Chapter 208 16 km/h! (reward plus 2)

The return of Tianzhi 1 was learned by the whole world in the live interview program of China's official media TV.

With the start of the live broadcast, a large number of people from various countries with different skin colors and races saw Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying. Everyone expressed great respect for the two of them roaming the moon for such a long scientific research work.

With the beginning of the report, Tianzhi Technology's return plan has also officially come out.

Unlike going to the moon, the planned return speed of the Tianzhi-1 lunar exploration gravitational spacecraft is no longer the very conservative speed when going to the moon. For many reasons, Tianzhi-1 headed for the moon at a slow speed. Very big change.

The Eternal Cosmic Particle Gravity Application Department cooperated with the multi-armed crabs to complete the defense plan of the full gravitational barrier. Thousands of new high-intensity gravitational nodes were refitted on the Tianzhi-1 lunar exploration gravitational spacecraft. These high-intensity gravitational nodes are in After testing, it was divided into two parts and installed on Tianzhi 1.

Among them, the number of high-intensity gravitational nodes at the head is the largest, accounting for 9%. These high-intensity gravitational nodes have fully realized and activated the anti-gravity barrier!The number of these anti-gravity barrier points is extremely large, and the coverage is extremely wide, and the strength is also extremely strong.

Not only that, but these high-intensity gravitational nodes adopt the external gravitational technology of the source point, and finally realize the creation of a gravitational barrier with a small area but a very high folding strength in the area of ​​more than 3000 meters to 1000 meters above the head of the spacecraft.

Based on this gravitational barrier, after repeated proofreading, the gravitational application department of Tianzhi Technology conducted multiple exchanges and confirmations with Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying, and finally submitted an application to Zhao Wanyu.

They plan to return Tianzhi 11 to Earth within 1 hours!
According to the plan, Tianzhi 1 will take off from the moon and head towards the earth. The anti-gravity barrier in the head area will be activated immediately, and the high-intensity gravitational node at the bottom will quickly provide enough thrust.

The spacecraft will increase its speed to 1 km/h in the first hour of departure!Then maintain a speed of 16 kilometers per hour and sail for 16 minutes. During these 100 hours and 2 minutes, the spacecraft will travel a distance of more than 40 kilometers, quickly return to the earth from the moon, and then start to slow down and arrive at the earth in 30 hours. Finally, it takes 6 minutes to return to the surface of the earth, that is, to return to the Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park in Su City!
This exaggerated plan shocked the world!

The effective average distance from the moon to the earth is about 38.4 kilometers!And 11 small ones returned to the earth from the moon, with a top speed of 16 kilometers per hour!After many media synchronized with these news for the first time, they all opened their mouths to question!
Many media and civil aviation organizations in the United States and small island countries immediately questioned Huaxia Technology's 11-hour plan to return to Earth from the moon.

Among the many doubts, the focus is on the two points of accelerating to 1 km/h in one hour and whether the cruising speed of 16 km/h is true.

Among the online social media in various countries, many senior tech circle big Vs have also sparked a lot of discussions!
[Huaxia always likes to exaggerate a lot of data at various times, maybe the spacecraft started to return half a month ago! 】

[At a speed of 16 km/h, a palm-sized piece of space junk can run through this spacecraft! 】

[Is it an exaggeration or is it true?We will wait and see for the return of Huatianzhi 1 this time! 】


According to the plan, Tianzhi 1 will start to accelerate at 0:00 Chinese Earth time, and then arrive at Suzhou City at 11:00 am Chinese Earth time, and China’s official media TV will also start at 8:00 Chinese Earth time A live broadcast of the video will be carried out, allowing the public to witness with their own eyes that Tianzhi 1 has returned to Suzhou City through the atmosphere!
This is undoubtedly a very crazy plan, and this plan requires very precise calculations to achieve the ideal state.

Contrary to the views of overseas media and social networks, all the major media in China are excitedly looking forward to the return of Tianzhi 1. Most people think that Tianzhi 1 can arrive in Suzhou on time and safely. Yes, because Tianzhi Technology has never disappointed everyone since its establishment, and has always had a corporate image of one saying one, and another saying two.

The best wishes to Tianzhi No. 1, Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying are flooding the Huaxia Internet.

Among them, the hometown provinces of Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying are particularly obvious. The husband and wife are from two different provinces in China. During this return voyage, the two have become outstanding representatives of their birth provinces.

In the TV programs of the two provinces, they all cheered for and blessed the two of them.

After waking up the next day, Chen Mengchuan ate breakfast at home, and the first four elders in the family brought Chen Zhihui in front of the TV to attract his attention. After getting closer, he realized that it was Xu Zhenglin and Zhang Ying. return flight.

Then he asked suspiciously Zhao Wanyu who had already packed up and was waiting for him to go out.

"Lao Xu and Lao Zhang are coming back today?"

"Yes!" Zhao Wanyu replied with a smile.

"No, didn't they just prepare to return to the voyage yesterday? Why are they in the earth's atmosphere?" Chen Mengchuan asked, pointing to the introduction on the TV screen.

"The gravity application department cooperated with the multi-armed crab to modify the gravity system of Tianzhi 1, and installed a high-strength gravity node, so the speed is much faster." Zhao Wanyu smiled.

Chen Mengchuan froze for a moment, then thought of something: "Have you used the anti-gravity shield technology?"

"Yes, the external gravitational technology of the source point is also used. The gravitational application department installed a large number of high-strength gravitational nodes on the return head of Tianzhi 1, and fixed the anti-gravity barrier. The strength is still very reliable. , if the problem is not serious, I believe there should be nothing wrong. Chen's safety judgment for this return flight is 99.99%." Zhao Wanyu said.

"You guys are getting better and better." Chen Mengchuan laughed.

Now Zhao Wanyu has really achieved the level of being able to be completely independent, whether it is internal affairs of the company, external multi-party relations and cooperation, or even taking care of the family at home, she has fully grown up and is no longer the same as before. The little HR who followed behind him.

Thinking of this, Chen Mengchuan felt very relieved. Zhao Wanyu and Ah Chen cooperated to arrange all the work in an orderly manner, and as long as he and the others grasped the general direction and continuously improved various technologies, they would move towards the most effective way. A direction that is conducive to the future development and survival of mankind is fine.

In a trance, Chen Mengchuan felt that if the development continued like this, maybe when human beings face that unknown alien civilization in the future, they might really have such a fighting power.

 Today is the 4th chapter, this is the 2nd chapter of rewards and updates, thank you for your support and recommendations, thank you.I still owe a lot, and I will work hard to make up for it!

(End of this chapter)

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