quickly complained.

After Zhu Xinyu heard what Zhu Qishan said, she felt helpless in her heart: "Oh, what are you thinking about? Didn't you hear that you got a new good set of Go, so you wanted to play two games with you?"

This stinky chess basket usually doesn't play chess very well, but I didn't buy this chess at all.

Hearing what Zhu Xinyu said, Zhu Qishan finally burst into laughter, went in quickly, took out the flag he had hidden, and went straight to the study.

The father and daughter played Go all afternoon, Zhu Xinyu lost to Zhu Qishan just right every time.

No matter how stupid Zhu Qishan was, he could tell now that his daughter was giving way to him on purpose.

He purposely elongated his face and looked at Zhu Xinyu with reproachful eyes: "Stinky girl, how can you play chess like this?"

"Why not? This is what I call playing chess to make Dad happy." Zhu Xinyu smiled brightly after speaking, seeing that Zhu Xinyu's mood didn't seem to be troubled by the stop, Zhu Qishan felt relieved.

He is just such a daughter, who suffered a lot because of the family before, and finally able to re-cultivate now, she must not be allowed to be hit again.

But his daughter seems to be stronger than he imagined, isn't it now?

The father and daughter enjoyed themselves happily, and Xu Dong was really busy.

Since the hot spring water has been injected with mercury, the construction can only be resumed after the hot spring water circulates in the pipeline.

Not to mention the time and money wasted, this incident alone seems to have affected Qinglongshan's external publicity.

Especially those who originally wanted to see Xu Dong's jokes were even more delighted now.

One by one even made a special call to express condolences. Xu Dong was able to block them all in a few words, but it was a pity that the hotline of Qinglong Mountain was occupied for a long time, and some tourists who really wanted to come and play couldn't get through. Come in.

In the end, Xu Dong didn't do anything, and simply asked Xu Tao to write a small program. In this way, except for those who ordered tickets in Qinglong Mountain, the rest of the people could not make calls.

In this way, the phone calls from Qinglong Mountain were finally stopped for a while.

However, it is not an option to continue like this. The most urgent task is to investigate who wrote it.

It wasn't Sheng Yu's handwriting that surprised Xu Dong enough. After all, he has only offended such a person these days.

(End of this chapter)

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