rural little Shennong

Chapter 774 has a plan

Chapter 774 has a plan
Seeing Junzi's appearance, Xu Dong couldn't say anything about rejection, but he couldn't say yes either.

After hesitating again and again, Xu Dong subconsciously turned his head to look at Zhu Xinyu.

After receiving Xu Dong's signal, Zhu Xinyu's mind was running fast, thinking carefully, if he encountered this situation, would he be able to agree in accordance with the rules of the Guoan team?

After thinking for a long time, Zhu Xinyu finally thought of some rules and regulations of the Guoan team. It seems that this kind of situation has been mentioned in the places where there are special explanations.

So Zhu Xinyu nodded at Xu Dong, and Xu Dong finally agreed to Junzi after Zhu Xinyu nodded: "Okay, no problem, I promise you."

Hearing this, a satisfied smile appeared on Junko's face, and it really seemed a bit more like death.

At the same time, it was Zhao Leige who was escorted into the car first.

Seeing their behavior, Xu Dong looked at Zhu Xinyu with doubts in his eyes, and he didn't say a word, just like Zhu Xinyu who questioned in such a dull atmosphere.

Zhu Xinyu didn't answer on this occasion, but got into the car first, and after Xu Dong also got into the car, she lightly patted the horn twice.

Just such two horns attracted almost everyone's attention.

Seeing the smile on Zhu Xinyu's mouth, Xu Dong finally knew that Zhu Xinyu might have guessed that he had something about these things, so he immediately asked, "Did you all want to capture Zhao Leige a long time ago?"

He had seen the equipment in Zhao Leige's hands, and it was completely different from the equipment in Junzi's hands, which meant that they already knew that Zhao Leige had mental problems.

In this case, there are only two possibilities for them to bring professional things.

The first possibility is that they are used to being cautious and always prepared.The second possibility is that they had already planned to arrest Zhao Leige, but they never told themselves.

So while Xu Dong was waiting for an answer, there was an awkward coughing sound in the car, which was tantamount to confirming Xu Dong's guess.

This group of people didn't tell the truth to themselves from the beginning!
Thinking of this, Xu Dong was furious, he patted the seat heavily, Zhu Xinyu stuck out his tongue when he saw this, and quickly apologized to Xu Dong: "Don't be angry, I apologize to you."

"Apologize, your Guoan team, a place that pays so much attention to evidence and procedures, lied to me, and you actually wanted to use a fluffy apology to get over it."

What a joke, since the Guoan team keeps saying that they need to talk about evidence and procedures, so if they apologize now, they should make a report in advance, and then let themselves approve it to see if they can pass it!
Besides, he had arrested himself without any reason before, and he hadn't settled the matter yet, but now that a new certificate came, he wanted to re-examine whether he could continue to cooperate with the Guoan team in the future.

Although the problem of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical was solved because of Zhu Xinyu, but he has been using himself as a non-staff member of the Guoan team these days!
Why doesn't she think about how much she has done for the Guoan team now?

After all, I am a businessman and not a great philanthropist, so of course I will be very important to my own gains and losses.

And now it is.

The Guoan team seems to be very curious about themselves, so they keep asking themselves to follow Zhu Xinyu in mission after mission.

On the one hand, it is to safeguard their tasks
On the other hand, it is to be able to study oneself well.

In fact, Xu Dong had already noticed their little calculation.

But it's just because Zhu Xinyu has been there all the time, so I didn't directly point it out.
But now they obviously regard themselves as fools, and they don't want to continue to be like that.

Seeing Xu Dong's serious appearance, Zhu Xinyu also knew that the incident this time might not be turned over so easily.

Zhu Xinyu frowned and thought carefully for a while, and finally gave Xu Dong a promise: "Sorry, we did not think carefully about this matter, if you really think we did something wrong, we will also respond to the leader , I will give you a reasonable answer then."

This was a very official answer, and it was precisely because of this official answer that Xu Dong felt even more dissatisfied.

It turned out that in his heart, he was such a cold and ruthless person, that's why he used this way to communicate with himself at this time, right?

Of course Zhu Xinyu didn't think so, so after he said this, he said to Xu Dong as a friend: "Of course, if you don't want to, then as your friend, I can treat you to dinner, or It doesn't matter if you go to clean your house, as long as you can calm down."

After hearing what Zhu Xinyu said, Xu Dong felt a little better, but he still said it deliberately: "Is this the captain of your team bribing me?"

If Zhu Xinyu was really asked to clean up for him, then Zhu Qishan would probably come to him directly.

So Xu Dong rejected the proposal without thinking: "That's unnecessary, after all, I'm not such a relentless person. But there is one thing, I still hope you can understand."

Everyone was silent and said nothing, they knew that Xu Dong was really angry this time, so they could only wait here honestly to be punished.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Xu Dong almost burst out laughing.

But fortunately, he was still able to control his emotions, so now he just coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Remember to go back and tell your leaders that there is no problem if you want to use me." Anyway, except for a small part of the relationship in the world, most of the rest are used.

However, Xu Dong felt that even if it was used, it should be based on a certain degree of integrity.

It's really unacceptable for them to lie to themselves and want to jump into a pit like them.

After hearing Xu Dong's request, Zhu Xinyu quickly nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, they can all testify for you, and they will definitely respond to this question for you immediately after I go back."

In this way, Xu Dong, together with Zhu Xinyu and the others, personally sent Zhao Leige and Chunzi back to the Guoan team and then drove back to Xiawan Village.

But before officially entering the village, Xu Dong deliberately bought and dug in the corner of the village entrance, took some soil and brought it to Dongjiang Pharmaceutical.

Shi Zhongming looked at the soil in front of him with a look of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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