Chapter 41

"Mo Ji, do you mind my way at that time?" Shan Wangchen held Xie Moji's face in his hands, and looked at her closely.As he opened and closed his eyes, his long eyelashes swept across the bridge of her nose, making her restless.

"...Why would you also want to save me." Xie Moji breathed out to Dr. Shan's face, her face was very red, and her body trembled slightly.

"It's not all because I want to save you, but I also want you." Shan Wangchen chuckled lightly, and the scene from a year ago appeared in front of his eyes.


"Hello, I am your attending doctor."

"It turns out that a handsome person may not be a celebrity, but a doctor."

This is the beginning of their acquaintance.She was his 35th patient.

He admitted that he had been impressed by her the first time he saw her.It's just because other patients put on a gloomy face when they were admitted to the hospital, but she came in with a smile on her face.He originally thought that she happened to be happy about something, that's why she had such a bright smile.It was later learned that her life was not satisfactory, and her relatives also needed surgery due to the car accident just now.But even so, he can often see her warm smile in the corridor, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and her teeth are white and neat.

She seemed to enjoy teasing him and joking with him.He didn't care at first, and even thought it was a little fun.After all, it is very hard to work day and night, and it is good to have a patient with a sense of humor to comfort me.

But slowly, he began to be unable to bear her pressing step by step.He could sense her affection for him, and he also indulged her in teasing him.But time after time, piece by piece, when this occasional interaction increased to once a day or even multiple times a day, he was completely tortured and crazy.

"Doctor Shan, there are cockroaches under my bed!!"

"Doctor Shan, why is the medicine so bitter today?"

"Doctor Shan, this shirt inside of you is so beautiful."

I don't know since when, she began to twitter around him like this.In the beginning, it only harassed the staff at the nurse's station, and in the end, it made the whole hospital known.Even the dean ran into him on the road once, and asked him with a smile: "Xiao Dan, I heard that a patient is chasing you? How about it, don't you think about it?"

How could he even consider developing a relationship with a patient.When he was in college, his professor told him to try not to talk about feelings with patients.he asked why.The professor said that you met in an unequal situation. In a hospital, patients will inevitably feel admiration for the doctor and obey the doctor.But this is just an illusion.Walking out of the hospital and actually living together, that's not the case at all.

He clearly remembered the teacher's warning, so he really began to alienate her slowly.Zuo Xiaojian was also asked to do the rounds of the ward once a day for him.

He did relax for a while, and she seemed to feel her disgust, so she stopped running to her office for nothing.Until the night she jumped off the building.

When he arrived, she had already been carried on a stretcher, her face pale.No matter what other doctors and nurses asked, she refused to speak.

He had no choice but to go over and say hello to her.She just started talking to him, and the first word she spoke was sorry. "I'm sorry! Doctor Shan! I seem to have broken my knee. You asked me to take good care of myself, but I broke my promise..." Before finishing speaking, I passed out.

Then he knew that the person who violated her was Lu Yu.When he went to look for Lu Yu in the ward, Lu Yu raised his head and rolled his eyes uncooperatively.

"Why did you break into her room?" he asked.

"Didn't you say that being intimate can help dispel the virus?" Lu Yu laughed.

He has long been used to Lu Yu's attitude.Ever since he was with Manjing, talking to him was full of gunpowder.

He then asked, "Then why did you choose her?"

"Don't everyone say that she is chasing you, and you are about to be caught up by her? I just want you to experience the feeling of being robbed of something." Lu Yu's face was a little grim, because he had a fever for days, he His face was pale and distorted.

Shan Wangchen was startled, and finally realized that Lu Yu was coming for him.He really didn't expect that the matter between him and Man Jing would stimulate Lu Yu so much.So much so that he actually wanted to take revenge on himself in this way.

Since then, he no longer avoids Xie Moji. On the one hand, he feels guilty, and on the other hand, he also wants to consciously protect Xie Moji.He adjusted her ward to be next to his duty room, separated by a wall, no matter what happened, he would know immediately.

Because of this relationship, this girl made a comeback, more blatantly than before.She would often go to the duty room to help him boil water, clean up the room, and sometimes ask the aunt who sweeps the floor to bring him supper at the canteen.If he doesn't eat, she will ask sadly: "Are you afraid that I will infect you?"

Seeing her dejected face, he couldn't bear to say harsh words again.Under her earnest gaze, he could only lower his head and finish the supper.

Such things are too numerous to enumerate. After a long time, his heart changed from resistance to softness, and in the end, he was completely used to her existence.

Two months later, according to the procedure, she will undergo surgery.The condition for the operation is that the fever should subside for a week.Her condition was normal before, but before the operation, she started to have a fever for no reason.After taking her blood sample for examination, it was found that the virus in her body has not weakened, but has been increasing.

He was also taken aback at the time, and called all the doctors in the department to give her a consultation.Everyone is a little bit at a loss for the new virus, and they don't know what to do in such a situation.Before there is no better way, dragging becomes the only option.

He did not tell her about his illness.But the news quickly reached her ears.In the past few days, she, who was always noisy, finally calmed down.No more watching the wind in the hallway, no more gossiping with people.When he went to see her, she was lying in the ward, looking at the ceiling.His face was flushed with heat, but his expression was cold.

"Doctor Shan, I'm not afraid." She said suddenly, "I watched my parents die day by day. I'm mentally prepared for what death is going to be."

"You'll be fine." Even though he knew that he shouldn't talk too much when communicating with patients, he couldn't help but continue saying: "Trust me, you'll be fine."

"I'm just a little regretful, Dr. Shan. I'm 24 years old, but I haven't been in a relationship yet. Is it similar to the feeling of me chasing you?" Her eyes lit up, but then turned to ashes again.

She often brings up this topic in her usual communication.Listening to her at that time, he always didn't feel much.But that day, his heart was seized by the despair in her words, and he trembled for a long time before he calmed down.

Is that how to lose a girl?He suddenly felt sad.But she also knew in her heart that unless she found a better way, she would be waiting for death if she procrastinated like this.

Slowly, she became comatose, and she was awake for only a few hours a day.Seeing her increasingly thin face, he suddenly felt pain in his heart.He has seen countless lives and deaths, but the life and death of the girl in front of him is tied to his heart like a thread.He began to research whether there was a better way, reading various medical journals.Go to your own lab and try newer solutions.But whenever he came up with a new idea, the attending doctor strongly opposed it.

"Young man, don't use methods that haven't been tested repeatedly." He warned him.He also knew that what he said was right, but at that time, there was really no better way than to keep trying.

On that day, when the attending doctor told him that they would give up the treatment of Xie Moji, Shan Wangchen still remembered the strange sense of panic in his heart.

He was not convinced, and he was unwilling to accept such a result.So behind the back of his colleagues in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Xie Moji was discharged from the hospital on his own initiative.Then secretly transferred her to his private laboratory.His partner is Zuo Xiaojian.When the two brought Xie Moji here, the properties of the tranquilizing medicine that Xie Moji took just passed.

She was already very weak, but at this moment she still had the strength to reach out and hug him.That posture is exactly the posture she often hugs him now, with her hands wrapped around his waist from behind.Then rest your head on his back.

"I'm hopeless, right?" Her eyes were big and dull, and only her trembling hands could see her reaction.

"No, I will use my own method to save you now." Shan Wangchen heard his calm and persistent voice say.

Then he began to treat her with various methods, both in dosage and prescription, there were great changes.The effect was obvious. Two days later, her high fever was under control, but it remained at 38 degrees and refused to drop any further.Then a bolder idea popped into his mind.He hesitated for a few days, and when he had no choice, he helped Xie Moji up from the bed, and asked her softly: "Moji, you once mentioned to me that you want to have sex with me for treatment, are you still willing?" ?"

"Didn't you tell me later that the sexual behavior between infected patients can help the disease get better." Xie Moji's mind has been cleared up a lot. Compared with the few days when she just came to the laboratory, her condition is much better. too much.

"Would you like it if I got the virus too?" he asked pretending to be calm.Only I knew in my heart that his back and hands were already wet with sweat.

"Are you willing?" Xie Moji asked back.

"Yes." He replied seriously.

"Just to save me?"

"Saving you is the most important thing right now." He said softly.Repression hides another strange emotion in my heart.I don't want her to have too many worries and thoughts.

That night, with the help of Zuo Xiaojian, he injected himself with a small amount of the virus.When Zuo Xiaojian heard his thoughts at first, she couldn't accept it.But after seeing Xie Moji's improvement under his treatment, he reluctantly agreed.

Two nights later, he and Xie Moji slept in each other's arms.The two of them had never been so close before, just listening to each other's heartbeats made them feel tense.When she slowly started to get used to it, Shan Wangchen turned off the light.Then slowly take off your clothes.When he was doing this, he asked himself again and again: Shan Wangchen, how much selfishness do you have in your heart?
He felt that he was totally guilty.He had to admit that he really liked her.This kind of liking is different from her menacing pursuit of herself, it is more like cannibalism, and he doesn't pay attention to every bit of it at first.But when he realized it, the mulberry leaves had already been eaten.

"Mo Ji, don't be afraid." He shook his head, swallowed the faint sense of guilt in his heart, and slowly helped her take off the clothes on her body.He tried to keep his movements as gentle as possible.Try to keep talking to her so that she doesn't get so nervous.At the same time, this is also a hint to myself that I must not panic.

(End of this chapter)

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