After the rebirth, she became a national male god

Chapter 114 Mom!Is Yan Jue teasing her?

Chapter 114 Mom!Is Yan Jue teasing her?
Just this milk...

Su Qingyan has always disliked drinking milk.

"Milk is healthier than coffee, so drink less coffee in the future."

"My lord, you bought the coffee for me too. Didn't I tell you everything!" Su Qingyan pouted dissatisfiedly and muttered softly, but obediently took a sip of milk.

Yan Jue looked at Su Qingyan's well-behaved appearance with a half-smile, and picked up the newspaper again to read.

Su Qingyan ate his breakfast and glanced at the newspaper.

I didn't expect young people in this era to be so impetuous, Yan Jue actually likes to read paper newspapers as much as she does!

Su Qingyan originally thought that Yan Jue would read the financial section, but he didn't want to read the entertainment section.

I really didn't see it!
Yan Jue looks serious, but he is so gossip.

Although Yan Jue was reading the newspaper, the corner of his eye was always on Su Qingyan.

He is usually busy with work, and the usual news is screened by the secretary and sent to him in the form of recordings. He has already listened to it while brushing his teeth and washing his face.

He knew that Su Qingyan liked to read this paper newspaper, so he specially bought it for Su Qingyan to read.

Seeing that Su Qingyan was reading with relish, Yan Jue unobtrusively lowered the newspaper a little more for Su Qingyan to read.

Yan Jue slowly turned the page when he felt that Su Qingyan had finished reading it.

Su Qingyan took a sip of milk in satisfaction, but his pupils never left the newspaper.

Yan Jue reads newspapers at the same speed as her!

After reading the entertainment section, Yan Jue casually flipped through the newspaper like a roundworm in Su Qingyan's stomach, staying on each page for three to five minutes for Su Qingyan to browse quickly.

When turning to the financial section, Su Qingyan suddenly pressed Yan Jue's hand, staring at one of the news.

The headlines of financial news have always been concise and clear, without any gimmicks.

[The stock price of Tian's real estate has risen, is it a rebound in value, or is there a hostile takeover behind the scenes]

This piece of news is not a headline, it only has a very small section, but the author's analysis of the sudden rise in Tian's stock price is clear and logical.

Although the author did not explicitly say that someone was maliciously buying stocks behind the scenes, it was very clear.

And the author also boldly guessed the candidate for the hostile acquisition of Tian's real estate.

Among them is Yan Jue.

"It's not me." Suddenly, Yan Jue's voice echoed in Su Qingyan's ears.

Su Qingyan looked up in a daze.

Yan Jue's handsome face was close at hand, the hot air exhaled on the tip of his nose brought a moist touch, and those deep eyes sucked her firmly like a black hole.

His eyelashes are so long and thick, they are as beautiful as feathers.

Su Qingyan thought in a daze in her heart, stretched out her fingers and swiped twice.

The soft touch makes Su Qingyan's heart flutter.

"Yan, are you teasing me?"


Yan Jue's hoarse voice frightened Su Qingyan to move his upper body away immediately, his cheeks were as hot as fire, "My lord, don't get me wrong! I don't want to tease you, I just... just..."

"What is it?"

Suddenly, Yan Jue leaned forward.

Su Qingyan looked at the slowly enlarged handsome face, and subconsciously fell back, "That's right, what, I think you..."

Su Qingyan fell down on the sofa, and couldn't think of a suitable reason to explain his bewildered behavior just now.

You can't say: I'm so envious of your mascara, right?

Yan Jue stretched out his hand, pressed his palm on the sofa, trapped Su Qingyan in his arms, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "What do you think of me?"

Laughed, Yan Jue laughed again.

This man is so handsome when he smiles!

Su Qingyan felt that her face was getting redder and her heart was beating faster, and her head seemed to be filled with a faint layer of disgust and confusion.

"I just think that you look a little good-looking." Su Qingyan said foolishly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Qingyan's intestines turned green with regret in his heart.

How could such nympho words come out of her mouth?
Knew it!
Not only is beauty a disaster, but blue beauty is also a disaster for the country and the people.

What is Yan Jue doing to look so good-looking when he is full?
"Is it just a little?" Yan Jue asked in a low voice, his arms slightly bent, and he moved a little closer to Su Qingyan.

As long as Yan Jue goes down a little lower, his whole body will be on Su Qingyan's body.

Su Qingyan was afraid that he would be fascinated by the beauty and say something nympho, so he quickly turned his face away in shock, not daring to look at Yan Jue's face again.

But as everyone knows, in Yan Jue's eyes, her evasive appearance is a sign of shyness.

"My lord, you are the most handsome man in the world. There will be no one more handsome than you in this world." Okay?

Su Qingyan opened his mouth to boast, and only hoped that Yan Jue could get up quickly and stay away from her.

She was really afraid that if she got so close to Yan Jue again, her heart would betray her and jump on Yan Jue's body to act wildly.

"Hey!" Yan Jue chuckled happily, but said in a low voice, "No, I'm just the second most handsome person in the world."

"My lord, don't be modest, you are definitely the most handsome man in the world, there is no second place." Su Qingyan's flattery is not like money.

Yan Jue was happy when he heard that, and pressed his body down again, his thin lips pressed close to Su Qingyan's ear, and said hoarsely: "I think you are the most handsome man in the world."

As soon as these words came out, Su Qingyan froze in place.

What, what?
Was Yan Jue's words teasing her?

Didn't Yan Jue hate the original owner to such an extent that he wanted to kill the original owner when they met?
Although her attitude changed later, that was only when she no longer provoked Yan Jue!
Why did you suddenly become flirty?
"I'll take you to the TV station."

Although Yan Jue was very reluctant to let go of Su Qingyan's cutie, he still accepted it and stood up.

They have plenty of time to develop their relationship slowly.

"Ah? Oh!" Su Qingyan sat up in a daze.

Yan Jue's hot breath still lingered in his ears, and his heartbeat gradually calmed down because of Yan Jue's departure, but he felt a little lost in his heart for no reason.

She thought Yan Jue was going to kiss her just now.

Su Qingyan came to the door, wanting to take the lactic acid bacteria from Yan Jue.

But Yan Jue avoided Su Qingyan's hand.

"I just took it out of the refrigerator. It's cold. I'll warm it up for you before you drink it."

Su Qingyan: "..." Oh my god!She's going to be heartbroken.

Yan Jue is really flirting with her?

She is a man now!
The door opened, and a figure suddenly jumped up and hugged Yan Jue's feet: "Cousin, I've knelt all night, and I've already figured it out."

As he spoke, he raised his head and glared at Su Qingyan indignantly, and then looked at Yan Jue pleadingly.

(End of this chapter)

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