rural little Shennong

Chapter 985 Greedy Worker

Chapter 985 Greedy Worker

Xu Dong took a deep breath, and while walking outside, comforted Gu Wendong on the phone: "Don't be nervous, I'll go back right away, and we can discuss anything in person."

Zhu Xinyu knew something had happened after hearing Xu Dong's tone, she got into the car with Xu Dong and headed towards Xiawan Village.

Xu Dong rushed to the office of the second phase of Qinglong Mountain, and saw Gu Wendong's pale face staring at a small cup on the table.

Xu Dong didn't see the way at first, until Zhu Xinyu held his wrist tightly.

He turned his head and saw Zhu Xinyu's terrified eyes, and instantly realized what was going on with the cup.

Xu Dong stepped forward to pick up the cup and put it in his hand. He looked at it carefully for a moment, and the moment he put down the cup, he stared at the worker standing beside him.

"Tell me why you secretly hid this cup." How important this is!

It would be fine if he was just greedy for petty gains, but if he had already been bought by others with the purpose of taking him into the army at this time, then everyone around him would have to thoroughly check.

The worker's body was shaking like a sieve now, and it seemed that Xu Dong's eyes were also full of fear.He doesn't know how to explain it to Xu Dong now: "I just think this thing looks good, and I want to take it home, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

"Mr. Xu, what should I do now? Will I go to jail? I still have a family to support."

Xu Dong frowned when he heard this, and she looked at the worker with helplessness.

This worker, he remembered that when the workers were completely poisoned, he was at that time, and his condition was not good. It seemed that it was caused by many days of fatigue.

All of a sudden, what he said is true, but it's a pity that this matter can't be fooled so easily, so now we must find a suitable way.

Xu Dong was still thinking of a solution, when Zhu Xinyu's cell phone rang suddenly.

She took out her mobile phone and found that it was not on, and her heart skipped a beat.

At this time, if his personal mobile phone did not light up, then the one that lit up must be the internal mobile phone of the Guoan team.

I don't know whether Tao brings good news or bad news.

Zhu Xinyu took a deep breath and prayed secretly in her heart that it must be good news before answering the phone.

But whenever this result is reached, when the injury is recuperating, it often backfires.

"Captain, why did the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau tell us that there seems to be something missing from the tomb?"

Zhu Xinyu's face was as pale as white paper, and she looked at Xu Dong with fear in her eyes. She no longer knew what to do about this matter.

The moment Xu Dong met Zhu Xinyu's gaze, he knew that he had probably been discovered.It seemed that he couldn't escape this matter after all.

He took the initiative to reach out his hand to Zhu Xinyu, and Zhu Xinyu could only hand over the phone to Xu Dong.Xu Dong picked up the phone and took the initiative to communicate with Shang Jun.

"This matter is indeed my fault. I didn't watch my workers. Some of them took a cup secretly."

"But don't worry, I will take care of this matter and give you an explanation."

There seemed to be the sound of a heavy object falling on the other end of the phone. It seemed that the entire team had listened to the call on the speakerphone, and that's why someone dropped the things in their hands in a panic.

Xu Dong could even hear Shang Jun's heavy breathing over there, which had never happened before. It seemed that this matter was more serious than he imagined.

Xu Dong thought about this, but Shang Jun on the other end of the phone spoke again: "Xu Dong, you're likely to come here with your things yourself, and I don't know whether you will stay here for a while or not." .But you trust me and the captain, the two of us will work hard for you."

At worst, I will try my best to blame others at that time. Anyway, as long as they bite to death, no one will have a problem.

Xu Dong knew that they would definitely choose this way, and immediately said: "I can't blame others. I can only bear the blame. The one who was greedy for cheap and left this cup is one of my workers. There are seniors and subordinates in this worker's family. Little, he can't live without this job, and he can't get in."

"On the contrary, after I go in, there shouldn't be too many people embarrassing me, so I think I should be the most suitable candidate."

When Xu Dong said this here, Zhu Xinyu immediately refuted: "Where is it appropriate? He needs a family to support, so you don't need to take care of others?"

Even if Fang Qing has been sent to the confinement center, so what?Xu Dong should also visit Fang Qing from time to time.

Besides, the top priority now is to deal with Sandian well. If Xu Dong is not around, there will be one less backbone in this matter. How should they deal with it?
Looking at the impatient Zhu Xinyu, he also saw the heavy Xu Dong Gu Wendong, who was always willing to retreat to the end and be a coward, stood up rarely.

"I'll take this cup from today on."

"Are you crazy!"

"Director Gu, this won't work, it's indeed my fault!"

The worker and Xu Dong spoke one after another, and Xu Dong strengthened his determination after seeing the worker's words: "I have made up my mind, so you don't need to say any more, but Wen Dong, you still have to go with me. You are here, maybe I can spend less time in it."

Gu Wendong seemed to want to say more, but Xu Dong suddenly raised his hand, directly stopping Gu Wendong's next words.

"Didn't you say that we are half-brothers, we share the blessings and share the troubles, and now you are willing to share the troubles with me. So, I don't need you to do anything more."

From the moment Wendong was willing to stand up, Xu Dong had already decided what to do with this matter. Talking about it would be useless and a waste of time, so he might as well take this cup with him now.

Zhu Xinyu directly transferred the helicopter, and took Gu Wendong and Xu Dong to the Guoan team, and within the Guoan team, people from the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau had already come to the negotiating table.

This was Xu Dong's first time sitting at the negotiating table, and he suddenly felt that he was valued.He smiled and nodded at Zhu Xinyu, and Zhu Xinyu gave him an annoyed look.

Can you still joke at this time, really don't know whether to live or die?

Seeing Xu Dong coming, the people from the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau went straight to the point and expressed their intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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