Chapter 732
In addition, those people who have had quarrels with him are either staying in prison now, or they have already entered Liu Wei's sight range, staring at them all the time.

I can't, it's really a ghost.

Xu Dong didn't believe in this evil. Someone must have done it on purpose, but it just destroyed the monitoring of his own signal enhancement.

Moreover, this person's skills should not be inferior to his own, otherwise how could he have such a great ability?

Wait a minute, what if it's not just skill, but cultivation?
Thinking of this, Xu Dong's eyes lit up instantly, as if he vaguely guessed who did it.

Xu Dong dialed Zhu Xinyu's number without even thinking about it. Zhu Xinyu on the other end of the phone seemed to have just finished running and was still out of breath: "What's the matter, the movement is blocked, do you need my help?"

Subconsciously, Zhu Xinyu thought it was about arresting Sato, so she hurriedly opened her mouth, but Xu Dong quickly rejected Zhu Xinyu's kindness at this time: "No, I have other matters to ask you."

other things?
Zhu Xinyu was a little puzzled, he had left the Guoan team now, and it seemed that he had no information to continue to help Xu Dong.

Could it be that he forgot this?

Zhu Xinyu really thought that Xu Dong had forgotten that he had been suspended, and when he opened his mouth to explain, he heard Xu Dong's voice: "How much do you know about the ancient martial arts family?"

"Why are you asking about this all of a sudden?" Zhu Xinyu was still a little vigilant, it was true that he had brought himself out of Yao's house before.

However, the scope of the Gu Wu family is too huge. If Xu Dong wants this big cake from the Gu Wu family, he is likely to include himself in the end.

The vigilance in Zhu Xinyu's words was too obvious. After Xu Dong heard it, he said without thinking: "It's actually very simple. My Qinglong Mountain has been tampered with, but I can't find it out no matter how I check. I suspect it is very serious." It's possible that someone from the ancient martial arts family did it."

Zhu Xinyu was about to take a sip of water, when she heard what Xu Dong said, she spit out a sip of water: "Pfft, no way, Qinglong Mountain didn't invite them to provoke them, how could it be that they did it, they are usually very busy , there should be no time to answer."

Xu Dong didn't know how to explain to Zhu Xinyu about the formation on Qinglong Mountain, so now he can only continue to say to himself: "In short, this matter is true. In a short time, I can't explain it to you. You Just tell me how much you know."

Zhu Xinyu fell into a long silence.

To say that she knew a lot, but how to tell Xu Dong, I'm afraid she would have to think of a more appropriate way.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Xinyu glanced at her father who was coming down from the bedroom, and instead of answering Xu Dong's question, she asked Zhu Qishan, "Dad, do you want someone to drink with you?"

When he heard about drinking, Zhu Qishan's eyes lit up, like a wolf that had been hungry for several days and suddenly saw meat: "Of course I want to, but it's not the same thing after all."

What kind of thing is it to drink and fight with the daughter I raised.

After Zhu Xinyu heard what he said, she nodded quite comprehensibly. Since he felt that this was not the same thing, she would change someone else to drink with him.

"It's okay, I'll find someone to come over to drink with you." After Zhu Xinyu finished speaking, she then said to Xu Dong on the other end of the phone: "If you are free this Saturday, come over to my house. I think my dad can tell you better than me. I can tell you more."

Well, it seems that the drink is inevitable.

But since he was able to let himself know about the ancient martial arts family, Xu Dong felt that it was actually quite worthwhile.

So Xu Dong agreed without even thinking about it: "Okay, it's a deal, and the food and drink can be served as your father likes."

"Of course. Could it be that you really think that you are my uncle and deserve me to prepare food for you?" Zhu Xinyu burst out laughing after speaking, the laughter was hearty and hearty, as if she hadn't been affected at all.

Hearing Zhu Xinyu's laughter, Xu Dong couldn't help fermenting in a low voice. The two laughed on the phone for a long time, and then they both stopped laughing as if they suddenly realized something.

Zhu Xinyu looked at her father looking at her and shut up instantly, tried her best to control her emotions, not to blush, and hung up the phone neatly: "I have something else to hang up beforehand."

Xu Dong was hung up just like that.

After being hung up, Xu Dong just smiled slightly, thinking that it was actually quite interesting.

Perhaps between myself and Zhu Xinyu, such a state is the best state.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dong looked at the missed call displayed on his phone, only to realize that the time he called Zhu Xinyu just now happened to be the time Sheng Yu called him.

Xu Dong deliberately delayed the time, but he didn't intend to connect.

After all, he has his own pride, okay? Besides, if he calls back in a hurry now, maybe Sheng Yu will think that all this is really a trap.

Xu Dong held his mobile phone and looked at the clock on the wall. After 5 minutes, Sheng Yu's phone rang again. Xu Dong still looked at the clock, and did not answer until the phone was about to hang up automatically.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Sheng Yu's sneering voice came from the other end of the phone: "You still know how to answer the phone, I thought some people had committed suicide because they were devastated recently."

On the contrary, Xu Dong got used to the yin and yang voice. If he was really polite to him one day, he should think carefully about whether this guy dug a hole somewhere and waited for him to jump.

Xu Dong was not ambiguous, and said simply and neatly: "Why are you in a hurry to add insult to injury, aren't you?"

"How dare I? I came here to send charcoal in a timely manner. I don't know when you will be free to meet me?" Sheng Yu knew that the current Xu Dong would definitely be willing to answer the phone with him, wasting some time.

After all, he has no extra money to waste, and the only choice now is to waste time.

Xu Dong frowned unconsciously after hearing what he said.

This person really can open a dyeing workshop by giving him three points of color. Is it possible that he really feels that he is controlled by others, so he should take a good look at his face?
If it wasn't for acting, Xu Dong would have hung up the phone a long time ago, and by the way, he would be in trouble with the Sheng Group.

(End of this chapter)

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