The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 207 The growth of the second echelon

Chapter 207 The Growth of the Second Echelon (Reward 1)

In the Tianzhi 1 lunar exploration spacecraft, Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying drank a few sips of water, then went to the fixed safety area, then put on their personal seat belts, held hands and looked at each other with a smile.

"Old Xu and Zhang, are you answering the video call from Earth Headquarters?" Ayu asked.

Xu Zhenglin glanced at Zhang Ying, then nodded and replied, "Answer."

After receiving the affirmation, Ayu controlled a movable arm fixed in the inner cabin, and then projected the video on the screen above the movable arm.

The background of the headquarters of Tianzhi Technology Communication Department appeared in the screen. In front of the camera was Chen Mengchuan, the founder of Tianzhi, and Zhao Wanyu, the executive president of Tianzhi.

"Old Xu, Lao Zhang, hello, thank you for your hard work." Chen Mengchuan greeted with a smile.

The two people in the Tianzhi No. 1 cabin listened to his words, and at the same time felt a lot of emotion and exclamation.

Xu Zhenglin responded emotionally: "The harvest is much greater than the hard work we put in. Our hard work is not worth mentioning at all."

"You are the pride of Tianzhi Technology, and also the pride of mankind. Now you two are the two people who have stayed on the moon for the longest time in human history, and have explored the deepest and widest range. There is no doubt that the two of you are the entire human race. Heroes who landed on the moon!" Chen Mengchuan said to the two seriously.

Xu Zhenglin shook his head: "We don't have that much credit. These are all based on the concerted efforts of all scientific researchers of Tianzhi Technology. We are just the most insignificant part of this circle."

"Haha, that's fine, don't be modest, wait for an interview with China's official media TV, you can leave these words to them. Waiting for you to return to Earth, I will treat you to a drink." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

"That's a must. I'll make a reservation for your drink first so that you don't get drunk." Xu Zhenglin replied with a smile.

Without a deep chat, Chen Mengchuan quickly ended the conversation with Xu Zhenglin and his wife.

Afterwards, Huaxia's official media TV began to formally communicate with Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying through video. Collected from China's social network media, there are many overseas fans who want to ask the two of them.

Chen Mengchuan watched the scene for a while, then spoke to Zhao Wanyu, and then left the interview site of the communication department.

After leaving the laboratory of the Eternal Cosmic Particle Communication Department, Chen Mengchuan did not return to the Academic Research Department, but went directly to the Space Crossing and Space Folding Department.

He gained a lot from this demonstration of the independence of the eternal cosmic particles. After the demonstration of the independence of the eternal cosmic particles, his doubts were cleared up, and many new ideas were born. At this time, he will go back and start again. When looking at many data parameters of the space source point of eternal universe particles, he understood many of their previous deficiencies.

These deficiencies are not because their calculation amount is not enough, or the calculation speed is not fast enough, but because there are many problems in the starting calculation formula, the source point formula, and the core data parameters of the eternal cosmic particles.

To be precise, it cannot be called a problem, but it is not advanced enough, not superior enough, it is backward and complicated.It is precisely because of these that their progress has not been able to improve quickly, and has continued to advance at a very slow pace.

He now somewhat understands how Yamada Yuichi of the small island country was able to continuously advance space travel and space folding very quickly. The reason may be that Yamada Yuichi was the chief scientific researcher who had the deepest research on the subject of eternal cosmic particles at that time.

"Brother Chuan!"

"Brother Chuan..."

Walking into the laboratory, a group of scientific researchers greeted Chen Mengchuan one after another. During this period of time, after the leading core members were transferred away, not only did all the scientific researchers not fall behind, but they broke out, and the progress of many of the groups Not at all behind, even much faster than the original speed.

Chen Mengchuan smiled with everyone, walked to the main control room, and dug out the data parameters of the space travel of the eternal universe particles.

From the big screen, Chen Mengchuan clearly saw that the current progress has advanced to nearly 20000 meters, and then he watched the progress of space folding. The current number of space folding theory has been demonstrated to 22 times.

It's a lot farther than when they left.Immediately, more than a dozen main personnel from the two project teams who took over later were summoned. After the exchange, I realized that for these geniuses, too much guidance and leadership often does not necessarily make them better. Work, let them go and run, to see the miracle.

Seeing that everyone's projects are progressing so well, Chen Mengchuan praised these two new teams that originally belonged to the second tier without hesitation.

Seeing that the work of myself and others has been approved by Chen Mengchuan, the mood of the crowd is very high.

"This time, our academic research department completed the demonstration of the independence of particles in the eternal universe, which gave me many new ideas about the numerical parameters of the source point of space travel and space folding. Come here, here is the value of the source point of our new demonstration Parametric hypothetical formulas, I hope you can cooperate with Chen to demonstrate and verify these new formulas in these days."

"Once the demonstration and verification are completed, try to test, boldly promote the space travel of a longer distance with absolute straight-line distance, and at the same time go further to test more layered space folding numerical parameters, I believe there will be new gains... ..." Chen Mengchuan carefully explained to the new second-echelon team the new formula that was researched and explored by the people in the academic research department during this period of time.

Chen Mengchuan believes that with their genius and bolder testing style, they will soon be able to surprise themselves and others.

After traveling through space and folding until night, Chen Mengchuan explained all the numerical parameters and confirmed that everyone could understand the theory.

"Next, it's up to you." Chen Mengchuan looked at the young members of the second echelon, and he was full of expectations for them.These people have all grown up to the point where they can follow in their own footsteps without being aware of by themselves and others.

For Chen Mengchuan, this is the most important thing.

In the future space, Tianzhi Science and Technology plans to be independent of many countries on the earth, to maximize the development of cosmic power, and then spread the net, go to every corner of the universe, to find any place that may be suitable for human habitation. new home.

Facing the alien civilization that is coming in the future, Chen Mengchuan must first find a way out.

 Add 1 reward and strive for another chapter!Thanks to the book friends [Recalling 0 Meng Meteor Star Trace] and [Reading Clothes Without Evil] for their rewards, thank you for your support.

  Thank you so much for your support!In other words, Jiaqun drives.

(End of this chapter)

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