rural little Shennong

Chapter 736 The So-called Brothers

Chapter 736 The So-called Brothers

Sheng Yu looked at Zhao Leige without saying anything, just raised his finger and pointed to the bookshelf beside him.

There was a small corner on the bookshelf, where there were some comic books that were incompatible with this office. Zhao Leige walked up slowly and found that these comic books were the ones they often read in the past.

"Young master, you are..." Zhao Leige was a little excited, looking back, he thought the young master was going to bring up the brotherhood between them again.

But what I didn't expect was that what Sheng Yu said chilled Zhao Leige's heart: "Assuming this entire bookshelf is me now, the friendship between you and me when we were young is like a comic book. Although he exists, but Just to be put in a corner."

"Even though I won't throw it away, I always regard him as a treasure, but he is no longer the most important part, do you understand?"

Zhao Leige fell down unconsciously and hit the bookshelf directly, causing the books on the shelf to fall to the ground.

The books fell to the ground in a mess, and some pages had even been stepped on by Sheng Yu's footprints.

Sheng Yu didn't have much reaction to this, he turned around, returned to his seat, pointed to the books on the ground, and said to Zhao Leige: "When you leave, remember to put the books on the ground. Clean things up for me."

After Sheng Yu finished speaking, Zhao Leige stood there in a daze for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything, it was honestly packing up his things.

Perhaps, this is what he should face.

After Zhao Leige packed his things, he turned and left.

Meanwhile, Xu Dong has started producing the drug.

When this kind of drug was just put into production, the workers on the production line even thought that Xu Dong had accidentally made a mistake in the prescription.

"Mr. Shi, this is wrong. These medicines cannot be produced at all. Even if they are produced, we have no way to market them for sale!"

"That's right, Mr. Shi, please go and ask Mr. Xu to see if he made a mistake."

Even these workers who do not involve the formula, but only know some simple raw materials of medicines, know that once this kind of medicine is produced, it is simply a poison that hurts people.

After Shi Zhongming heard what the workers said, he shook his head helplessly: "To be honest, I did know about this matter, but the only thing I can tell you is that President Xu definitely didn't want to do it on purpose. harm."

"Although you are producing this batch of drugs, they will not be sold on the market. The reason why you produced them is just to fool others."

What Xu Dong said just now is still vivid in his memory. Only when this medicine is produced, they know what the medicine looks like and what it will taste like, so they can make the antidote exactly like him.

Only in this way can Sheng Yu stop being suspicious and give the antidote to the children. Although he doesn't know how much the children's nerves have been damaged now, at least this can save their lives.

If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. Only if you still have your life can you continue to live well, isn't it?

Xu Dong has been waiting in the office for a few seconds. He doesn't know when all these medicines will be produced.

Finally, when all the workers of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical were about to close the production line to get off work, the medicine was packed in a small black box and rushed to Xu Dong's office.

There were only Xu Dong and Shi Zhongming in the office, and they looked at the medicine in front of them together.Only then did I discover that the difficulty of imitation is not generally high.

"Can this color be done with artificial food coloring?"

It's an almost peacock-like blue, as if the peacock's feathers have been plucked and incorporated into it.

The color is obvious and is the reaction of the two chemicals in it.If you want to create exactly the same characters, it can be said that it is extremely difficult, after all, the types of reactions between different chemicals are really missing a tiny bit, and the difference is huge.

Xu Dong supported his head with a headache, kneading it with his thumb and middle finger.The temples on both sides of oneself.

The soreness in his temples made Xu Dong calm down slowly.

What he can do now is to make the color of the pills he made as pure as possible, so that in the later dyeing process, he can ensure that there is more room to make the colors more similar.

But what I didn't expect now is that this color turned out to be a complete chemical reaction, not caused by a single ingredient.

For a moment, the two fell into a stalemate.

Xu Dong looked at the pills in front of him and made a decision: "Keep experimenting, the main thing is to bring all the food coloring related to blue, at worst, we will mix it bit by bit in the end. The workers who have worked hard these days Our production lines are open [-]/[-].”

As soon as Xu Dong's voice fell, Shi Zhongming could only call the workers back to work overtime.

Fortunately, Xu Dong's overtime pay is very considerable, so even though Dongjiang Pharmaceutical often works overtime, no one has any complaints.

The process of working overtime was also a torment for Xu Dong. He didn't return to the villa until late at night.

Everyone in the villa was already resting, only Chen Dan sat on the sofa and kept looking at the door. At the moment Xu Dong came in, the incident happened to collide with Xu Dong.

Seeing Chen Dan looking at the door expectantly, Xu Dong smiled bitterly in his heart, it seemed that she already knew what she had done.

There is no way to hide this, he can only do it on the sofa, gently hug Chen Dan into his arms, and slowly say: "If you want to ask anything, just ask, I won't hide it from you." .”

"Why do you want to cooperate with Sheng Yu? You don't know what the medicines he made are." Chen Dan didn't hesitate, and asked directly.

Chen Dan understands that the loss of competitiveness of those people means that the students he teaches are more competitive.However, being a teacher should not only look at your own achievements and the achievements of the students you teach.

As a teacher, she should pay more attention to the health of other children who are also students.

Although they took risks and made this wrong decision for their own short-term success, but also, what's wrong with those who want to succeed?
It is because they have done nothing wrong, so Chen Dan is paying extra attention now.

Hearing what Chen Dan said, Xu Dong knew about it. If he didn't explain it well, he might really be misunderstood.

Xu Dong poured himself a glass of water, and told Chen Dan clearly the cause and effect of this matter from beginning to end.

Chen Dan frowned tightly at the beginning, but at the end his brows finally relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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