rural little Shennong

Chapter 738 Old things

Chapter 738 Old things
Xu Dong has no interest in Go, the most he can do is to play a few games with Zhu Qishan, a stinky chess player.But for a person like Zhu Qishan, I am afraid that he can fight him a few times by himself.

So while playing chess, the two chatted about what Xu Dong had been doing these days, and they reached Qinglong Mountain.

"It's really strange to say it. My Qinglong Mountain is covered with surveillance cameras. Normally, I wouldn't give anyone a chance to poison it. As a result, something happened to my second phase of the project that day."

In fact, at the beginning, Xu Dong was just complaining to Zhu Qishan, and it never occurred to him that he would ask about the ancient martial arts family now.

After all, he said he came to drink with him, if he asked now, it would definitely make Zhu Qishan feel that he came on purpose.

It's not good to hurt the feelings of two people. It's not worthwhile to lose the year-end friendship that I finally found.

Zhu Qishan seemed to be very interested in the incident in Qinglong Mountain, with his ears pricked up, he didn't even play the chess in his hand, just sat opposite Xu Dong, listening to Xu Dong's narration carefully.

At the end, Xu Dong found that Zhu Qishan's face seemed to be slowly changing.

The moment Xu Dong saw Zhu Qishan's expression changed, he knew that there was probably something serious about it, and he looked at Zhu Qishan with doubts: "Brother Zhu, do you have your own opinion on this matter? Just say it as a favor to my brother."

The Zhu family used to be one of the ancient martial arts families, and they should be the most aware of the methods used by the family to encourage them.

Sure enough, after hearing what Xu Dong said, Zhu Qishan let out a long sigh as if some kind of past that he didn't want to recall had been revealed.

"Presumably you have been to the Yao family before, and you should have a preliminary understanding of the Encouraging Family."

Xu Dong nodded in agreement, not only because he understood, but also because he had already fought against each other.

He also knows that the current ancient martial arts families are nothing more than empty shells with empty names.

In front of the ancient martial arts family, his skill can be said to be a blow to reduce dimensionality. All the members of the ancient martial arts family combined are not as good as one of his fingers.

It's just that he wants to know why the formation on Qinglong Mountain makes them flock to it so much.

Zhu Qishan glanced at Xu Dong, and there was a little struggle in his eyes, as if he didn't know whether to tell Xu Dong about this matter.

However, he hesitated again and again, as if thinking about Xu Dong's saving Zhu Xinyu, he finally stood up under Xu Dong's gaze, and gently turned a small stone lion on the bogu shelf.

A rumbling sound sounded beside Xu Dong, and at the same time, the bookshelves in the study were slowly moved away, but behind the bookshelves there was a different world.

"I'm sorry I can't let you in, but I can show you the relevant things inside." After Zhu Qishan finished speaking, his figure disappeared behind the bookshelf.

When she came out again, half of the things she held in her hands were made by her. Looking from the front, Xu Dong could no longer see his figure.

With a bang, everything was placed on the desk, and a few Go pieces were shaken up, disrupting the original arrangement.

Moreover, the ashes on the book are now flying, and under the sunlight, it has even formed a thin layer of fog.

Xu Dong unconsciously stirred the dust in front of him, as if he had encountered something dirty.

At this time, Zhu Qishan pressed his familiarity on the book and said: "These books record the history of the ancient martial arts family, and you can't read them all in a short time. If you want to, you can take it back and read it. If you don't , I will tell you briefly and concisely now, what do you think?"

Xu Dong wanted to take it back and take a good look at it, but in order to find out what happened, he had to give up temporarily.

But he was afraid that there would be no place for him after passing this village, so he hesitated again and again, so he made an unfeeling request like Zhu Qishan: "Brother Zhu, I'm really sorry, I really don't have time to read these books recently, maybe today I will trouble you to waste some more tongue."

"But I was thinking about what to do in case I have time to read it later. I'm afraid it's not good to borrow it again. Why don't you lend me these books first?"

Xu Dong's eyes were full of temptation, and Zhu Qishan on the opposite side did burst into laughter. He pointed at Xu Dong, and couldn't help but scold: "You, you really answered that sentence, men become bad when they have money. , look at how you have become so greedy now?"

Although this is what he said, Zhu Qishan knew it well, and Xu Dong had also made complete preparations.

Those people from the ancient martial arts family really didn't have clean hands. If Xu Dong really got their way, it would only be endless trouble.

So he happily unwrapped the book, sat down again, and told Xu Dong the story about the ancient martial arts family: "This thing started a long, long time ago..."

A long time ago, when the world fell apart and was in turmoil, people with lofty ideals from various aristocratic families broke through the geographical restrictions and joined together to wipe out the rebels.

During this process, each family showed their own amazing talents, but after the matter was over, the family members retired one after another unintentionally.

Originally thought that this was just the end, but the long-term division of the world must be united, and the long-term union must be divided, and the turmoil has resurfaced over time. At this time, they are family members, so someone suggested that they might as well establish a family.

Only in this way can the power of the aristocratic family be able to check and balance the balance other than power as an existence other than power.

Some people suggested it, and naturally some people agreed with it. Each family has something that each family is good at, and the regions are extremely scattered.

In other words, in a way, Yaja was indeed the guardian of the places in the beginning.

But human beings have weaknesses, and their weaknesses lie in their growing ambitions and desires.

"In this way, the aristocratic family is getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, they were only caught in disputes between the rivers and lakes. Only when the country is about to be in chaos, will they become people with lofty ideals and take action."

"But over time, it is inevitable that some of them have some impure thoughts. They always think that they are the ones who have contributed the most to the world, and they think that they have worked hard and worked hard."

"So one day, they banded together and wanted to rebel."

Xu Dong obviously didn't expect that there would be such a story in the family's story, which seemed more exciting than he imagined.

The dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons. It may be these ancient martial arts families who are talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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