Chapter 984
The two looked at each other and smiled, with undisguised ambition in their eyes.

I don't know what Guo Zihan and Sanda talked about. The only thing everyone knows is that when Guo Zihan came back, the things in the suitcase disappeared, and replaced by dozens of cash.

With Guo Zihan's influence, he didn't need to go through the airport security check at all, he could easily bypass it.

However, even if he was able to bypass the security check, he couldn't get around it and didn't go through the security check.

This matter was immediately known to Zhu Xinyu.

This news was transferred from the customs to the national security team, and then to Zhu Xinyu's ears. I don't know how many first-hand news it is. Some people spread this matter miraculously.

Only Zhu Xinyu grasped the key point, that is why he evaded customs inspection.

The things in his box are indeed weird, this is already certain, but it's a pity that we can't know what's weird about the things in his box now.

Zhu Xinyu told Xu Dong about this matter. When Xu Dong found out about this matter, he was not too surprised. In his opinion, this matter was nothing more than normal. Anyway, when Sanda and Guo Zihan got together, it was Wang Ba looked at Mung Bean and met his eyes.

In addition, if San Tian would honestly give up any action at this time, Xu Dong would feel uneasy.The more anxious he was, the more Xu Dongyue was able to control all his actions.

Zhu Xinyu and Xu Dong met and had a good discussion about Guo Zihan.

"So how much do you know about Guo Zihan, or how much information can you give me?"

After Zhu Xinyu heard what Xu Dong said, she rolled her eyes, and directly sent all the information she had prepared in advance to Xu Dong's mobile phone: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you want to deal with him, you have to Thinking about it, he is not an easy character to deal with."

"Of course I know this. I'm not so bloated that I don't even have a brain. But then again, if you worry so much, you should grow old early."

The last thing girls can talk about is the topic of premature aging.Upon hearing this, Zhu Xinyu immediately raised her hand, as if to hit Xu Dong.

Xu Dong firmly held Zhu Xinyu's hand.He took the initiative to put it on the table and patted it lightly.

Xu Dong's hand was dry and warm. After Zhu Xinyu's hand was held, Zhu Xinyu couldn't help but blushed, but quickly recovered.

What is there to be shy about?This is not the first time, besides, two people are partners, that's all.Zhu Xinyu, if you are blushing and shy now, you will lose!

Zhu Xinyu comforted herself so much. Xu Dongzi was immersed in the information, as Zhu Xinyu said before, this pot, Han Fei, but she has skills, and more importantly, her family background is really unusual.

Compared to someone like himself who came from a grassroots background and was able to achieve what he is today because of a shocking return, Guo Zihan was born with a diamond spoon in his mouth, let alone a gold spoon.

Apart from not being able to cultivate, and the fact that their family's inheritance is hundreds of years shorter than that of the ancient martial arts family, the rest of him really does not lose at all, and is even a bit stronger than the current ancient martial arts family.

After reading the information, Xu Dong turned off his mobile phone and began to make detailed arrangements with Zhu Xinyu.

"I've looked at his industries, among which the pharmaceutical industry with the highest overlap rate with me is the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the related medical device industry, including the construction of a nursing home that he has been working hard on now, and judging by the current situation, he should be right The land of Qinglong Mountain is very interesting."

"I think even if there is no Sanda, I'm afraid he would also want to seek cooperation with me at the beginning, or take a stake in the nursing home, or build a new nursing home at the beginning of the second phase of the project following Qinglong Mountain."

"If it was said that he just wanted to cooperate, but now that he has three days of help, his ambition will further expand. So what he wants now must be the entire Qinglong Mountain, including the nursing home that I have built before."

"With this kind of competition in a business situation, I think how he will deal with me, even if I don't need to tell you, you should be able to figure it out, right?"

Zhu Xinyu nodded in agreement: "Of course I can guess it, but then again, I really can't help with this matter. The only thing I can do is to keep a close eye on his every move."

"If he wants to do anything in business, I will notify you as soon as possible, but that's all."

In this regard, Xu Dong didn't hold much hope in the first place. It's better to leave things like business wars to him. As for Zhu Xinyu, he only needs to be responsible for passing the news to him.

"You don't have to worry about this, but I may need you to reorder the medicine from me, and it's best to be as loud as possible."

After Xu Dong's voice fell, Zhu Xinyu's brows were tightly wrinkled, forming a pimple: "Why? At this stage, shouldn't you be as low-key as possible? If you are still popping up suddenly, maybe you will In the end there will only be endless trouble."

Shooting the bird out of the gate, Xu Dong's current situation can be said to be besieged on all sides, and he dared to do something in such a high-profile manner.Could it be that he has other plans?

Xu Dong smiled mysteriously at Zhu Xinyu, and didn't explain the reason behind it, but told Zhu Xinyu solemnly again: "Of course I have my reasons for saying this, you just go ahead and do it, but the medicine in it is not for me. I will also produce with my heart, so don't worry about fooling you."

Even though there were many doubts in her heart, Zhu Xinyu still did what Xu Dong said, and immediately sent the news to Shang Jun, asking Shang Jun to go to Director Xia, and they had a good talk.

The two perform their own duties, and now a big net is gradually enveloping them.But Xu Dong has this certainty, from the one who was caught in the net to the one who went to catch others.

But what Xu Dong didn't know was that now, when Gu Wendong looked at a cup in front of him, his acquaintance couldn't help shaking, and he couldn't even hold the phone steadily, so he made a call to him tremblingly.

"Mr. Xu, can you come to Qinglong Mountain immediately, it seems that there is one thing. It is wrong to say that it is not appropriate. It is easy to cause accidents. Oh, I don't know how to say it."

When Xu Dong heard Gu Wendong's tone, his heart skipped a beat.

Gu Wendong is a quick-witted person. If it is not a particularly difficult task, he will never be so nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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