The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 214 Mars Metal Smelter

Chapter 214 Mars Metal Smelter

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Mengchuan discussed and exchanged the last information about the independence of particles with Toni, Xu Shuwei and others, and then split and assigned all the people in the original group to other project groups.

Cooperate with them to conduct in-depth demonstrations on the connection, equidistantness, and absolute stability of the eternal cosmic particles.

After releasing the team members, Chen Mengchuan was suddenly free.

After saying hello to a few people, he walked out of the academic research department of eternal cosmic particles.

Today is the end of April in the new calendar. In the early spring, Suzhou City is full of flowers and green leaves. Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park has done a particularly good job in greening.

The gravity application department has provided a lot of innovations in greening, and many green areas have green areas with giant tree structures.Metal pillars with a diameter of less than 15 centimeters set up a grid-shaped green area suspended at a height of 6 meters. There are 6 floors in total every 4 meters.

Standing on the ground floor, the area with insufficient sunlight is replaced by plant growth lights, and the large green area is constantly photosynthesizing, swallowing carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the air is unimaginably fresh.

There are many people in the green area, many old people with children, young people with children, most of them have happiness on their faces.

Today's Tianzhi is not short of money at all, and he is as satisfied as possible in terms of employee treatment and benefits.Under Achen's behavior analysis system, reasonable arrangements and adjustments will be made quickly for the working status of employees. The stability of employees is frighteningly high, and the phenomenon of employee turnover is very rare.

As Zhao Wanyu said, it is very easy for young employees and scientific researchers of Tianzhi Technology to find a partner. When dating, a job is enough to attract a blind date: "I work at the headquarters of Tianzhi Technology."

After walking for a while, Chen Mengchuan walked to the Super Tianzhi Building under the comfortable sunshine.

The security guards and welcome guests naturally knew him, and they took the elevator slowly and unimpededly, going up to the upper floors bit by bit.

After going to the elevator twice, I arrived at Zhao Wanyu's office area.

Waving and laughing to tell Zhao Wanyu's secretary not to report, Chen Mengchuan walked directly into Zhao Wanyu's office.

Walking to the area near the floor-to-ceiling windows, I saw Zhao Wanyu processing piles of documents in front of a large semi-circular table.

"Oh, this is a rare visitor. Why, is it rare to have time to inspect the work today?" Zhao Wanyu looked up at him, laughed and joked, and continued to sign and approve documents.

"I seem to be here for the first time in your office." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

"You know it's your first time here? Plastic couple friendship."

Chen Mengchuan touched his nose: "Isn't it always busy, I haven't been to my own office a few times."

"Go to the sofa and do it first, and I will entertain you after I sign and approve." Zhao Wanyu said with a smile.

Chen Mengchuan ignored her, walked over, walked around to her, and took a look at it. There were a lot of documents, various project approval fund declarations, subsidiary expenses, bulk material purchase orders, and visits by third-party national departments. Apply……

After just a few glances, Chen Mengchuan retreated in defeat, and casually picked up the signed and approved documents, all of which were dated today, and there were hundreds of them.

"You have so many things to do every day? Can't the subordinates do a lot of things? There's no need to do everything by yourself." Chen Mengchuan inexplicably felt a lot of distress. The volume of Tianzhi Technology is getting bigger and bigger, and things are getting more and more complicated Many, but these things are all things that he has not participated in.

"You don't have a backache when you stand up and talk. This, the 7 million Huaxia currency project funding declaration, this, the 120 billion Huaxia currency bulk material procurement, this, the cooperation negotiation visit of the Arab countries in the Middle East, come, come, tell me , Which one can I let the next one do? Who should do it well? Brother Sun? Or Ji Dong? Or Sister Wang?" Zhao Wanyu said angrily.

"When I didn't say anything, you continue." Chen Mengchuan retreated again, obediently walked to the sofa with the floor-to-ceiling windows, opened the freezer, and saw several big golden mangoes inside, all of them were plump and golden.

With a smile, he took out the biggest one, looked around, found a kitchen area, took a fruit knife, peeled off the peel in a few strokes, then cut off two large pieces of flesh, grabbed the core and ate the flesh on the edge After cleaning it up, I finally cut a large piece of fruit and put it on a plate. I cleared the fruit knife and cutting board, and slowly started to eat the fruit with a fork.

Zhao Wanyu glanced at him and continued to sign and approve the documents.

After more than half an hour, all the documents were finally signed and approved. Zhao Wanyu twisted her neck, stretched her arms, stood up, and walked towards Chen Mengchuan.

"Is the job done?" Chen Mengchuan asked and put down the tablet in his hand. During the past half an hour, he glanced at the project progress of several major departments, leaving a general impression in his mind.

"You'll know if you come and try it. There's never enough work to do. Why do you have time to come here today?" Zhao Wanyu smiled and sat on his lap.

"Haha, of course I miss you." A hand moved towards the stockings.

"I believe you are a ghost, you are a bad old man!" Zhao Wanyu scolded with a smile.

"Haha, that's what I said. Today I handed over all the content of the independence of eternal cosmic particles to Toni and the others, and released all the people in the group to their three groups. All of them are free, but the next step is to plan and prepare. There are also many things." Chen Mengchuan said while searching for some tender places.

Zhao Wanyu tried her best to hold down his weak hand, scolded with a straight face: "Find something to do when you have free time, don't bother me, refuse service during working hours."

"I came all this way, it's too heartless." Chen Mengchuan put his hand into Zhao Wanyu's back with all his strength, and unfastened the metal buckle.

"Hey! Let go. The secretary will come in later."

"It was locked when I came in just now." Chen Mengchuan said nonsense, turned his hand straight, and touched a huge soft mass.

"'s time for work, I'm mad at you for doing this..." Zhao Wanyu struggled hard.

"After the service first, then get angry." Chen Mengchuan laughed and picked up Zhao Wanyu, then walked into the small rest room, threw Zhao Wanyu on the small rest bed, and then locked the door of the rest room.

"Soul light..." Zhao Wanyu laughed and cursed, grabbing the last defense on her chest.

Seeing the huge snow-white arc pushed out by Zhao Wanyu's defensive appearance, Chen Mengchuan laughed and jumped on her, and knocked off her hand in one go.

"Ah...don't knead, hey, it feels weird to suck like this..."

The small living room is full of spring.

An hour later, the two slowly got dressed.

"Stupid thing, I wasted more than an hour. Today is a dangerous period, and you still get creamed. What if you are pregnant?" Zhao Wanyu complained.

"You can't let Zhihui be so lonely by herself, give her a brother and sister." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

"Get out, it's not your birth."

The two walked out of the small lounge, sat down on the sofa, and added water.

"How long has the Tissot been built?" Chen Mengchuan asked.

"It's been almost 7 months since the construction, and so many multi-armed crabs have been invested, but the big frame is only built. After that, it still needs to be continuously improved. Now the Tissot is empty."

"The last time I saw it, it was indeed a bit empty. So what's going on with the preparations for the Tissot and the follow-up arrest plan?" Chen Mengchuan asked.

Zhao Wanyu waved her hand, and a large curved graphene screen equipped with a gravity system flew towards the two of them.

After swiping the interface a few times, she pointed to the screen and said, "I have prepared 24 sets of metal smelting plants. When we actually go to Mars, we will build 24 metal smelting plants on Mars and build a base at the same time."

"Here are 128 asteroid capture ships that have been prepared. Each capture ship is equipped with a particle shuttle, and there are more than 1 gravitational bee swarms in total."

Chen Mengchuan's eyes lit up!
 Chapter 2.

(End of this chapter)

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