rural little Shennong

Chapter 942 Crazy

Chapter 942 Crazy
One or two is really troublesome.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them were the most suitable, Xu Dong would not have used the two of them no matter what, and he knew that the two were not right for each other.

When they got to the study, the two people calmed down, and now they stood obediently in front of Xu Dong, quietly waiting for Xu Dong's orders.

"Hey, now that you're being honest, you know how to stay well?"

The two lowered their heads at the same time. Seeing this, Xu Dong just shook his head frequently without saying anything.

"The two of you just complement each other, which is why I choose you two. Of course, if you don't want to, I will never force it."

"Besides, there is one more thing I want you two to know."

"That is, the Yao family and I do not live together, so you have to be more careful in the plan this time, lest I become the one who gives away the head."

The reason why Xu Dong chose to believe that they came was because the two of them were members of the aristocratic family and had enough understanding of the aristocratic family.

The second reason is that he also hopes to take this opportunity to train these two people well.

No matter how you say, you will be doing things for yourself in the future. If you really don't have the ability, then you should pack up your bed and leave as soon as possible.

As for Yang Zeguang, now he directly promises: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will definitely do this for you."

"Come on, stop, don't talk big to me here, when can you completely make me feel at ease."

Xu Dong rolled his eyes at him angrily, but Yang Zeguang could only shut up honestly.

Liu Ming did burst out laughing, seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Xu Dong opened his mouth quickly.

"First, I need you to completely isolate Yao Yuan from the others. Don't forget, the most likely thing he will do now is to find the Ye family. Once these two get together, it will really be a nest of snakes and rats. Nobody can run away."

"Secondly, it is aimed at the Ye family. You also know that I and the Ye family are not at odds. If they want to attack me, I can only act first."

"The last point is also the most important point. In this plan, you also have to participate in it, but I hope that you can escape unscathed like me, understand?"

After hearing what Xu Dong said, Yang Zeguang and Liu Ming looked at each other in blank dismay. Even their families were entrusted to them, and they had to sacrifice themselves when necessary.But Xu Dong wanted them to be safe.

Yang Zeguang's eyes turned red unconsciously. Thinking of his own life, Xu Dong once belonged to him, and now he has more admiration for Xu Dong in his heart.

No one has ever treated him like this.

This was even more so for Liu Ming, when he thought that Xu Dong was still ignoring the past, his heart was even more moved, and now he wished he could just kneel down to Xu Dong.

Seeing how moved the two people looked, Xu Dong quickly waved his hands: "Don't be moved too early, don't forget that the reason why I did this is because I need you. If you are moved now, then what will happen next?" Maybe you don’t have time to listen carefully to everything I’ve said.”

Hearing what Xu Dong said, the two of them had an alliance and said: "No, Mr. Xu, we will all listen carefully. Just don't worry about that."

"That's right, Mr. Xu, as long as it's something you order from now on, we'll be so heartbroken that we won't hesitate to do it."

With their words, Xu Dong felt a little embarrassed.He waved at them, signaling them to leave quickly.

"Don't talk to me here. If you have anything to do, you should show your actual results. If you really want to, you should do it for me."

After Xu Dong's voice fell, the two of them immediately ran out of the study like a game, and they were ready to prepare.

Xu Dong felt relieved, it seemed that this matter would be settled soon.However, he hoped that that time was just the beginning, a beginning for him to penetrate into the aristocratic family thoroughly.

Even though some people think that this is a fool's dream, Xu Dong still yearns for it.

Everything should not be a fixed number, it should be redefined by others, shouldn't it?

Thinking of this, Xu Dong's mouth slowly curled into a smile, as if he had seen what he would look like in the not-too-distant future.

Xu Dong, the Ye family and the Yao family, who are the planners in full swing, are naturally not behind.

Now Yao Yuan is the only one left in the Yao family, apart from his son who is still studying abroad, he really has become a complete loner.

The more such people are, the more reckless and crazy they are in doing things.

After Ye Huaisheng heard Yao Yuan's plan, his eyes widened even more, he couldn't believe that this was a vicious method that a family member could think of.

"Of course you have no objection if you just kidnapped me, but you're clearly going to ruin the girl's reputation!"

Ye Huaisheng only felt that the blood was flowing backwards all over his body, he never thought that Yao Yuan was such a ruthless character.

Yao Yuan only smiled contemptuously when he heard the words, and looked at him with disdain: "You are wrong about that."

"I'm just treating him in the same way. Now it is because of Xu Dong's existence that the status of our two families is declining."

"Since he ruined our reputation, shouldn't we also ruin his reputation as the price?"

"Of course, if Patriarch Ye is unwilling, I will naturally ask Patriarch Ye to think of other ways, but this matter is imperative for me, and there is absolutely no room for hesitation."

Seeing Yao Yuan like this, Ye Huaisheng couldn't help shaking his head, and murmured in a low voice: "Crazy, crazy, really crazy."

It turns out that there are really such crazy people in this world who don't hesitate to use others as tools for revenge.

And this person is still an innocent girl.Even though Ye Huaisheng wanted to take revenge on Xu Dong, he definitely did not use such extreme means. He knew deeply how many people would be ruined by this.

Ye Huaisheng slumped on the chair, looking at Yao Yuan with strange eyes.

He didn't know why a family member of a family would become like this.

He couldn't figure out what went wrong, maybe it had been wrong from the beginning.

Seeing Yao Yuan like this, Ye Huaisheng suddenly wanted to quit, he didn't want to cooperate with Yao Yuan anymore.

And Yao Yuan seemed to have noticed what Ye Huaisheng was thinking, and now he said without hesitation: "It's not impossible if you regret it, but I can only decide how to go out for the exam. .”

(End of this chapter)

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