Chapter 941
"At that time, some people said that it must be the Yao family's fault, but the Yao family doesn't know how to do medicine. Only the Liu family can do it. The Liu family and the Yao family have nothing to do with each other."

"Gradually, no one remembered this incident. After that, Yao Jia became more and more popular, and almost occupied all the resources of the original Zhu family in the ancient martial arts family."

"Then after he made friends with the Shi family, several daughters went to the Shi family during the winter vacation, and several daughters from the Shi family married over."

"What they are good at is nothing more than bare hands. In terms of martial arts, they are indeed not the top among the ten schools, but in terms of business management, they are indeed considered to be upper-class among the ten schools."

"Let's put it this way, the reason why the aristocratic families decided to go out to do business under aliases was because of the Yao family's idea."

Xu Dong nodded comprehensibly when he heard the words. Sure enough, every family has their own strengths, no wonder they have been able to unite as one all these years.Their own appearance did break their balance, otherwise they wouldn't be in such a hurry.

But the only thing they are not smart about is that they choose to deal with themselves one by one like a gourd baby saving grandpa.

Obviously there will be a smarter way.

But now that the matter has come to this point, Xu Dong can only deal with it with 12 points of energy, and under Yang Zeguang's reminder, he finally remembered what he had forgotten.

He seemed to have forgotten that Yao Yuan, who was able to be left at that time, must have a lot of contacts in the aristocratic family. Under such circumstances, he was an invisible danger to himself.

He is like a landmine buried in the ground, he doesn't know when he will step on it and explode instantly.

Xu Dong frowned unconsciously, and then slowly relaxed his brows.

Perhaps, he should take the initiative.

"I hope you can often help me with things about the aristocratic family. Is that okay?"

Yang Zeguang went to a place where Xu Dong could get him in a day, and he would refuse, so he quickly nodded and agreed: "Of course, it's no problem, don't worry, as long as I'm here, I will definitely make it smooth for you."

I am a member of the aristocratic family, and I really know them all too well. With myself, it is impossible for Xu Dong to go well even if his plans are not going well.

What's more, when my father has dealt with it, the family affairs will of course come back, and then Xu Dong's side will be even more powerful.

In addition to Xu Dongyuan's contacts, it must be only a matter of time before Sega will obediently submit.

At the same time, after Liu Ming returned to the Liu family with the ancestors of the Liu family, he announced this decision.

At first, I thought that many people would reject it, but to the surprise of the two of them, everyone agreed.

"Old Ancestor, we also know that all these years have been supported by you, otherwise our family would have been missed by others. It is also a good thing to find a new backer now."

"Yeah, especially that Ye Huaisheng, I've always felt that this person is evil and not a good thing. Now it seems that this is really the case. We should be thankful that we didn't have too much cooperation with him, otherwise we might end up being accused of it." He bites back."

"Don't worry, old ancestor, we will definitely work hard to support this family in the future."

After hearing what they said, the old ancestors nodded in agreement: "That's good, you have to remember that the Liu family must be united in the same spirit, so that the Liu family can have a more brilliant future. do you understand?"

"Understood, old ancestor."

It seems that in order to express his loyalty to Xu Dong, Liu Ming deliberately took some of the Liu family's children back.

As for Xu Dong, after learning that Liu Ming had brought back many Liu family children, he arranged accommodation for them with great fanfare.

"From now on, you will live here. You don't have to worry about food and clothing. If you need money urgently, you can tell me, but you must tell me the purpose. If you use the money to do something Don't blame me for being merciless."

Although the Liu family's children are not as outstanding as those of other families, they still understand the truth. I have to say that the ancestors taught them very well.

After hearing what Xu Dong said, they nodded in haste and agreed: "I know Mr. Xu, we will definitely do what you said, so you can rest assured."

Only then did Xu Dong nod his head reassuringly, and then waved at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming followed Xu Dong to Xu Dong's villa, and saw Yang Zeguang mopping the floor inside the villa.

"Why are you here?"

The two of them don't know each other very well, but everyone they know knows that Yang Zeguang is a useless idiot, and now he and he are both under Xu Dong's subordinates, which makes Liu Ming somewhat unbalanced.

Anyway, I am much more useful than Yang Zeguang.

Now, since you want to sit on an equal footing with him, how is this possible?
Yang Zeguang put the mop aside, and took the initiative to take the briefcase for Xu Dong.

Liu Ming stared at Yang Zeguang and immediately froze.

No way, Yang Zeguang can condescend to do these things?
He really thought that this guy's head was on his forehead, so he wouldn't talk to anyone at all.

But then again, perhaps it was because of his insight that Xu Dong was willing to let him stay by his side.

But now Xu Dong arranged for the two to meet, obviously for other purposes.

"It's like this. Now I need the two of you to work out a perfect plan together. Of course, the plan at the beginning can be imperfect, and we can gradually improve it later, but it must be completed by the cooperation of the two of you."

As soon as Xu Dong's voice fell, Liu Ming looked embarrassed: "Mr. Xu, you want me to cooperate with him?"

How could Yang Zeguang fail to hear the disgust in Liu Ming's tone, and now he immediately retorted: "Why don't you still look down on me? Let me tell you the truth, even if you can look up to me, I still look down on you." Not for you. I just wanted to show off when I came here, what kind of thing is it?"

"You're talking nonsense, who can show off? It's not because you are notorious among the juniors of the family, or because you are a famous idiot. I don't want to cooperate with you."

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Xu Dong raised his hands and covered the mouths of the two of them with each hand: "Shut your mouths, if you want to quarrel, I will arrange things later before you quarrel. Follow me to the study now."

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he stepped up the steps first, and the two squeezed up the steps at the same time, neither letting the other.

Xu Dong took a deep breath and shouted behind him: "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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