rural little Shennong

Chapter 960 What to do with Lingshi

Chapter 960 What to do with Lingshi

"Dad, Mr. Xu, what are you two doing? I don't even understand it."

Seeing Yang Zeguang's incomprehensible appearance, Xu Dong waved at him, signaling him to leave first.Anyway, it's better for Yang Zeguang not to know about this matter.

Seeing that Xu Dong asked Yang Zeguang to leave, Yang Tianci also said what Xu Dong meant: "If you have nothing else to do, go first. I have something to discuss with Mr. Xu."

Yang Zeguang didn't know why, but he left obediently.After Yang Zeguang left, Xu Dong personally closed the door of the study, and heard Yang Tianci's words as soon as he turned around.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for not forgetting to hide it from him at this time."

Xu Dong waved his hand, and said quite indifferently: "It's all trivial, don't worry about it, besides, if he knows about this matter, he won't be of much help, on the contrary, it will make him be remembered by others."

When Xu Dong said this, Yang Tianci felt that it made sense, and quickly nodded in agreement.But now he is still a little worried about Xu Dong: "Mr. Xu, how is your health? This thing is not an ordinary thing, just in case..."

When Yang Tianci said this, Xu Dong laughed even more: "Haha, you don't have to worry about me. If I really have something to do, will I still be here?"

"Don't worry, I know about this matter, but this stone seems to be Ye Huaisheng's idea, it seems that he wants to take it out of the country directly, and then give it to others to study it before returning it."

When Xu Dong said this, Yang Tianci immediately widened his eyes: "How can this be possible? Not to mention that this stone doesn't belong to him alone, even if it belongs to him, he can't let it be left to others. Hand, what kind of thing is this?"

Now Yang Tianci can't wait to pull Ye Huaisheng out and ask him what's going on in his head.

But when Yang Tianci really wanted to ask, he realized that he came here because he answered his call.

Seeing Yang Tianci's very annoyed look, Xu Dong also patted him on the shoulder. He couldn't say anything to comfort him, but at least it could relieve him a little.

"Everyone, everyone chooses her and Huaisheng. Of course I will not show mercy. Now I just want to know, besides your Yang family and Liu family, which other aristocratic families can be used by me."

"To this day, you should be able to see that I am not only doing it for myself. If this continues, countless people will suffer, let alone the aristocratic family."

"Sanzhuhui's ambitions have long been beyond this. If this spirit stone falls into the hands of others at this time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Xu Dong's expression was solemn, and Yang Tianci also realized how serious this matter was. He hated that he refused Ye Huaisheng just now, but now he gave Ye Huaisheng an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Yang Tianci blamed himself very much.

Seeing Yang Tianci's remorse, Xu Dong didn't say anything, but patted Yang Tianci on the shoulder, motioning him to follow him.

Xu Dong took out the stone from his room, Yang Tianci's family knew immediately when they saw the stone, it seemed that they really wanted Xu Dong not to live.

"To put it bluntly, thanks to my good luck, otherwise, the moment I touched this stone again, I would have died."

Xu Dong knew in his heart that this stone was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface. Nowadays, these people have changed their methods to test themselves.

Of course Yang Tianci is also aware of this, and now he is actively thinking about countermeasures: "I still feel that this stone cannot be returned for the time being."

After hearing what Yang Tianci said, Xu Dong was a little curious and raised his brows slightly, obviously wanting to hear why Yang Tianci had such an opinion.

"Tell me, why do you feel that way?"

"It's very simple. If you go back now, other people will definitely not be able to resist the Ye family. Once the Ye family takes this stone back, where will he end up? I think Mr. Xu should understand better than me."

"In addition to this, the more important point is that staying here with this stone is useful to you."

Yang Tianci is not the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between the inside and the outside. Now that he is Xu Dong's subordinate, of course he has to consider Xu Dong in everything he does.

If this stone cannot be used by Xu Dong, then Yang Tianci certainly hopes that this stone can be kept in another place, lest Xu Dong accidentally touch it, which will cause disaster instead.

But it was different now, Yang Tianci knew that this stone could benefit Xu Dong.

That being the case, then this stone should be kept by Xu Dong's side.

After hearing what Yang Tianci said, Xu Dong smiled with satisfaction. He really wanted to research the use of this stone.

Even he already had a suspicion in his heart, that is, this stone is very likely to be related to the formation on Qinglong Mountain.

If it has something to do with the formation on Qinglong Mountain, then I can completely use this stone to repair the formation.

Not to mention that it will be beneficial to him at that time, maybe he will be able to completely integrate the aristocratic family.

Now that the Sanzhuhui's ambitions are expanding day by day, of course Xu Dong will not continue to be content with the status quo, otherwise, he will be sorry for the entrustment made by the witch emperors of the past, and even more sorry for his current abilities.

Of course Xu Dong wanted to keep this stone, and Yang Tianci also thought so.

But the question now is, if these people keep harassing Xu Dong, will it have a certain impact on Xu Dong's life?

Thinking of this, Yang Tianci hesitated to speak.However, Xu Dong had already thought of a countermeasure, and now seeing Yang Tianci in such a difficult situation, he immediately spoke up.

"I know what you are worried about, but you don't need to worry about this matter. I will naturally make my own arrangements. Now you just need to specifically tell me what Ye Huaisheng did to other aristocratic families and tell them what Ye Huaisheng did. Let's see how they choose."

Yang Tianci immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's do this. If there is any new situation on my side, I will definitely report it to you in time. But the same, if there is any situation on your side that you can't handle by yourself, I will I also hope that you can tell me in time."

From Yang Tianci's point of view, no matter how he is, he is a member of the family. Even if he has taken refuge in Xu Dong now, he still has friendship with other people.

If Xu Dong was really annoyed by them, he might have to deal with it himself in the end.

After Yang Tianci finished speaking, Xu Dong nodded comprehensibly.

(End of this chapter)

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