Chapter 116 You Are All Trash
After finishing speaking, Su Qingyan ran away.

Yan Jue looked at Su Qingyan's energetic figure, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually deepened.

He just likes Su Qingyan's never-say-die spirit, as if no matter how many obstacles ahead, it is impossible for her to be difficult.

"Master, where are we going now?"

"Go to the parking lot."

The car pulled into the parking lot.

Yan Jue got off the car.

Zhang Jiakang led Yan Jue to a secret elevator, took out a magnetic card from his pocket, and swiped it on the elevator card reader.

The elevator door opened, and Yan Jue entered the elevator.

Zhang Jiakang walked in and pressed the top floor, which was the exclusive floor of the director of the TV station.

"Which floor is the backup dancer selection recorded on?" Yan Jue asked.

Zhang Jiakang replied: "The seventh floor."

"Go to the seventh floor."

Zhang Jiakang obeyed the order to press the seventh floor, and then asked: "Master, do you need the director to meet you on the seventh floor?"

"no need."

Zhang Jiakang stopped talking, but silently broke into a cold sweat for the director.

Many people don't know that the largest shareholder of Sakura Satellite TV is Yan Jue's mother, Baili Piaoxue.

After Baili Piaoxue died, the equity was handed over to Baili Wuyun.

After Yan Jue became an adult, Baili Wuyun transferred all the shares to Yan Jue as one of his birthday presents.

Therefore, Sakura Satellite TV is nominally the property of the Baili family, but in fact it is already Yan Jue's private property.


In Studio No. [-] on the seventh floor.

The stage was set up as early as yesterday, all the staff members were in place, and the rehearsal was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Although Yun Shui'er turned the selection of backup dancers into a talent show, the essence is very different from the talent show.

There is no audition here.

Each team is [-] dance troupes that have been screened by YJ.

These dance troupes are either well-known underground dance troupes, or they already have a certain reputation, or they survived by relying on relationships.

For example, Su Qingyan's dance troupe survived thanks to Gu Manli's relationship.

At the same time, there is not much promotion process for the selection of backup dancers this time, and the entire selection is divided into three parts.

Primary election, secondary election, final election.

There is no audience in the primary election, and the judges and Baili Zhan select ten dance troupes from the twenty dance troupes to enter the second election.

There are one hundred spectators seated in the re-election, each with one ticket, and the votes in the hands of the judges and Baili Zhan represent twenty tickets for each.

Five out of ten.

In addition to the continuation of the re-selection system for the final selection, fans of Baili Zhan will also be invited to attend, and finally the only dance troupe that can participate in the concert tour with Baili Zhan will be determined.

Although the competition system is simple and rude, it is also very cruel.

Every promotion is a fateful decision for the dance troupe.

The ten teams in the preliminary selection will compete in two days, and each team prepares a dance to participate in the competition.

Su Qingyan got No. 19 to play, so today I just came to walk through the scene and get familiar with the stage environment.

Near noon, the rehearsal was over.

During lunch time, the stage is free for players to use to familiarize themselves with the stage.

In the previous life, Su Qingyan's rich stage experience allowed her to simply take a look at the stage, and she had a rough summary in her mind.

But it was inevitable that the four of Gu Manli would make mistakes because they were not familiar with the stage, so she took the four of them on the stage and simply explained their positions.

Just when Su Qingyan had almost finished explaining and was about to take the four of them to lunch.

A provocative voice sounded behind him.

"Hey! Isn't this the group of gangsters who occupied the basketball court at the back door of our school? I really didn't expect that you would really dare to participate in the backup dance selection!"

The voice was sharp and piercing, which attracted the attention of everyone present.

As early as when Su Qingyan and the others appeared, many people began to secretly look at them.

Su Qingyan said that the appearance of the group of people was too beautiful, and each of them had strange faces. They had never seen each other before, so many people speculated that these five people were the hidden masters of that dance club.

But I don't want to, it's just a gangster?

Su Qingyan and the five of them looked along the voice.

A few young boys and girls came over, and the leader wore a refreshing ponytail, a sexy faded short skirt, and a pair of crystal stiletto heels stepped on the floor and made a "pop" sound.

She looked at Su Qingyan and the other five with undisguised disdain, and even a bit of anger, as if Su Qingyan owed her millions.

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Gu Manli crossed her arms, raised her head even more than a girl, and stared at her through her nostrils.

Zhao Lianchen also stood on a united front with Gu Manli: "You are just the defeated under our brother Yan, what right do you have to come here and bully me?"

"This classmate, I advise you to be more careful with your words. If my brother Yan is not qualified to participate in the backup dance selection, you..." Shi Yaoyao stepped forward with a smile, pointed at the girl, and then pointed at the girl behind her. People, "And you, I'm afraid you are even less qualified to participate in the backup dance selection!"

Shi Yaoyao's words hit a few people's pain points, making them all show angry expressions.

Xu Hao saw a flash of doubt in Su Qingyan's eyes, and reminded him in a low voice: "Brother Yan, they are the ones who made things difficult for us on the Baida basketball court last time. This woman is the daughter of the principal of Baida, Mo Yingying."

Su Qingyan nodded, and smiled at Xu Hao, expressing that he knew.

Xu Hao looked at Su Qingyan's smile, his eyes flickered, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

"How can he beat me? But he just imitated my dance. This is not an imitation show, but a real dance competition, not a place where rubbish like you can defile." Mo Yingying said contemptuously , From the bottom of my heart, I don't like Su Qingyan and the group of people.

Since losing the basketball court to Su Qingyan that day, Mo Yingying was so angry that she couldn't eat for several days, she must make this group of trash look good.

Later, she found a group of people to go to the basketball court to trouble Su Qingyan.

But Su Qingyan was gone from the basketball court, and even the other gangsters had left.

Not only that, but the basketball court has also returned to its original appearance, as if no hooligans have ever gathered.

At that time, although Mo Yingying felt a little disappointed and lost a chance to teach them a lesson, she was very proud.

She felt that Su Qingyan and others were forced to move away because they were afraid of her.

Originally, she had forgotten about this incident, but she never thought that she would meet Su Qingyan again in the backup dance selection.

What right does this group of trash have to come here to disgust them?
Gu Manli gritted her teeth and roared: "Bitch, who are you calling trash?"

Mo Yingying glanced at the five people on Su Qingyan's side, and ten on her own side, thinking that she could bully the few by virtue of the large number of people, so she sneered even more arrogantly: "You social scum, what is it if you are not rubbish? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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