rural little Shennong

Chapter 775 Research and Development of New Drugs

Chapter 775 Research and Development of New Drugs
He knew about Xu Dong's going out on a mission, but he brought so much dirt when he came back from the mission?

What the hell is going on?
Shi Zhongming looked puzzled, so he was even thinking seriously about the purpose of this pile of soil.

Could it be that Xu Dong's medical skills are advanced, so he discovered the medicinal value from this pile of soil?
Thinking of this, Shi Zhongming even started to study it directly, but he didn't expect Xu Dong's next words to turn pale with shock.

"Check carefully for me to see if there are any poisonous ingredients in these soils."

He thought about it, if they were poisoned outside, there must be a little residue in the place where they were poisoned, and it might harm people in other places.

But so far, no one in any place has had similar problems, which proves that they were not poisoned too far away from Xiawan Village.

In other words, it is very likely that they are near the village. If they want to go out, the place they must pass is the village entrance. In this case, the village entrance is the most likely place.

That's why Xu Dong deliberately dug a lot of soil after he came back, just to allow Shi Zhongming to test it directly.

Seeing that Shi Zhongming's mouth opened wider and wider, and he was about to swallow a whole egg, Xu Dong could only close his jaw with his hands.

"Don't be so surprised, there will be more things to be surprised in the future." He didn't think that these ancient martial arts families would forget it so easily.

These people are really foxes who have been cultivating for thousands of years, and they are all doing bad tricks.

Now, seeing that this strategy has failed, he will inevitably use other methods to hold him back.

I don't know what they are for. If it is only for Qinglong Mountain, there should be no need to spend so much trouble.

But if it was for the formation in Qinglong Mountain, why did they try their best to hold back their footsteps? Could it be that they were afraid that they would feel like the formation was repaired before?
It's a pity, no matter what it is, he has already made sufficient preparations to deal with it.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Shi Zhongming nodded quite comprehensibly. In his opinion, the tree attracts the wind, and Xu Dong is now in the limelight, so there should be so many people staring at him.

But he obviously didn't know where the wind was blowing from this tree?
It doesn't matter if he doesn't know, he just needs to listen to Xu Dong to do everything well.

Xu Dong has been waiting in the office, and by the way, glanced at the recent financial statements of Dongjiang Pharmaceutical.

He couldn't understand it at first, but Fang Qing and Ma Sisi found many books for him afterwards, and after reading it, he could at least understand it.

Although it is not yet possible to thoroughly understand the doorway inside, it is still possible to distinguish good from bad.

After Xu Dong read the financial statements almost, Shi Zhongming also hurried back.

Shi Zhongming directly put the test report in front of Xu Dong, and even gave a note.

What this note said was extremely simple. It was nothing more than telling Xu Dong what kind of effect this poison would have on a human body.

After Xu Dong saw this comment, he already understood something in his heart.

Sure enough, it was just like what I thought in my heart.

This poison is the poison that poisoned the villagers.

Although the ancient martial arts family almost succeeded, Xu Dong felt that their methods were not very clever.

If it was really a clever method, he wouldn't let himself notice anything at all, and he couldn't even investigate what the poison was until now.

It seems that these ancient martial arts families have really stayed in the mountains for too long, so until now it is not clear how to frame a person.

Thinking of this, Xu Dong shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, don't bother with them, as long as the villagers are fine now and won't be implicated by me, as for the future, we will talk about it later.

Seeing Xu Dong's serious expression, Shi Zhongming asked for some reason without knowing why: "Should we develop a corresponding antidote?"

Shi Zhongming also wanted to be prepared. He knew that Xu Dong had been getting more and more busy recently, and if the poison had to do something in the future, it would be bad if they had no way to deal with it.

If Dongjiang Pharmaceutical was allowed to study the antidote to this poison, it might be able to solve some troubles for Xu Dong.

After Xu Dong heard what Shi Zhongming said, he just touched his chin, and the stubble on his chin stabbed Xu Dong's hand.

But Xu Dongfei didn't take his hand away, instead he touched it faster and faster. He didn't speak until his hand was almost numb from the stubble.

"I think what you said makes sense, but I may have to research more on this prescription. The other party has more than one kind of poison. It is impossible for us to come directly to study the prescription every time there is a poison. It is a waste of time, material and resources. manpower."

After Shi Zhongming heard what Xu Dong said, he also nodded quite comprehensibly, this is true.

They haven't fully figured out the opponent's strength yet, if they rashly develop a prescription for one of the poisons, it will only make them too late to react.

Instead of continuing like this, it is better to develop a prescription that can undo many poisons.

In this way, this antidote pill is not just for a poison, and maybe not just for prevention.

Thinking of this, Shi Zhongming nodded solemnly: "I understand, Mr. Xu, I will do as you said."

After hearing what Shi Zhongming said, Xu Dong also nodded in agreement. He knew this matter and he would definitely support him.

But after getting one answer, Xu Dong should look for another answer.

So Xu Dong returned to the villa with the test report, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Qiu Xiang packing the dishes on the table.

Seeing Xu Dong came back, Qiuxiang wiped her hands on the apron quickly, then walked quickly to Xu Dong, and tied the things in Xu Dong's hands: "Don't say anything when you come back, we I can pick you up."

Xu Dong took advantage of the situation and hugged Qiuxiang, deliberately joking: "I'm a big man, how dare I ask my girlfriend to pick me up, even if I really want to pick up someone, I should be the one to pick you up."

"If you don't like it, you know how to make fun of me." Qiuxiang blushed slightly, with reproach on her mouth, but sweetness in her heart.

As for Xu Dong, he also laughed along with Qiuxiang, but looking at the dishes on the table, he knew that Qiuxiang was the only one in the house today.

(End of this chapter)

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