After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 113 So Qingyan likes the type of domineering CEO!

Chapter 113 So Qingyan likes the type of domineering CEO!

Zhang Jiakang, who was hiding not far away, was amazed: "Brother, what did the young master of the Baili family do wrong? Why was he punished to kneel at the door again? It's so cold, he won't freeze to death, right?" ?”

Zhang Jiayang withdrew his gaze sympathetically, and sighed, "Master Zhan has provoked Master Su."

"So the Lord not only made Young Master Zhan kneel as a punishment, but also slapped him twice?" Zhang Jiakang's eyes widened.

In the entire Baili family, apart from old Baili, his favorite is Young Master Zhan.

Ever since I was a child, although I have been very strict with Young Master Zhan, I have never beaten or scolded him. Who would have thought that I would beat Young Master Zhan now because of a "man"?
Zhang Jiayang shook his head with a wry smile, "Master Su beat him."

Zhang Jiakang exclaimed: "Su Qingyan hit Master Zhan?" Isn't this too courageous?
"He also beat Grandpa."

"What, what?" This time, Zhang Jiakang was completely stunned, and his mood was turbulent like a lonely boat on the sea.

Grandpa called?

Suddenly, Zhang Jiakang thought that Yan Jue had kept his head down when he came back, but his cheeks were a little weirdly red.

Before, he thought that Master had drunk too much, but now that he thinks about it, he must have called Su Qingyan!
Thinking of this, Zhang Jiakang showed an angry look on his face, wishing he could rush into the villa and beat Su Qingyan violently to vent his anger on his father.

Zhang Jiayang looked at Zhang Jiakang's angry appearance, and warned in a low voice: "Jiakang, don't be impulsive, the master is really moved by Master Su, you should be more polite to Master Su in the future, in case you make the master unhappy, I will also can not help you."

Zhang Jiakang listened to Zhang Jiayang's words very much, even though he felt a little dissatisfied, he still nodded honestly, "I see."


The next day.

Su Qingyan woke up with a splitting headache.

She was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and an unpleasant smell of tobacco and alcohol came out of her body. Disgusted, she rushed into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Damn, how did I come back last night?"

[Host, do you really not remember, or do you pretend not to remember? 】 Erdan's voice was full of resentment.

Su Qingyan thought about it carefully, then shook his head.

She only remembered that after she rushed out of Zhou Bo's office, the scene in front of her became dizzy, and then... what happened, she couldn't remember at all.

Seeing that Su Qingyan really didn't remember anything, Erdan became even more angry: [Host, then don't you remember the thing about beating someone? 】

"Are you kidding? I am such a peaceful person, how could I beat someone!"

Are you still at peace?
If you are peaceful, there will be no people with cholera in this world.

Erdan: [Then you can see the amount of tasks yourself! 】

As he said that, a large projected screen suddenly appeared in front of Su Qingyan's eyes.

The big screen was a dazzling red, and the blood-red words on it read: [Question amount: 200]

Su Qingyan stared at it with wide eyes, but no matter how you look at it, the amount of tasks is 200, not one less.

She clearly remembered that she had already done 58 missions!
Su Qingyan was so angry that he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Dumb, aren't you going to explain it to me?"

Although Doe Dan is timid, but this time he was really angry, [Master host, it's not my fault, Yan Jue interfered with my signal, I can't contact you! 】

"What happened last night?" Su Qingyan was also confused.

Why are you still related to Yan Jue?

【Look for yourself! ] Erdan was also very helpless, and showed Su Qingyan what happened last night.

The picture of Zhou Bo's office last night appeared on the red screen, and it played slowly.

The screen uses a third-person perspective, so Su Qingyan can see it very clearly, just like watching TV.

When she saw herself falling into Yan Jue's arms and acting coquettishly at Yan Jue, she felt an ominous premonition in her heart.

Immediately after the crisp applause sounded, Su Qingyan's heart trembled.

She actually hit Yan Jue.

Subconsciously, Su Qingyan looked down at himself, but he didn't find any injuries.

Didn't Yan Jue beat her up to get revenge?
Immediately afterwards, the Battle of Hundred Miles appeared.

She slapped Baili Zhan twice again.

In turn, he slapped Yan Jue again, and asked Yan Jue desperately if he liked to slap him?
Crazy, crazy, she must have been crazy last night.

Yan Jue likes to be beaten because he is sick, right?
The video stops here.

[Host, can we stop beating people in the future? 】 Erdan cried out in aggrieved way.

Su Qingyan coughed lightly in embarrassment, then changed the subject and asked, "Damn, did Yan Jue send me back last night?"

Erdan: [Yes! 】

Su Qingyan: "Then why didn't he hit me?"

Whether it's the memory of the original owner or his own memory lightly, Yan Jue is a ruthless person.

I was slapped three times by myself last night, there is no reason not to return it!

【Then you are going to ask him. 】 Erdan answered vaguely.

Su Qingyan took a good bath, and the discomfort of drunkenness became more comfortable.

She changed her clothes and went down to the first floor, where Yan Jue was already sitting in the living room drinking coffee.

Su Qingyan stopped in embarrassment, and secretly looked at Yan Jue's face.

Although the swelling on Yan Jue's face has subsided, there are still slight red marks, which is enough to show how hard she slapped her three times last night.

Yan Jue put down the newspaper and looked up.

The cold eyes were the same as usual, as if nothing happened last night.

"Eat breakfast."


Su Qingyan didn't dare to have any resistance, walked over obediently, and sat on the sofa farthest from Yan Jue, keeping a safe distance.

"Sit over a bit." Yan Jue ordered.


Su Qingyan obediently pushed her butt, but she was still far away from Yan Jue.

Yan Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't like Su Qingyan patted the seat beside him so far away from him, "Sit here."

"No need, it's fine for me to sit here." Su Qingyan smiled narrowly.

What a joke!

Sitting so close, there is no way to avoid Yan Jue's attack!

"Sit down." Yan Jue ordered coldly.

Su Qingyan felt cold all over, and quickly sat in the seat designated by Yan Jue without daring to resist any more. She was as obedient as a tsundere cat, so cute.

It turns out that Qingyan likes the type of domineering president!

Thinking about it, Yan Jue's face became even colder.


Yan Jue picked up the sandwich on the table and stuffed it into Su Qingyan's hand, and then brought her the freshly brewed warm milk, so she shouldn't have any chance to resist.

Although he doesn't know how to cook Chinese food, he still knows some simple Western food.

This breakfast was the one he made hundreds of times last night, and he finally made it. He has been warming it up and eating it as soon as Su Qingyan wakes up.

Su Qingyan looked down at the sandwich.

The two slices of bread are soft and delicious, with bacon, ham, vegetables, eggs, and cheese slices sandwiched between them. It is not only low-fat but also hearty. It is her favorite type of breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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