rural little Shennong

Chapter 776 The Su Family

Chapter 776 The Su Family
"What's the matter, are you alone today?" Xu Dong glanced at the room upstairs and found that the doors were closed, so he knew that there must be no one else there.

Qiuxiang nodded, and then began to count with Xu Dong: "Isn't it? Sisi said that she was going to deal with the publicity issue of Qinglong Mountain. Sister Qing also went to see the second phase of Qinglong Mountain. Chen Dan heard that it was There is a seminar in the school for the last mock exam."

"Oh, by the way, Shen Xi went to the nursing home and said that the other doctors in the nursing home are busy looking at how to expand the hospital recently. There are no extra people to do things in the nursing home, so she will take care of it for you. Son."

After hearing what Qiuxiang said, Xu Dong nodded quite comprehensibly.

That's how it turned out, it seemed that they could find what they wanted to do during the period of their absence, but for some reason, Xu Dong always felt that he was really unhappy.

On the one hand, it was because of his own reasons that these women kept busy all day, mainly because he felt sorry.

On the other hand, it was because he didn't seem to be of much use to them, which frustrated his self-esteem a little.

But Xu Dong thought about it for a second, these women are usually lovable when they are in front of him, and sometimes they will be jealous, but they can take care of themselves when they take it out.

The thought of being able to keep all these women by his side made Xu Dong feel proud.

Sure enough, apart from him, there is really no one who can make them stay by their side willingly.

After Xu Dong and Qiuxiang had dinner together, Qiuxiang also went out to the nursing home, saying that it was time for the routine checkup of the elderly today.

"Doctor Liu didn't know you were coming back, so I said that I had already promised to help, and I can't let the pigeons go." Qiu Xiang didn't intend to let Xu Dong go.

After all, Xu Dong just came back from another place, and he is probably very tired, so it's better to have a good rest at home.

Of course Xu Dong knew Qiuxiang's intentions, and he didn't refute it now, but just brought some more things to Qiuxiang: "Bring them over from other places, just treat them as they have been busy for me these days. prize."

Xu Dong has always had the habit of bringing extra things to the people around him whenever he goes. In his opinion, this is just spending a little more money.

But if you can make your partners feel that you are thinking about them all the time, then it is very cost-effective that these people can create more value for him in the future.

Qiuxiang nodded at Xu Dong, and then took what Xu Dong gave her and went directly to the nursing home.

Although Xu Dong stayed at home and didn't continue to go out, he was still not idle. He took out those books and carefully looked through these aristocratic families to see if there was anyone who was good at refining poison.

He flicked through the pages carefully, almost to the point of destroying all the books, and only then did he find a family.

"The Su family..." Xu Dong raised his eyebrows unconsciously looking at this surname. This surname is rare in the north, but there are many in the south.

So Xu Dong consulted other books according to the Su family's news, and finally summed up all the information of this family.

The Su family originally lived in the Gusu area, and they can be regarded as the first echelon of the ancient martial arts family. They are good at using poison, which is somewhat different from where they lived.

After all, it was paradise on earth.

This kind of place is good at using poison, and I don't know what kind of sinister personality the people in this family should have.

Xu Dong shook his head frequently when he thought of this, but then he thought that this is the foundation of a person's status in the family, and it can be regarded as their own business, so of course he shouldn't care about it.

In addition, he also knew where the Su family is now.

Although he is still in Gusu, he has moved from the original countryside to the city, and I don't know if it is in response to the saying that he lives in the city.

But no matter what it is, it is true that they want to frame themselves, because they want to frame themselves, and it is true that they also involve the innocent villagers in Xiawan Village.

This alone was something that Xu Dong could not forgive.

He knew that what he had now was indeed enviable. It was perfectly normal for some people to dislike him and want to target him, and Xu Dong was willing to deal with it one by one.

But at the same time, he didn't want them to involve innocent people. Once innocent people were involved, it would touch Xu Dong's bottom line.

Especially for these innocent villagers, some of them were helping the country when they were imprisoned.

And when they choose to trust themselves unconditionally, follow themselves, and make Xiawan Village rich together, it proves that they are always members of the same village and family.

Since they did not hesitate to hurt innocent people in order to achieve their goals, then don't blame Xu Dong for not showing any kindness.

Xu Dong didn't stop right away, but directly pulled out all the other families that were related to the Su family.

And one of them is the name of the family that he feels very familiar with. When he saw these people, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Ha, the enemy's road is really narrow."

Looking at this string of Yao characters, Xu Dong almost felt that he was about to lose the word.

No wonder the Su family started to make trouble for themselves when the other families didn't do anything. It turned out that it was because they had a good relationship with the Yao family.

Xu Dong even wondered if they were the ones who rescued him when he almost wiped out the Yao family.

But no matter what it is, it is not important now, the most important thing is only one thing.

From now on, he will never let the Su family have any chance to harm the villagers.

Xu Dong immediately called the village party secretary to confirm that nothing would happen since the village was closed these days, so he simply told the village party secretary about it.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, the village party secretary also fell into a long silence.

Although he had known for a long time that the other party was probably aiming at Xu Dong, he never expected that they had already achieved this.

But no matter what, as the secretary of the village party committee, as an elder who watched Xu Dong grow up, he is still willing to believe Xu Dong: "Dongzi, don't stop because of us. Your achievements should not be limited to this, you know Yet?"

In his opinion, the people in Xiawan Village should not be a stumbling block for Xu Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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