rural little Shennong

Chapter 787 Obsessed

Chapter 787 Obsessed
When he was going to take the senior high school entrance examination, he just caught up with the growth of his body. His stomach was like a bottomless pit, and he couldn't fill it no matter what.remember that time.Even for a meal, I can eat three big steamed buns.

Even if Xu Ying is just a little girl, no matter how you say it, studying will consume people's brainpower and energy, and it is normal for her to be hungry.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Xu Ying scratched her head in embarrassment: "Aren't I afraid that you will say that my little girl doesn't know that every family has to get up in the middle of the night to eat night food?"

That's right, the recent classmates are now thinking about how to lose weight well, so that they can go out to play beautifully after the college entrance examination is over, and she is the only one who desperately wants to be admitted to college.

When Xu Dong saw Xu Ying, he looked thoughtful, and turned on the lights of the kitchen and range hood without saying a word.

The dim light shone on the two of them, coating their bodies with a layer of warm luster, it was really very warm.

The light wasn't too bright, but it could illuminate the stove and cutting board, so Xu Dong hurriedly served Xu Ying a bowl of egg noodles.

"I don't know that you have to eat supper now, and you haven't prepared some suitable ingredients, so you can make do with it first." Xu Dong put the bowl of noodles in front of Xu Ying while talking.

Seeing this, Xu Ying immediately picked up the noodles and devoured them hungrily. Xu Dong even boiled the meat in the noodles. Now the fried meat is soaked in the soup, as delicious as it can be.

Seeing Xu Ying gobbling it up, those who didn't know thought it was him, the older brother, who had treated her badly.

Xu Dong felt helpless in his heart, shook his head frequently, and even handed her a few tissues, and then said: "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you, if you really don't have enough, I'll give you another bowl."

It seems that the first thing this girl will do after the exam is to lose weight properly.

It's not that Xu Dong, an older brother, dislikes her for being fat, but because he knows that it's one thing for a little girl to love beauty, and getting fat is not good for people's health.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Xu Ying nodded in agreement: "I see, brother, what are you thinking, I'm not a pig who eats so much."

Xu Dong smiled helplessly, and when Xu Ying finished eating, he still had no intention of leaving.Xu Ying realized that Xu Dong seemed to have something to say to herself, and sat back at the dining table again.

He glanced at Xu Ying, then at the empty job bowl in front of him, and asked Xu Ying nonchalantly, "Are you tired from studying?"

Xu Ying was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, but quickly shook her head as if realizing something: "I'm not tired, isn't everyone here like this?"

Xu Ying was afraid that if she said that she was tired from studying, Xu Dong would feel sorry for her. If she felt that he had treated her badly, it would be bad.

Seeing Xu Ying deliberately concealing it from him, Xu Dong had mixed feelings in his heart, as if he, as an older brother, had indeed neglected to care for her during this period of time.

Xu Dong raised his hand suddenly, and touched Xu Ying's hair with his somewhat rough palm.

Xu Ying didn't wash her hair today, and her hair is slightly oily, but it's not dirty, it just sticks to her scalp softly.

Like a well-behaved pet, it is now obediently motionless.

It wasn't until Xu Dong really annoyed Xu Ying by touching her back and forth that she immediately stepped back: "Brother, I'm your sister, not a dog. If you touch my head like this, tomorrow I'll lose my hair." It should be ugly."

I don't have much time to wash my hair now. I thought I could last one more day, but I didn't wash it until the day after tomorrow. I didn't expect that now I was being oiled by my own brother.

There is no way but to wash it tomorrow.

It seems that after returning to the room later, I have to do a few more questions to free up the time to wash my hair tomorrow.

After hearing what she said, Xu Dong felt a little helpless: "Nonsense, where is it dirty? It's clean!"

In fact, he wanted to comfort Xu Ying, and also wanted to enlighten her, thinking that if she was really too tired, he might as well relax first.

But until Xu Ying completely returned to the room, he couldn't say anything.

Perhaps it is because they are brothers and sisters that Xu Dong sees his former self in Xu Ying. If he is in the college entrance examination now, he must work harder than Xu Ying.

Now that he knew his temper, there was no need to say anything more.

If she really said something more, it might make Xu Ying feel that she didn't understand him at all.

In this way, early the next morning, Xu Dong personally sent Xu Ying and Chen Dan to the school.

After waiting at the school gate for a long time, looking at these young children, Xu Dong seemed to be several years younger.

Xu Dong drove directly to the nursing home.

He thought about it. Now that the hot spring club has entered the final stage of interior design, the second phase of the development of Qinglong Mountain must not be too far away.

At that time, these two projects will be started together. When the second phase of the project is completely completed, the hospital in Qinglong Mountain must also be fully equipped.

Just when Xu Dong arrived at his office, he saw Shen Xi sitting there, not knowing what he was doing, and the expression on his face was even more strange, as if he was obsessed with something.

Seeing Xu Dong coming, Shen Xi seemed a little surprised, and quickly got up: "You, why are you here? I thought you wouldn't come today?"

"Is this your attitude when talking to the boss?" Xu Dong raised his brows slightly, and looked at Shen Xi with a little more banter.

This girl is really true, she just didn't have time to take care of the nursing home in the recent period, so she went directly to the house to expose the tiles, and she even felt a bit like a monkey wanting to be called a king.

Shen Xi realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, quickly lowered her head, and muttered in a low voice: "That's not true, why are you pretending in front of me?"

Xu Dong heard it clearly, but he didn't try to expose Shen Xi now, because he was in his own position, looking at the well-organized files on the computer desktop, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

Not bad, at least the work is still conscientious, without any mistakes.

As for why he sat here just now, with an obsessed look on his face, Xu Dong couldn't figure it out.

Of course he couldn't figure it out, probably only Shen Xi would know about this matter.

The reason is very simple, that is, she wants to get closer to Xu Dong when Xu Dong is not around. This is the only time she can monopolize Xu Dong.

Thinking of this, Shen Xi blushed unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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