rural little Shennong

Chapter 739 Do you want to practice again?

Chapter 739 Do you want to practice again?
Seeing that there was no tea in Zhu Qishan's cup, Xu Dong immediately poured Zhu Qishan a cup of tea.

Zhu Qishan took the tea and drank it down, and then told Xu Dong about the ancient martial arts family.

Of course, the rebellion was unsuccessful. Since then, the ancient martial arts family has also plummeted, and its status is no longer what it used to be. Not to mention, more and more people are questioning the ancient martial arts family.

In order to hide from the limelight for a while, the ancient martial arts family could only announce their retirement one after another.

One by one, they live in seclusion among the mountains and forests, seemingly living a leisurely life like wild cranes, but they are actually planning the next rebellion.

And in the process, more martial arts sects emerged in the rivers and lakes.It's a pity that it has long since disappeared into the long river of history, and during this period of time, the ancient martial arts family really came into contact with an expert outsider very cleverly.

"I don't know the exact name of this tall man. I only know that he has the same surname as Lin Xiangru, so everyone calls him Mr. Lin."

Although Xu Dong already knew about Mr. Lin, but after hearing what Zhu Qishan said, he could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and nodded at Zhu Qishan frequently.

"Before I met this gentleman, someone from the ancient martial arts family had already started cultivating immortals and asked that the aura at that time was much more arousing than that at this time."

After all, everyone is building some modern and technological things now, and the treasures left by the ancestors have long been lost in the land reclamation time and time again.

"There is such a story recorded in the history of every family. That is, this gentleman repaired a formation for them."

"This formation is very miraculous. It is said that it can communicate between heaven and earth, help them absorb spiritual energy, and thus speed up their cultivation and cultivation."

"According to some current legends, it should be the so-called Paradise of Paradise, but besides the natural spiritual meridians, the blessed land of Paradise is also artificially blessed."

"It doesn't matter whether it's a man-made paradise or a natural paradise. No matter what, at that time, it was an existence that was enough to make all the aristocratic families fanatical."

In fact, Xu Dong already knew about the rest of the story. After all, Mr. Lin had already told him in his dream, and it was nothing more than the reinflated ambitions of those people, which made them start killing each other.

At this time, Mr. Lin knew that he was completely wrong, and he shouldn't expect these people who used to be ambitious to let go of their ambitions and do everything for the world.

But here, Xu Dong heard their ending.

"The last formation was destroyed by that gentleman himself, which is strange to say. After these formations were destroyed, the aristocratic family fell into a slump. From now on, there will be practitioners, but there are only a few who can achieve great success in cultivation."

"Most people are going back and forth at the stage of just getting started, but they are just a little bit stronger than those who practice ordinary kung fu."

Even Zhu Qishan felt strange about this point, even before the Zhu family was destroyed artificially in its heyday and Dantian was able to cultivate, this was the case.

Xu Dong didn't know about this, but he told Xu Dong directly that it was probably his patriarch who did something wrong. It seems that he should ask him when he is free next time.

But just as the patriarch said, it must be of great use for him to let himself practice political law now, maybe there is an unsettled crisis waiting for him.

Knowing the story about the ancient martial arts family, when Xu Dong wanted to move these books down, he happened to meet Zhu Xinyu knocking on the door and telling them to go down for dinner.

Zhu Xinyu helped Xu Dong deliver the books to the car. When he was about to enter the door, Xu Dong suddenly stopped. Zhu Xinyu thought something happened, and turned to look at Xu Dong, only to find that Xu Dong's eyes were dim.

She was unavoidably flustered, thinking that Xu Dong didn't want to get close to her after he knew the story about the ancient martial arts family.

Anyway, my ancestors also participated in it at that time, even if it did not constitute any substantial results, but if you miss it, you will miss this kind of thing, and you can't hide it.

However, Xu Dong's words were indeed beyond Zhu Xinyu's expectation.

"Is the exercise you practiced in your family still there?" Zhu Xinyu thought she had heard it wrong, so she frowned and asked Xu Dong: "What did you say?"

No way, he actually asked about the cultivation method in his home?

Could it be that he also wanted to practice, and it couldn't be that after hearing this story, he was very moved by what the family did.

After thinking about it, Zhu Xinyu felt that Xu Dong must not be such a person, so she quickly denied her absurd idea, but she still admitted her family's cultivation method: "There are indeed, but you also know the situation of our family. Dad and my grandpa can no longer practice."

Even if it can be repaired for three days, so what, half of one soil is buried, and the other soil is already buried up to the neck. If you start to practice now, that doesn't mean you know how to make progress.

Xu Dong nodded quite comprehensibly when he heard the words, he put his eyes on Zhu Xinyu's dantian, and asked casually: "Apart from the Jade Palm I taught you, don't you plan to practice again?"

Xu Dong felt that this might be an opportunity. If he used the Zhu family as the entrance, he would open the door of the ancient martial arts family.

Maybe one day sooner or later, a world of ancient martial arts will slowly unfold in front of him. At that time, his cultivation base will reach a new level.

Zhu Xinyu's eyes widened instantly after hearing what Xu Dong said, and for a moment she thought she had heard it wrong: "What did you say? I heard it right, right? How could you let me practice?"

This is really incredible.

Compared to Zhu Xinyu's astonishment, Xu Dong was more ordinary, as if he was asking Zhu Xinyu what to have for dinner tonight.

Looking at Xu Dong's firm gaze, Zhu Xinyu knew that Xu Dong was not lying, he was really asking himself this matter.

Zhu Xinyu let out a long sigh, and didn't know how to reply Xu Dong for a moment.

After hesitating for a long time, she could only temporarily shirk this matter: "I think I should have a good headache about my work now, if I am really completely removed from the list. I am afraid that in the future, all people in this system will No one will hire me."

Seeing that Zhu Xinyu changed the subject, Xu Dong didn't ask any more questions. Maybe one day she would figure it out, and if she really wanted to practice again, he would help her.

(End of this chapter)

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