Chapter 115

"No matter how you punish me, you can go to the countryside or kneel, but you must stay away from this pervert! He is a gay, a gay!"

After Baili Zhan finished speaking with righteous indignation, he glared at Su Qingyan triumphantly, his eyes filled with the joy of victory.

After the cousin knows that Su Qingyan is gay, he will definitely kick Su Qingyan away as before.



Just as Baili Zhan was thinking proudly, Yan Jue kicked him suddenly, kicked him flying, and smashed him to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Baili Zhan coughed in pain, spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

The two brothers of the Zhang family, who were hiding not far away and desperately gnawed on the sandwiches, flinched in fright when they saw Baili Zhan being kicked away.

Zhang Jiakang: "Brother, should we intercede for Young Master Zhan?"

Zhang Jiayang: "Grandpa's housework has nothing to do with us."

Zhang Jiakang: "But Young Master Zhan looks so pitiful."

Zhang Jiayang: "Isn't it pitiful that we eat so many sandwiches?"

Zhang Jiakang looked down at the sandwiches piled up like a hill, and instantly felt that Baili Zhan was so happy compared to them.

He also wanted to give Ye a kick, and he didn't want to eat the sandwich made by Grandpa.

It's too bad!
Grandpa, can you stay away from the kitchen in the future?

Baili Zhan clutched his chest that hurt from being kicked, stared at Yan Jue in disbelief, and said without tears: "Cousin, you kicked the wrong person."

Su Qingyan stood beside Yan Jue, watching with cold eyes, not intending to step forward to dissuade him.

Although Yan Jue's kick seemed to be heavy, it only used [-]% of his strength.

If Yan Jue kicked with all his strength, Baili Zhan would not be as simple as vomiting blood. He might have broken three ribs.

And Yan Jue was not punishing Baili Zhan, but saving Baili Zhan.

Baili Zhan didn't know how much resentment he had accumulated, and the resentment had already accumulated in his heart at this time, if it went on like this, even if he didn't think he died because of the resentment, it would make his body go from bad to worse.

Yan Jue's kick kicked through his stagnant energy and blood due to accumulated grievances, but it actually saved his life in disguise.

No wonder outsiders say that Yan Jue is cruel.

If outsiders didn't understand why they happened to see Yan Jue kicking Baili Zhan, and Yan Jue didn't bother to explain, others would really misunderstand that Yan Jue was cruel to his family.

Su Qingyan thought about it, and looked at Yan Jue with more appreciation.

Cold on the outside and hot on the inside, to her liking.

Yan Jue ignored Baili Zhan, took Su Qingyan's hand and walked to the parking lot.

Baili Zhan is also stubborn, the kind who won't give up if he doesn't get the answer he wants.

He struggled to get up from the ground, reluctantly ran forward to stop Yan Jue and Su Qingyan again, and risked his life to remonstrate: "Cousin, you also know that Su Qingyan has always had unreasonable thoughts about you, and He's still messing around outside, eating both men and women, he's not a good guy! If you don't stay away from him, others will suspect your sexual orientation."

"I like men."

As soon as Baili Zhan finished speaking, Yan Jue gave his answer very calmly.

"Cousin, you... what did you say?" Baili Zhan wondered if his ears had heard it wrong.

It's not just the battle of hundreds of miles, Su Qingyan also showed a look of surprise, subconsciously trying to break his hand away from Yan Jue's.

But Yan Jue seemed to have guessed what Su Qingyan was thinking, and locked Su Qingyan's hand a step earlier.

He turned his head and looked at Su Qingyan coldly.

Su Qingyan only felt a chill all over, and the hand held by Yan Jue hurt like being stabbed by a knife.

Su Qingyan smiled awkwardly, lowered her head, obediently did not struggle any more, but a glint of light was lost in her drooping eyes.

It turns out that Yan Jue likes men?
But, she is not a man!
Why is there some heartache?
Yan Jue keenly felt Su Qingyan's loss, and his mood became irritable.

He thought Qingyan would be happy when he said that he liked men, after all, Qingyan was already a man now.

Yan Jue thought about it, and suddenly his heart ached when he looked at Su Qingyan.

Hasn't Qingyan accepted the fact that she has become a man?
Think about how delicate and charming Qingyan was at the beginning, overwhelming, glamorous, and magnificent... ([-] words of praise are omitted here) woman!
Now that he has suddenly become a teenager, no one can accept it!
Yan Jue thought distressedly, he held Su Qingyan's hand lightly, approached her, and comforted her softly: "Qingyan, it's okay, you don't care if you are a man or..."

"Cousin, you can't like men!"

Before Yan Jue finished speaking, Baili Zhan suddenly shouted in surprise, with a regretful look on his face, as if Yan Jue's liking for a man was a loss to the world.

Yan Jue frowned displeased.

He doesn't like being interrupted to talk to him lightly.

"Cousin, you are not only good-looking, but also extremely smart, and your sports cells are also very developed. Your excellent genes must be combined with another excellent gene, and then a bunch of better genes will be produced. Contributing to human genes... ah..."

Baili Zhan spoke excitedly, the more he talked, the more he felt that what he said made sense.

But before he could finish his sentence, he was kicked out by the sly Yan Jue again.

This time, Yan Jue used [-]% of his strength to kick Baili Zhan to hang on a tree not far away, and one of his ribs was broken.

Yan Jue was gloomy, and pulled Su Qingyan into the car.

"Call him an ambulance."

Yan Jue ordered coldly, and Zhang Jiayang quickly got out of the car with the sandwich in his arms.

Zhang Jiakang held the sandwich in his mouth, not daring to make any sense, and hurriedly drove to the TV station.

Grandpa is in a fit of anger, it's better not to provoke him.

Along the way, Su Qingyan didn't speak, but kept staring out of the window, his eyes filled with thoughts.

Yan Jue kept looking at Su Qingyan, and wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his mouth.

Finally, the car stopped not far from the TV station.

Su Qingyan got off the car.

Yan Jue suddenly took her hand.

Su Qingyan turned his head and looked over, "My lord, is there anything else?"

Yan Jue opened his mouth to comfort Su Qingyan a few words, but thinking that Su Qingyan probably didn't want people to know about her resurrection, he finally smiled slightly: "Have a good game, I'll wait for you in the car."

His smile is warm, with a lovely dimple under his lips.

Su Qingyan stared blankly at Yan Jue's smile, his whole body seemed to be spattered with chicken blood, and the inexplicable loss in his heart dissipated instantly.

She also raised a sweet smile, "My lord, if you have something to do, go and do it! After I finish the recording, I will go back by myself."

(End of this chapter)

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