Chapter 788
Xu Dong didn't notice Shen Xi's strangeness, but instead stretched out his hand to her.

Shen Xi looked at Xu Dong's hand stretched out to him, at first he didn't know what he was going to do, and he didn't know whether he should hand it out or not.But after seeing Xu Dong's eyes, he knew what he was doing.

So Shen Xi honestly handed her hand to Xu Dong'er, and Xu Dong also took Shen Xi's pulse seriously at this time.

After a while, he withdrew his hand from Shen Xi's: "It's not bad, the appearance is quite stable, I guess the evil spirit pearl will be able to be taken out from your body after a while .”

"Really?" Shen Xi's eyes suddenly widened, obviously feeling very pleasantly surprised.

Being able to take out the evil spirit orb was indeed her dream all along.

Otherwise, I am worried all day long, and I don't know when a carelessness will kill me.

This has happened several times before, and if it happens again now, it would be really worth the candle.

After all, I have endured it for so long, if I fall short at the last moment, I am afraid not only I will feel sorry, but even Xu Dong will vomit blood in his heart.

Shen Xi's head was spinning rapidly here, and he even began to imagine the scene where he was accidentally plotted against if he failed to take out the evil spirit bead, and couldn't help but shudder.

After seeing Shen Xi's appearance, Xu Dong just supported his head with his hands, as if he was watching a play.

It wasn't until Xu Dong's scorching gaze was finally observed by Shen Xi that she looked at Xu Dong as if regaining consciousness: "Hey, what are you doing looking at me like that?"

"What else can I do? It's nothing more than to see how monkeys become humans, or to put it another way, to see the phenomenon of human atavism."

As soon as Xu Dong finished speaking, he saw Shen Xi pick up the water glass beside him, making a gesture to splash it on his face.

Xu Dong immediately picked up a folder, and while covering his face, shouted at Shen Xi: "Calm down, don't forget that I'm your boss!"

Sure enough, this sentence is more useful than any other words.Now, Shen Xi immediately calmed down, and after taking a few deep breaths, she even had a smile on her face: "Yes, boss."

There is no way, Xu Dong is now a parent who is about to be promoted to a savior, and she can't be offended no matter what.

But Xu Dong just teased him a little bit, if he was really busy with business, he still wouldn't think about other things.

Therefore, Xu Dong wrote down some of his opinions these days very seriously, then typed it on the computer, and sent it to Liu Qingyang.

"If there's nothing else, hold a meeting with us later. As the secretary, you must at least convey something about me to them."

Just when Shen Xi wanted to refute, Xu Dong stared at him for a moment, and the arrogance that Shen Xi had just ignited suddenly collapsed.

That's right, after all, it's the boss, and the boss can do whatever he says. As a secretary, I should of course be the boss's spokesperson.

Although she really wanted to ask Xu Dong if he had a long mouth.

However, after wandering around these words for a long time, he still didn't ask anything.

On the way to the meeting, Xu Dong was suddenly bumped straight into his arms by a person. If Xu Dong hadn't been stable enough, he would have been knocked to the ground by a stagger.

Xu Dong patted his clothes, and you all got up and looked at him unconsciously, like this person's gaze also had a little weirdness.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that it was three, that it turned out that this was a patient who had lived here for a long time.

This patient is not usually so reckless, what happened this time?
Seeing that he was still in such a panic, Xu Dong quickly grabbed his wrist and forced the man to look at him: "Uncle, have you encountered anything? Tell me, I can solve it for you." .”

The man was stunned for a long time, until he slowly realized who Xu Dong was, and then he said: "I, I seem to have run into a ghost!"

Hit ghosts?How is this possible.

Xu Dong frowned even tighter, and his intuition told him that someone must be causing trouble now, and the old man just thought he was hitting a ghost because he didn't know this.

But the old man's mood is the most important thing, Xu Dong has comforted him now, and then went to the science department to investigate this matter.

As for the incident of beating ghosts, there are only a few types. One may be that the old man has a mental problem and is in a trance, thinking some ordinary phenomena are beating ghosts.

The other is that someone deliberately caused something that seemed like a supernatural event.

But no matter what it is, Xu Dong is determined to investigate the matter thoroughly. After all, he is the owner of this nursing home, so he is obliged to investigate clearly.

However, he didn't stay here recently, and he didn't know much about the situation here, so he had to ask Liu Qingyang and the others first.

When Liu Qingyang learned that Xu Dong was going to have a meeting with him, he hurriedly reported all the materials he had prepared recently into his arms.

As a result, when they arrived at the meeting room, they were ready to report, but they didn't expect Xu Dong to ask about another matter.

"Recently, did any strange things happen in the nursing home?" Xu Dong asked in a normal way, but it seemed that he was just concerned.

But Liu Qingyang knew Xu Dong well, he knew that Xu Dong would definitely not ask some irrelevant questions at this time, the reason why he asked this must be because he sensed something was wrong in the nursing home.

So Liu Qingyang frowned, carefully thinking about whether there was anything wrong recently.

However, after much deliberation, he didn't understand it, and could only shake his head at Xu Dong dully: "I don't think there is any problem."

Xu Dong frowned the moment Liu Qingyang finished speaking. He really didn't notice any problem.Or was he already the one who was bought?
Xu Dong saw that Liu Qingyang's eyes were more scrutinizing Liu Qingyang. When he first received this scrutiny, he just felt inexplicable, and then he realized that perhaps Xu Dong was suspicious of himself.The look in Xu Dong's eyes was also very magnanimous, without any panic.

He doesn't need to panic, after all, he has always performed his duties conscientiously in the nursing home, hasn't he?

(End of this chapter)

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