rural little Shennong

Chapter 773 The Dust Settles

Chapter 773 The Dust Settles
Obviously, Zhao Leige has become more and more crazy, close to the verge of collapse, and Xu Dong also reloaded the bullet at this time.

When Zhao Leige obviously wanted to do something to Chunzi, Xu Dong immediately rushed in through the window.

The shattered glass on the ground looked a little nice under the faint light, like a crystal that was accidentally shattered.

But the wounds on Xu Dong's body and the blood slowly oozing out proved how painful these things were to cut open his skin.

The moment Junko saw Xu Dong appearing, she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he finally came. If he doesn't come again, I don't know what to do.

After all, everything I said was just a lie, how long the lie can last is really not a fixed number for Junko.

As for Xu Dong, as a variable in this matter, he seemed to have been sitting on the mountain, but in fact he was a little flustered in his heart.

He always thought that Junko's bomb was real, so all he could think about was once the bomb exploded, what would happen to the Guoan team members who hadn't had time to run?
While Zhao Leige was in a daze, Xu Dong had already fired quickly, with two bang bangs, Zhao Leige immediately fell to his knees on the ground with a bang.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, but the smell of blood came from Zhao Leige and not from other people.

Hope was rekindled in Junko's eyes, but this hope was extinguished in the next second: "You actually pointed a gun at me?"

Did he make a mistake? Obviously, he procrastinated to obtain conditions for them to allow Zhao Leige to fall into the French Open.

Even if she admits that she has done some measures, she is willing to accept punishment.

But this doesn't mean that now Xu Dong will be kind enough to be a donkey's liver and lungs, denying his role at all!

Junko was even more angry. Now he finally knew what it was like to be angry with someone.

And Zhao Leige's face is painful now, his kneecap has been smashed by Xu Dong's two shots just now.

Xu Dong looked at the past now and knew that Zhao Leige could continue to live even in the future, but he would never be able to stand up again.

No, after seeing that Xu Dong had subdued Zhao Leige, he immediately waved to the people on the hillside.

Shang Jun was the first to rush down. Like Xu Dong, he jumped directly into the window with some glass shards on the soles of his shoes, but his soles were relatively thick. Compared with Xu Dong's tragic situation, he did not any injuries.

Looking at Xu Dong's appearance, he was also a little worried, frowning and asked: "Are you okay?"

With such an injury, it may take many days to recuperate after returning home.

"It's okay, just a little bit of self-cultivation. It's just a glass scratch. It's just a skin injury, not a bone injury. Hurry up and arrest this Zhao Leige. I see, these things can't be separated from him." Relationship."

As Xu Dong spoke, he stretched his muscles and bones, looked at the wounds on his body that were gradually healing, and thought that his healing ability had not declined this time.

Xu Dongdu was already thinking about what he was going to do when he went back, and indeed at this moment he suddenly heard Junzi's voice.

"Xu Dong, I have something to tell you."

At this time, Junko already had electronic shackles on her hands, and even a few trackers on her feet.

Although Xu Dong didn't understand what she wanted to say to him, he still nodded at Junzi: "Just say it straight, don't bother."

If you want to say something, you can just say such a long opening remark. She is not tired of talking, but she is still tired of listening.

Junko looked at Xu Dong with mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't know why she changed her mind at the last moment.

Maybe it was because he saw that Xu Dong was able to go all out for his members, or because of the sliver of reason and conscience in his heart that hadn't been wiped out in the end, so he made another choice.

But no matter which one it is, there is no turning back for her now.

Although there is no turning back, but absolutely can not leave any regrets for myself.

Thinking of this, Junko walked up to Xu Dong and smiled at Xu Dong.

Before Xu Dong could react, Junzi stood on tiptoe and planted a kiss on Xu Dong's cheek.

Xu Dong was unconsciously stunned by the gentle touch on his cheek.When he reacted, Xu Dong immediately wiped his cheek with his sleeve, and looked at Junko, although it was not disgusting, but full of blame: "You are sick, don't you know?" You know I have a girlfriend!"

Getting involved with this kind of person would only do harm to him, but for his own future, Xu Dong decided to be more cautious.

Junko's smile was indeed happier. At first, he thought that this person was an out-and-out taste, but seeing his distraught appearance now, he felt more alive.

However, even if he had indeed done some excessive actions, he still had to speak up about what should be said.

Junzi took a deep breath, glanced at the surrounding villas, and slowly said to Xu Dong: "Santa has returned to China, and he will take over all the forces belonging to my father. I think you will meet each other someday." See."

"I cannot escape death, but before that, I have a wish, and I don't know if you can help me achieve it."

After Junzi's voice fell, she glanced at Xu Dong cautiously, thinking that if Xu Dong agreed, she would say it by herself, but she didn't expect that Xu Dong neither agreed nor refused, but just looked at herself quietly.

Junzi didn't react at all when she saw Xu Dong, and now she said cheekily: "Since you didn't reject me, then I'll just say it straight."

Xu Dong didn't speak, just nodded at Junzi, but at this moment Junzi said something that made Xu Dong feel very unbelievable: "If possible, on the day of execution, I hope you can give me a gift. A hibiscus flower."

"It's fine even if you don't come in person, but I also want a hibiscus flower."

It is said that the fallen leaves return to their roots, but her situation... Obviously, she can't go back, she will be executed secretly, or sent back to the country, and be dealt with by the people of the Sanda Association.

All in all, she was doomed.

Anyway, her father is gone, and now for Junko, her life is only left with the camera and nowhere else to come.

Perhaps, this is her own destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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