Chapter 17

At the regular meeting on Monday, Zhao Rongsheng mentioned that a female patient in the Central Hospital committed suicide by jumping off a building.Everyone sighed after listening to it.Although Xie Moji listened to it for the second time, his heart was still pitted by Zhao Rongsheng's words.Gao Yaqin, who was sitting next to her, was not affected by her emotions, and offered to follow up and report on this matter.Zhao Rongsheng was naturally happy and agreed with a smile.

Xie Moji was in a state of confusion throughout the afternoon.Even colleagues are a little absent-minded when talking to her.In the evening, she couldn't bear it anymore, and dragged Li Lushuang, who was rushing to draft, to the tea room to chat.After rambling for a while, I came to the main topic: "Lu Shuang, ask Qin Qi to ask me when Dr. Shan's suspension will be revoked."

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Li Lu gave her a bright look, puzzled by her willingness to look far away.

Xie Moji paused, his face paled slightly: "I sent him a message, but he didn't reply."

"Qin Qi and I are going to see him after get off work, do you want to go with us?" Li Lushuang asked.

This is the second time someone asked Xie Moji this question today.The first time was Gao Yaqin. Before she went to the hospital for an interview in the afternoon, she asked Xie Moji if she wanted to go with her.She declined almost subconsciously at the time.The words Lu Yu said flashed through his mind: "After what he said today, he probably won't come to you again." He was right, Dr. Shan would not take the initiative to look for him, and naturally it will be even more so in the future.It's just that she also found sadly that even after that incident, she seemed to have no reason to go to him.

"I don't think we should go. It's the same when you come back and tell me the news." For a moment, her heart was moved, but she gave up the idea after thinking about it.Not because of Lu Yu's warning.It's just that I don't want to cause trouble for him.

"It's up to you. According to Qin Qi, the little nurse was very diligent." Li Lushuang threw out this sentence intentionally or unintentionally, and then patted her ass and left.

On the way back, Xie Moji continued to play the role of the walking dead.In addition to worrying about Dr. Shan and Lu Yu these past few days, she has another worry.I wanted to mention it to Li Lushuang during the chat just now, but I hesitated for a long time. I couldn't talk about it due to the content, so I could only let it go.

Her dreams took a sudden turn.

Although the man's face was still missing, she had already lost her curiosity about the man's appearance.But the interaction between the two has fundamentally changed.If they were just testing and teasing each other before, then now, he attacked her.No, to be precise, he had sex with her.

The incident both distressed and puzzled her.How could she, who is completely clueless in that aspect, be able to feel like a duck to water in her dream?In the past few days, as long as she thought of her panting voice in the dream, she would feel ashamed.

It was still bright when she got home, and she started washing vegetables and cooking mechanically. Because of her absent-mindedness, her movements were much slower than before.While chopping vegetables, she forcibly retracted her wandering thoughts and concentrated on the movements in her hands.But at the last moment, one accidentally cut his finger.She rinsed her fingers in cold water for a while, and then started cooking.When I felt the pain intensify halfway through, I looked at my hand again, and it was already dripping with blood.

She froze for a moment and became dizzy.I quickly turned off the gas stove to find a bandage, but was flustered by the black shadows appearing in front of my eyes.She has always had blood dizziness. When she was a child, every time she saw her father coughing up blood, she couldn't stand steadily, and fainted on the spot a few times.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find nothing, she wrapped her fingers with a towel, and called Lu Yu while she was still awake.Before he could speak, he was stopped by Lu Yu's crackling words: "Moji, the students are about to take the college entrance examination. I haven't thought about our affairs carefully. Is it okay to talk about it after the examination? Also, these few days Maybe I still have to go on a blind date. My mother said that since I have made an appointment with someone, I have to go. I think so, since I have already agreed to..."

She felt that her head was getting heavier and heavier, but Lu Yu was still talking non-stop.She was really exhausted, so she rushed to say: "Lu Yu, can you come to my house now, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Let Lu Shuang accompany you, I really can't get away from here, I'm sorry, Moji." Lu Yu hastily put away the line.

Xie Moji gritted his teeth and pressed Li Lushuang's number again.

Li Lushuang was at Doctor Shan's house with Qin Qi at the time.Hearing the ringtone, she looked at the number, and mouthed to Qin Qi, "It's Mo Ji".Then picked up the phone.After she fed her, she heard Xie Moji say in a very small voice on the other end of the phone: "Lu Shuang, I cut my finger at home..."

She didn't care too much, and asked in a low voice how her injury was.The other party did not know what to say.When she repeated it for the third time, there was no response from the other end, and then she heard a thud.Only then did she become nervous, fearing that something would happen to Mo Ji, she grabbed Qin Qi's hand and was about to leave.

"What's wrong with Xie Moji?" Seeing her sudden expression, Qin Qi hurriedly asked her.Li Lushuang explained quickly, and couldn't help but look at Doctor Shan who was sitting on the opposite sofa with a calm face.

Dr. Shan was drinking tea with his head down, Li Lushuang thought he didn't hear.Just as he was about to ask his opinion again, he put down his teacup and calmly said to Qin Qi, "Qin Qi, she has blood fainting, she probably fainted. Go to her house and have a look."

"Aren't you going?"

"I won't go." He frowned, stood up, shook the phone in his hand, and said flatly, "Call me immediately if you need anything."

"Okay." Li Lushuang nodded.The matter was urgent, and she was not allowed to stay any longer, so she grabbed Qin Qi's hand and ran out.

When the two rushed to the parking lot in a panic, they turned their heads and saw Dr. Shan following him. He was running with great strides, his hair was blown all over the place by the wind.

"Old Dan, what's the matter?" Qin Qi opened the car door and looked at him strangely.

"The key to her house." Dr. Shan said and put a bunch of shining keys into Qin Qi's palm.Qin Qi was stunned for a while, and stopped for a while before being dragged into the car by Li Lushuang.

Doctor Shan didn't seem to want to talk too much. After closing the car door for Qin Qi, he warned in a cold voice, "Call me if you need anything." After looking at each other, they hurriedly started the car.

The situation was much better than Li Lushuang imagined. When they rushed into Xie Moji's house, Xie Moji was lying on the sofa, holding a mobile phone in one hand and wrapped in a towel with blood on the towel.She didn't know what to do when Qin Qi's phone rang.

"Are you there?" Dr. Shan asked on the other end of the phone.

After getting Qin Qi's affirmative answer, he said calmly: "Qin Qi, lay her flat, and then check to see if her wound is still bleeding. If the bleeding stops, there is nothing serious."

After listening to his explanation, Qin Qi was a little confused. He is obviously a doctor himself, how could this matter not be handled.How anxious is this old single today, it's too strange.

After he bandaged Xie Moji's wound and made sure it was correct, he received a call from Dr. Shan.

"How's the situation?" came a cold voice.

At this moment, Qin Qi finally realized that it was time to make fun of Dr. Shan. He deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Miss Xie's condition is not very good. The bleeding has not stopped."

"Hurry up and take her to the hospital! I'll wait for you at the hospital." Sure enough, the calm voice on the phone disappeared, replaced by the anxious voice of Doctor Shan.

"Okay, old Dan, I'm just joking with you. She's fine, but she hasn't woken up yet." Qin Qi was suddenly a little excited.In his eyes, Dr. Shan has always been synonymous with calmness and calmness.It wasn't until today that he discovered that this usually calm man also had moments of madness and anxiety.This time, he became very curious about Xie Moji who was falling asleep.

"I'd better come here." Doctor Shan said after a pause.

Not long after, Doctor Shan arrived.

He trotted in hastily, without bothering to say hello to them, he went straight to the sofa as soon as he entered the door, saw Xie Moji lying peacefully, he was sure there was nothing wrong, his tense face relaxed.

"Old Dan, there are too many things you have to explain today..." Qin Qi was completely shocked by his abnormal behavior: "Let's talk about the key first?"

Doctor Shan ignored it, walked around the living room, found a blanket on the balcony, took it over and gently covered Xie Moji, and then said: "She used to be my patient."

But obviously, Qin Qi was dissatisfied with his irrelevant answer. Just as he was about to investigate, Li Lushuang winked at him, and then said with a smile, "Doctor Shan, why haven't you returned her?"

Doctor Shan's face froze, and his speech slowed down: "I haven't found a chance. She wakes up in a while, so you help me and hand it to her. I'm leaving."

"Don't wait for her to wake up?" Li Lushuang asked.

"Don't wait, you are her friends, it's more appropriate for you to accompany me." His eyes flicked to Xie Moji who was on the sofa, and after looking at her quietly for a while, he finally stood up.

At this time, Xie Moji's body moved, turned around, and uttered a raving.Li Lushuang moved closer to her and listened, but her voice was too low to hear what she was muttering clearly.But seeing Dr. Shan's watching expression at the door, he became nervous and stopped him, saying, "Mo Ji seems to be calling you."

Doctor Shan's footsteps stopped, and he turned his head suddenly, his expression was as calm and natural as ever, but Li Lushuang noticed that his eyes lit up, and after looking at her for a few seconds, he glanced in Xie Moji's direction.That gaze was warm and kind, completely different from his usual self.

"There should be no problem. I'll go first." He nodded at Li Lushuang, opened the door and walked out.

Half an hour later, Xie Moji woke up.

When she saw Li Lushuang sitting beside her, she was startled.The first reaction was "How did you get in?" Li Lushuang didn't evade, she brightened the key in her hand and said, "Doctor Shan gave it to you. You can ask him for the specific situation."

This answer made Xie Moji stunned for a while.It wasn't until Qin Qi brought out the dishes and rice from the kitchen that she returned to reality from the phantom.

Qin Qi at the dinner table was even more cheerful and talkative, constantly talking about some interesting things in the hospital and the recent spread of the epidemic.During the period, an internal message broke out: "The expert group called Dr. Shan to go to City B to participate in the vaccine development work, and the hospital has agreed. Now it depends on what Dr. Shan wants."

"Isn't he suspended?" Li Lushuang asked.

"That's right, but the expert group doesn't care whether you stop or not when someone is important. We all persuade him to go, just to avoid the limelight."

"Is he planning to go?" Xie Moji straightened up, suddenly a little nervous.It's a four-hour drive from Dongqu to City B, and the road is not far, but this means that it is difficult to see Dr. Shan.Thinking of this level, she was faintly unhappy.

"I don't know what he thinks. I heard that the development of the vaccine has reached the critical stage, and Dr. Shan has such a sense of responsibility that he probably won't refuse." Qin Qi kept picking up vegetables for the two women while talking.The dishes he cooked tasted very good, but Xie Moji felt tasteless after eating them.

After eating, Li Lushuang and Qin Qi went back.Xie Moji sent them to the gate of the community. Li Lushuang stepped into the car, took Xie Moji's hand and said, "Actually, Doctor Shan came to see you just now, but he left immediately. What's going on with you?"

"Really?" Xie Moji's hands trembled slightly, and he said with a wry smile, "I don't even know what happened with Lu Yu, let alone him. We are just ordinary patients and doctors. That's all."

Her bitter look, coupled with her pale face, made Li Lushuang feel a little distressed, and couldn't help saying: "I advise you to break up with Lu Yu. As long as his mother is by your side There's always a ticking time bomb."

Xie Moji nodded, unable to tell what his true thoughts were.I don't know when it started, she seemed to stop caring so much about her and Lu Yu's affairs.Only when I think about it will my heart ache.

(End of this chapter)

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