rural little Shennong

Chapter 961 Settle down

Chapter 961 Settle down
This is the only way to go now.

After Yang Tianci left, Yang Zeguang entered the house.Thieves asked, what exactly were Xu Dong and Yang Tianci talking about.

"Mr. Xu, just tell me, my father can have sex, and it's not like you don't know that he hides everything from me and protects me very well, but I don't want to do this."

Yang Zeguang was even thinking that if Yang Tianci hadn't protected her so well, he wouldn't have been tricked by others and wouldn't be in the situation he is today.

Seeing such an active Yang Zeguang, Xu Dong had a plan in mind, and he purposely put it off: "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course, otherwise I came here to ask you why?"

Xu Dong nodded and then pointed to the bookshelf beside him: "Did you see the books on it? I guess you don't know much about the family until now, so when you finish reading those books, I will tell you you."

Yang Zeguang didn't like reading, so when he saw these books, Xu Dong's eyes were full of pain: "Mr. Xu, do you really want me to read these books? Read these books." After that, I guess I'm going to have my head explode."

"It's okay if you don't read it. If you don't read it, you won't get the answer you want, so the choice is yours. If you have nothing to do, remember to take the book away and go back to your own room. I have other things now. If you want to do it, I can’t control you for the time being.”

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he directly put the book in Yang Zeguang's hands, then left the study room, turned around and went to find Lamo and the others.

Lamo and the others have been busy on Qinglong Mountain during this time, and more importantly because Xu Dong felt that there were many secrets in Qinglong Mountain. If it was related to the inheritance of Wu ancestors, maybe Lamo and the others would be more suitable than himself. found this thing.

But now it is clear that they have reached a place where they can be used, so Xu Dong naturally will not let them continue to idle.

When Lamo saw Xu Dong coming, he knew that there must be a task to be assigned to him, and he was very happy in an instant, chirping like a bird just out of the cage.

"Brother Dong, you are here. If you don't come again, I will take the initiative to find you. These days, the money we earn in Qinglong Mountain is almost enough to go up and down the mountain with our eyes closed."

"Yeah, Brother Dong used to be busy when they were in the stockade, but now they are suddenly idle and feel weak. Some brothers feel that they have no energy."

"Brother Dong, hurry up and give us the task, no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, we are willing, as long as we don't let us idle, otherwise we think it is useless to you."

The reason why Xu Dong brought them down at that time was to let them see the world, so that they could rebuild the Wula cottage after returning.

Now they have been wandering in Qinglong Mountain for a long time. Although they have seen a certain amount of the world, they only see so many people every day. For them, there is no novelty for a long time.

During this period of time, Xu Dong kept letting them go. Naturally, they didn't understand some things and didn't have time to ask them.

Xu Dong looked at them so positively, shook his head with a smile, and began to reflect on his own problems.

"I'm really sorry. I've been busy recently, so I haven't been able to take care of you. If you have any questions in the future, just ask me in time. I will know everything and say everything."

After receiving Xu Dong's answer, the others were naturally very happy, as long as Xu Dong was willing to teach them everything would be fine.

However, the task they were looking forward to finally came.

"Lamo, you have divided you into two factions according to everyone's habits. One faction should be more courageous, and the other faction should be more careful."

"I'll just wait here. After you finish the assignment, I'll arrange tasks for you. What do you think?"

Lamo patted his chest and assured: "Of course! Don't worry, you will be satisfied this time."

After speaking, Lamo began to carefully classify the people in the village according to what Xu Dong said.

In the end, people were equally divided into two parts, including Rameau, no more, no less.

Xu Dong was very satisfied when he saw that Lamo had settled so quickly.

It seems that I did not pick the wrong person at the time, but if I want to pick a stupid person to go down the mountain, there will be no such result.

Soon, Xu Dong immediately arranged these people for the positions they should be in.

"These days when I'm brave, I'm at the gate of Qinglong Mountain. Maybe there will be a lot of troublemakers. At that time, you can deal with them whatever you want. As long as you can drive them away, I will reward you a lot."

"Be careful, there are still quite troubles recently. You are patrolling the exits and borders of Qinglong Mountain. If you find any suspicious people, you should report to me immediately."

"The only difference is that you don't need to go around with tourists anymore, you just need to do things for me. There are many things you don't know about Qinglong Mountain, maybe you haven't discovered it yet. If you have any doubts, you can tell them in time. Find me, and I will answer naturally."

In any case, as long as they are given new tasks, they feel happy.After Xu Dong's voice fell, one by one happily carried out their tasks.

Afterwards, he directed Lamo to follow him to take the formation in the depths of Qinglong Mountain.

"Do you know why I kept you here?" Xu Dong put his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice. Lamo also realized in an instant that Xu Dong had entrusted himself with a heavy responsibility this time.

Lamo looked at Xu Dong with eager eyes, as if he was about to accomplish something big soon.

"I know Brother Dong, you must have something very important to tell me, otherwise you wouldn't have left me alone at this time, and you also showed me something we've never seen before."

Lamo has always been smart, Xu Dong also knows this.He patted Ram on the shoulder now, and pointed to the lit stone pillar.

"There are eight stone pillars in total, and each stone pillar contains different rules of heaven and earth. With my current ability, I can only light up one of them, and the rest may require more people to participate."

"The reason why I let you come here is because many people are thinking about this formation, so I need you to guard it for me."

After Xu Dong handed over this task to Lamo, Lamo only felt that the burden on him suddenly became as heavy as a thousand pounds.

"Brother Dong, I'm still very grateful that you trust me so much, but what if I can't do well?"

(End of this chapter)

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