Chapter 18

A few days later, Gao Yaqin brought back more definite news from the hospital. Doctor Shan's transfer order has been issued, and he will soon go to the provincial hospital to take charge of the research and development of vaccines.

When he heard the news, Xie Moji was arranging interviews for the college entrance examination.The day after tomorrow was the first day of the college entrance examination. I don't know if it was a coincidence or Zhao Rongsheng took care of her specially. She was in charge of interviewing Lu Yu's school.When she called to tell Lu Yu, Lu Yu's reaction was very flat, and he just told her to go to him if she had anything to do.She said yes, and then she didn't know what to say to him.

The two of them were silent for a while, and Lu Yu suddenly asked, "Did Shan Wangchen look for you later?"

The sudden question made Xie Moji resist a little, and said no abruptly.

Lu Yu seemed to be aware of her emotionality, and said with a smile: "I also care about you. You can't cover a man like Shan Wangchen." When he said this, Xie Moji felt even more disgusted and fell silent.

"Moji, let's make up. Don't be so awkward anymore." Lu Yu's voice softened, and in Xie Moji's ears, there was still an unshakable bewitching power. "Lu Yu, stop joking. I know Aunt Lu's concerns." Her attitude also softened.

"As you said, you have to keep fighting, Mo Ji, I won't give up easily." Lu Yu flattered and promised.

Even though he knew that there might be moisture in his promise, Xie Moji's heart was still moved.But compared to before, he was much calmer after all, and the unstoppable enthusiasm in his heart had been wiped out at some point.To fight or not to fight, she suddenly felt that she didn't care so much.Do your best and obey the fate.she thinks.

Gao Yaqin's news successfully caused the women in the office to explode.Everyone was chattering, and someone suggested that Gao Yaqin should take advantage of these few days to interview Dr. Shan a few more times. When he becomes a hero in the development of the vaccine, these interview manuscripts will be precious.Some people also advised Xiao Gao to simply abandon her boyfriend and pursue Dr. Shan.Gao Yaqin was dumbfounded by them, and stood there stupidly.

When everyone was discussing the most heatedly, Li Lushuang tugged on Xie Moji's clothes and whispered: "Look, if you don't do anything, Dr. Shan will be chased away by others." When she sang last time, she felt that Dr. Shan was watching Xie Moji's eyes were very different, after going through the blood faint incident together, she became more and more convinced of this.Secretly discussing with Qin Qi, he wants to get the two of them to be together.

Xie Moji rolled her eyes, disapproving of her words.She and Dr. Shan are like heaven and earth, water and fire, one is so ordinary, the other is so dazzling, they are people from two worlds.What's more, I have already had a failed unrequited love experience.In any case, one should not fall again in the same place.

But she had to admit that after so many days, she did miss that man who seemed indifferent and noble but concealed a trace of warmth.Especially when he learned that he was indeed leaving Dongqu, he felt a bit of reluctance in his heart.

After dinner that day, Xie Moji went to a nearby supermarket to buy some snacks and took a walk along the way.Since it was off-duty time, she was dressed casually, flip-flops, overalls, and racerback vest.This attire made her look more lively than before, and she herself liked such a comfortable attire, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth when picking things.

When passing the freezer selling yogurt, she accidentally saw a familiar figure.A tall man with slender legs, is concentrating on picking up rows of yogurt in the freezer.

Seeing this man, her mood became so wonderful that she couldn't help but tiptoe over, and when she was about to walk up to him, she suddenly called out "Doctor Shan".

Shan Wangchen, who was concentrating on it, was obviously taken aback by her appearance, and when he turned his head, his eyebrows were knit together.Seeing Xie Moji's smiling face, his face softened a little, and he nodded with a faint smile.

Seeing that he didn't show any displeasure, Xie Moji heaved a sigh of relief, pointed to one of the brands he often drank like a treasure, and said, "This yogurt is good, it's very thick."

Seeing her expectant eyes, Dr. Shan followed the direction her finger pointed, picked up the yogurt, and put it in the basket.

Just seeing her lively attire, he felt a sense of intimacy that he hadn't seen for a long time.At that moment, I felt that Xie Moji who liked him, clinged to him, and chased him came back again.

How could he not know what yogurt she likes... At that time, he was pestered by her to help her buy yogurt every day.It has to be a certain brand and a certain taste, and no change is allowed.He still remembered that once he bought the wrong brand in a hurry, she frowned and pushed the yogurt in front of him and said, "Doctor Shan, I'll give you this box."

"Why can't you try another brand?" His face was ugly at the time, thinking that she was deliberately embarrassing him.

"I'm afraid of change, and I will always like what I believe, even for a lifetime." She laughed while talking, and didn't think it was a big deal.

But he caught a hint of desolation from her smile.He used to be very surprised, why he was hospitalized for so long, and other patients had their family members bring things in.She was alone with no one to visit.Later, when I learned that she was an orphan and there was only one aunt left in my hometown, I felt a little pity in my heart, and I was more tolerant of her nonsense.

"Doctor Shan, why do you have my key?" A crisp voice sounded from behind.Shan Wangchen frowned and didn't look back: "You prepared two before the operation, and entrusted me to keep one for you."

"Oh." Xie Moji didn't ask any more questions, and silently looked at Dr. Shan's thin back.I suddenly felt a little reluctant.After he left, if she got sick again, what should she do?

"Doctor Shan, when will you leave Dongqu?"

"Leave the day after tomorrow." Shan Wangchen took a few more cans of yogurt, and left the freezer with a basket.Behind him was Xie Moji who followed suit.

"You don't have to accompany me, just pick out what you like." He said lightly.

"I've already bought it, so I'll just take a walk." Xie Moji said with a smile, it's not that he didn't hear his intention to expel him, but he couldn't bear to leave after all.

"You have to take good care of yourself in the future and don't rush to the hospital." He glanced back at her and walked to the cashier with her.When paying, no matter how much Xie Moji insisted, he insisted on asking him to pay.Xie Moji couldn't hold him back, so he simply stopped arguing with him.

"I'll take you back." When walking out of the supermarket, Shan Wangchen said to Xie Moji who was carrying a bag full of food.Xie Moji naturally readily agreed, and happily got into his car.

Along the way, she was thinking about Dr. Shan going to city B.She wasn't surprised he would make such a decision.He is so dedicated, as long as it is conducive to suppressing the virus, he will do whatever it takes.During lunch, Li Lushuang also mentioned that Dr. Shan was leaving Dongqu City, saying that the research and development of the virus was hard and long, and it sounded glamorous on the surface, but it was actually a hard job.Xie Moji was a little worried by what she said. Dr. Shan had already been overloaded with work in order to rescue the infected patients. It's no wonder he didn't die from exhaustion when he was stationed in the expert team this time.

Thinking of this, she sighed, feeling inexplicably bad.

"What's wrong?" Doctor Shan squinted at her.

While talking, he had already reached the gate of the community, Xie Moji picked up the bag at his feet, smiled and said it was fine.

After she got out of the car, Dr. Shan followed her down, leaned into the car, took out two cans of yogurt and stuffed them into Xie Moji's bag. "When I bought it just now, I thought of giving it to you. Actually, I don't eat yogurt very much." His soft eyes brushed over Xie Moji's cheek.

Xie Moji looked at the extra yogurt in the bag, which was still his favorite flavor, and a strange sense of attachment surged to his heart.She still couldn't adapt, watching Dr. Shan get into the car and start the car, her eyes were a little sour.

"Does he not come back until the vaccine is developed?" She asked carefully, afraid that her worry would be too obvious to make him feel disgusted, and also afraid that if she didn't ask now, she would never have a chance in the future.

"It's not that scary. Contact me when the time comes!" As soon as the words fell, the car drove a few meters away, and finally disappeared from her sight.

On the day of the college entrance examination, Xie Moji followed Zeng Liang to Lu Yu's school for an interview.Parents were waiting at the gate of the school, and several traffic policemen were required to maintain order.The management of the guards is still strict, and they have to show all their documents before they are allowed in.Zeng Liang thought it was troublesome, so he had an idea and said, "This is the girlfriend of teacher Lu Yu in your school."

"Does Teacher Lu have a girlfriend?" the doorman muttered, obviously not convinced.Zeng Liang glanced at Xie Moji, who was already blushing, with an unbelievable expression: "No way, do you want to be so low-key?"

Xie Moji didn't bother to explain, he took out the ID from his bag, Zeng Liang saw that she took it, so he had to take it out too.

In order not to affect the students' next exam, their interviews are short.All done in half an hour.Coming out of the teaching building, Zeng Liang asked Xie Moji if he wanted to find Lu Yu.Xie Moji thought about it and shook his head.As they were talking, Lu Yu happened to be walking from the end of the aisle, accompanied by a young woman of similar age.What are the two talking about.

"Lu Yu!" Zeng Liang shouted first, followed by Xie Moji.

Lu Yu looked up to see that it was them, came over with a smile, and greeted Zeng Liang. When his eyes passed by Xie Moji, he was somewhat hesitant and uneasy.

The three talked for a while, and the girl who was with Lu Yu came up, tugged at Lu Yu's sleeve, and whispered, "How much longer? I have a performance this afternoon."

"Yes, you go to eat. I will take care of your girlfriend's lunch." Zeng Liang said with a smile.

Lu Yu looked at Xie Moji beseechingly, Xie Moji nodded hurriedly.During this time, she was very afraid of being alone with Lu Yu.The desperate atmosphere made her heart feel like a knife.

"Well, be careful on your way back." Lu Yu sent them off with a smile.

After walking a few steps, Xie Moji turned back subconsciously, but was surprised to see that girl took Lu Yu's hand, and Lu Yu didn't push it away, and the two seemed to be walking intimately.

"Who is this person?" Soon Zeng Liang also saw it, and asked strangely.

Xie Moji shook his head, feeling extremely weird.

After going back, she hesitated for a long time, and finally made up her mind to send Lu Yu a message to ask him about the girl.She thought that Lu Yu would at least give her an explanation.Unexpectedly, the other party said lightly that this is the neighbor who grew up with his childhood sweetheart.Neighbor?Do the neighbors hold hands like this?Xie Moji burst into tears instantly.

June passed in the blink of an eye.

During this month, Gao Yaqin got engaged, Li Lushuang and Qin Qi developed rapidly, and even the unmarried Zeng Liang found a girlfriend.Xie Moji was the only one who was frustrated between single and non-single.She communicated with Lu Yu several times, but every time Lu Yu hemmed and hawed it.She felt that she didn't understand Lu Yu more and more. If it was really impossible to be together, it would not be difficult to say "break up".What on earth is he thinking?

After learning from the painful experience, she decided to speak clearly with Lu Yu.It is not only to liberate oneself, but also to liberate others.

On this day, she asked for leave to go to Lu Yu's school to find him.It was already the eve of the holiday, and the school was empty.She stood still at the school gate, and asked herself repeatedly in her heart: Will she regret it?After thinking it through thoroughly, he took out his mobile phone and called Lu Yu.

Lu Yu came down quickly, and when he got closer, Xie Moji saw clearly that he was answering the phone, with one hand in his trouser pocket, looking carefree.He walked to Xie Moji's side, made a phone call gesture to her, leaned against the wall and continued talking.Xie Moji was not impatient, and waited quietly by the side.A woman's voice came from the microphone intermittently, Lu Yu did not shy away from it, and chatted as usual.Listen to the tone of voice, as if you are very familiar with the other party.

Xie Moji was not in the mood to eavesdrop, he was thinking carefully about how to speak for a while, and was caught in the sadness of breaking up, when he heard a familiar name "Dan Wangchen" appear in Lu Yu's words.

Before she could fully react, Lu Yu babbled again:

"Why do you always 'Wang Chen' and 'Wang Chen'? He is not in Dongqu now, and he has his own life. Is it interesting for you to keep thinking about it like this?... I know you are talking casually, but such a thought You shouldn't even have one at all...Okay, I won't talk about it. Go get busy, I have something to do here." Then Lu Yu hung up the phone.

After listening, Xie Moji roughly guessed what was going on.Lu Yu glanced at her and asked her what was the matter in a low voice.Xie Moji took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said slowly: "Lu Yu, I've made it clear, let's break up."

(End of this chapter)

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