rural little Shennong

Chapter 735 Adventure Pharmacy

Chapter 735 Adventure Pharmacy
Although the original intention of asking for the formula was to prepare the antidote, Xu Dong still couldn't help but admire Zhao Leige's expression.

He looked up at Zhao Leige, and suddenly said, "How much money do you think I can make if I sell this formula?"

"How dare you!" Zhao Leige jumped up, as if he was going to eat Xu Dong alive.

Xu Dong just waved his hand, signaling him to be calm.

Zhao Leige calmed down slowly. It was true that he was too excited just now, not like the usual him at all.

However, he was still full of suspicion towards Xu Dong, even if Xu Dong asked him to stay here obediently, he couldn't just bear it.

He raised his eyes to meet Xu Dong's gaze, which was full of evil: "You'd better be honest, otherwise I won't let you go."

Xu Dong pretended to be scared, and patted himself on the chest: "It really scares people to death. Those who don't know think you are some kind of evil force."

This Zhao Leige is really scary.

But to a certain extent, he should be considered loyal to Sheng Yu, otherwise he wouldn't have such a bad attitude towards himself now.

Xu Dong put the document back into the document bag, took out the tape from the side, and pasted the original seal on purpose.

After pasting it up, I handed over the document bag and put it aside, and then said: "Don't worry, I won't give it to others casually. If others find out about this, we will all be in trouble. I am still clear about this."

You can't let Zhao Leige jump in a hurry now. If he really caused something here, he will be the one who will be in trouble in the end.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Zhao Leige's expression softened slightly: "That's good, I also hope that you can remember what you said today, and don't let me and the young master down."

Xu Dong nodded casually, but in his heart he was thinking who are they? If you let them down, you will be disappointed. You really gave them face, didn't you?

After sending Zhao Leige away, Shi Zhongming knocked on the door and came in at this time, looking at the document bag on the table, and when he wanted to take it over, he withdrew his hand and asked Xu Dong what he meant: "President Xu, Can I see it?"

Xu Dong nodded and didn't say much, he just reached out his hand to Shi Zhongming as a gesture, and he just took it to look at it.

After getting Xu Dong's consent, Shi Zhongming carefully opened the file, and when he saw the formula, he frowned tightly: "Are you really going to produce this? There are many ingredients on it, and they have all been realized in the past." Internationally banned ingredients."

Although his own company can obtain the confirmation, if someone finds out, it may be a fatal blow to Dongjiang Pharmaceutical.

Of course Xu Dong knew this, but that was all he could do now.

"There is no other way but to take a risk. Our target is not only him, but also the person behind him." At the end, Xu Dong also frowned unconsciously, and he didn't know when he could completely Completely solve Sato's trouble.

Shi Zhongming vaguely knew something about Sato, but
This is not something he can intervene in. The only thing he can do is to use Dongjiang Pharmaceutical as a bait to lure Sheng Yu into this trap.

Zhao Leige returned to Yusheng Group, Sheng Yu was in the office, and the Croatian march was still playing in the bluetooth speaker.

After Zhao Leige came in, Sheng Yu still didn't turn off the marching music, at most he just lowered his voice by two notches.

Zhao Leige stood obediently opposite Sheng Yu and waited for Sheng Yu to speak, but until his legs were about to stand still, Sheng Yu still didn't say anything.

Until Zhao Leige thought he had nothing to say to Sheng Yu and withdrew, Sheng Yu suddenly said: "Do you know why I called you here at this time?"

Zhao Leige subconsciously shook his head.

He really didn't know why he said that Sheng Yu was waiting for him in the office as soon as he returned to the company after he finished this matter.

After he came, Sheng Yu kept silent as if nothing had happened, and even the atmosphere became extraordinarily weird.

For Zhao Leige, Sheng Yu is not only his young master, the two have been together since they were young. When they were young, whether they were mischievous or serious about studying, they both supported them.

But now, everything seems to be different from before. Since the master passed away and the young master came to power, he is completely different from the previous young master.

Sheng Yu raised his eyes to look at Zhao Leige, he stood up slowly, and stood in front of Zhao Leige, only then did Zhao Leige realize that he and the young master were no longer the same size partners.

It has been a long time since Zhao Leige and Sheng Yu have been so close to each other in the Warring States Period. He always thought that the two of them would be the same tall partner standing together. It was not until today that he discovered that Sheng Yu was already half a head taller than himself. up.

He is half a year older than Sheng Yuxu, and I heard that when Sheng Yu was still in his wife's stomach, an eminent monk came to do the math, saying that he wanted to find someone with a hard life to save Sheng Yu from disaster.

He's the chosen one.

It's not hard life. Not long after he was born, when I hoped that Han was wrapped around his neck, in the cold weather, at the gate of the orphanage for a full half a day, he was still alive.

This was what the director of the orphanage told him later when he went back to visit the orphanage.

Sheng Yu looked down at Zhao Leige, he could even see a few white hairs on Zhao Leige's head.

The two were about the same age, and when Sheng Yu saw Zhao Leige's appearance, he touched his hair subconsciously, and also wanted to see if there were any white hairs in his hair.

But he still didn't touch his hair in the end.

He watched, Zhao Leige finally just shook his head helplessly: "I just want to tell you that you shouldn't be so repulsive about this cooperation."

"I don't mean to reject..." Even though he said so, Zhao Leige was very guilty.

He was indeed repelled, not only because he felt that he should be the only partner around Sheng Yu, but more importantly, he always felt that this Xu Dong was like a deep sea, with no end in sight.

It would definitely not be a good thing for Sheng Yu to cooperate with such a person.

It is true that Sheng Yu has deep thoughts, but sometimes he does not have the wisdom to know people.

Thinking of this, Zhao Leige raised his head very worriedly.

As soon as he raised his head, he happened to meet Sheng Yu's gaze, and he subconsciously took two steps back, looking a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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