Chapter 734
Ma Sisi's expression was not good, and she nodded at Xu Dong: "There is a problem with the promotion of Qinglong Mountain, so I have to go there."

"Did someone expose the matter of the second phase of the project?" Xu Dong frowned. He had been strictly guarded and said that he would never disclose the matter of the second phase of the project.

Unexpectedly, in the end, they still fell short and let them stab it out.

Ma Sisi nodded quickly and said yes: "There is nothing wrong with that, and I don't know what's going on. All in all, now I can only take one step at a time."

As soon as Ma Sisi finished speaking, he rushed out, and of course it was impossible for Xu Dong to let Ma Sisi go alone.

He turned around and got into the car, and opened the co-pilot's door for Ma Sisi: "Get in the car, let's go together."

Seeing that Xu Dong was also going, Ma Sisi seemed to have a little more confidence, nodded at Xu Dong quickly, threw the bag on the back seat, and got into the co-pilot by herself.

Xu Dong almost stepped on the accelerator all the way, but fortunately, the other party was sincere, and in the end the two sides met in Haicheng.

Xu Dong arrived a little earlier than the other party, and ordered all the dishes according to the taste of Yunzhou City.

When the person in charge over there came over, he saw Xu Dong, and all the dishes had already been served here.

She took the initiative to reach out her hand to Xu Dong, and introduced herself: "Hello, I am Feng Mingxia from the announcement. You can call me Xiao Feng."

This is a woman with short haircut, permed and dyed chestnut brown.

He is tall and tall, and his accent doesn't seem to be from here, but from the north.

But this is not important, the most important thing is to talk about this matter well, so that Qinglongshan can get through this difficulty.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong smiled at her: "Hi, I'm really sorry to trouble you. I asked you to come over so late. You can stay here tonight. I will arrange accommodation for you, and I will go back tomorrow morning for more Safety."

When Feng Mingxia heard what Xu Dong said, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I will pay for it myself. This is an official reimbursement, so I won't bother you."

I can't come here to talk about work by myself, and I have received benefits from others for no reason.

When Xu Dong heard what Feng Mingxia said, he felt a little more clear. It seemed that she was not willing to owe him favors.

However, this does not prevent them from having a good talk about things.

Feng Mingxia took out his computer and showed Xu Dong some public opinions on the computer: "This is some information we have seen recently, and some of them are complaint letters from our regular customers."

"You also know that we are a state-owned enterprise, and it is very troublesome to accept complaints. This is likely to punish our entire publicity department."

"Of course I don't mean to blame you, but we also really want to know what happened to this matter. Is it true, there is a problem with Qinglong Mountain itself, or is it because someone maliciously sabotaged it."

"Only in this way can we take corresponding actions when we know the truth, which can be regarded as the successful cleansing of Qinglong Mountain, so that you will not suffer unnecessary losses."

After Xu Dong heard what Feng Mingxia said, he subconsciously glanced at Ma Sisi. Ma Sisi accepted Feng Mingxia's words, and then said: "It was indeed framed."

Having said that, Ma Sisi let out a long sigh, looking like he was having a headache.

Seeing that Ma Sisi had spoken, Xu Dong decided to cook for Feng Mingxia.

At this time, Ma Sisi went on to explain: "Someone put mercury into our hot spring pipes, which caused a large number of workers to faint. But now the workers are fine, and they have been given some compensation."

"In addition, our hot spring pipeline has also been re-inspected, and it is now in the re-commissioning stage. It will be restarted after ensuring that there is no problem, so Qinglong Mountain will not have any problems."

Hearing what Ma Sisi said, Feng Mingxia let go of his heart completely: "That's good, but it's too late tonight. I'll discuss it with the people in the department after I go back tomorrow. About tomorrow's At that time, I will send you the draft we prepared for your review, what do you think?"

"Of course there is no problem, it's just hard work for you." In order to express his gratitude, Ma Sisi took the initiative to raise his glass.

Feng Mingxia couldn't drink, so he could only clink glasses with Ma Sisi with tea instead of wine, and then clinked glasses with Xu Dong: "I'm still a very happy partner. I hope that my rash interruption today didn't make you feel concerned."

The laughter of the three people spread outside the private room, and they were talking happily.

After the meal, Xu Dong and Ma Sisi took Feng Mingxia for a walk to enjoy the friendship between the host and the guest.

Then he found a hotel for Feng Mingxia, but no matter what Feng Mingxia said, in the end the money was paid by Xu Dong.

As for Xu Dong and Ma Sisi, they returned directly to the villa.

Qiuxiang and the others had been waiting to see that Xu Dong and Ma Sisi came back with a smile, and they were all relieved. It seemed that things were going well.

Early the next morning, Xu Dong went to Dongjiang Pharmaceutical to wait early, and Zhao Leige also entered the gate of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical during Dongjiang Pharmaceutical's working time.

Xu Dong watched Zhao Leige come in from the window, sat on the sofa, watched the door and waited quietly for Zhao Leige to knock on the office door.

Finally, the moment Zhao Leige knocked on the office door, Xu Dong immediately stood up and opened the office door for Zhao Leige.

Seeing Zhao Leige's unkind expression, Xu Dong knew that he might not agree with Sheng Yu's actions.

But so what?He's not the one to make up his mind.

Xu Dong specially poured a cup of tea for Zhao Leige, and then watched Zhao Leige put the cup of tea far away from his hand, obviously not intending to drink tea.

Xu Dong frowned slightly, but he thought to himself, what does it have to do with him whether he drinks tea or not, it's just right if he doesn't drink tea, he saves his tea money, and it's not him who is thirsty.

Zhao Leige put a file bag wrapped with plastic wrap layer by layer, even with a sealing strip, in front of Xu Dong.

"This is what you want, don't say I didn't give it to you."

Seeing Zhao Leige's appearance, Xu Dong knew it. It seemed that he hated him deeply, and felt that he might be the one who brought their young master down.

But he didn't think about it, if it's really a bad stomach, of course their young master is better.

Xu Dong opened this document in front of Zhao Leige, and it really contained the formula he wanted, and Director Xu Dong knew at a glance that this formula was indeed a strong control psychoactive drug.

(End of this chapter)

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