Chapter 215 Work on Mars! (reward plus 1)

Chen Mengchuan reached out and opened an asteroid capture ship. It was a spaceship with a very interesting shape, which looked like a big bowl.

"Designed by the gravity department?" Chen Mengchuan asked.

Zhao Wanyu nodded: "The design of the asteroid capture ship by the gravity department is based on your original requirements."

"A total of dozens of plans were selected, and this bowl-shaped aircraft was finally selected, which is the most suitable plan for your needs. These circular areas are like umbrellas. When moving forward, they will be in the shape of a closed long umbrella. When they reach the target small After the planet is gone, it will go to the opposite side of the asteroid first, release a large gravitational bee swarm, and the gravitational bee swarm will all settle on the asteroid."

"After the swarm is released, it will return to the front again, open the bowl structure, adjust and attach to the asteroid, then turn on the drill, drill holes in the asteroid, and then fix it on the asteroid, and finally activate the gravitational swarm , all gravitational bee swarms will start a high-intensity gravitational force together, and then fly towards the target Mars."

"During the flight, the asteroid capture ship will perform calculations and start the particle shuttle, open the space to travel through the source circle, and during the high-speed flight, use the space travel technology to travel again and again. After a fast enough speed Next, ensure effective arrest."

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "It basically meets our needs, and the design is still in place. The capture of asteroids is far from as easy as you imagined, and after the capture, there will be more Fast digestion. This process is also very troublesome and cumbersome.”

"Brother Chuan, speaking of this, I have a question that I don't really understand. You captured these asteroids, how to digest them. The volume of these asteroids is getting bigger and bigger." Zhao Wanyu asked him.

"There is no way at the moment. After the asteroid is really captured in place, maybe we will have a way. Our multi-armed crab robots are still too few." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

"The way I can think of is to use the source point circle to cut. Are you planning to do this?" Zhao Wanyu asked.

Chen Meng laughed: "You are still not stupid, asteroids are several times larger, we can only use the source point circle to cut space, but at present, our source point circle is not so big, the diameter that can be cut is still If it is smaller, when the source point circle that we can activate is strong enough, we will have the capital to cut asteroids."

"To put it more precisely, it will be realized by three-dimensional cutting. At that time, after the asteroid is captured, it will be sent to the source point circle first, and the asteroids will be cut into slices like potatoes first, and then the angle will be changed. The collection is cut into strips, and finally the angle is changed again, cut into blocks, and finally caught and digested by the multi-armed crab."

"After the cutting, there will be more intensive and smaller cutting, and then crushing, and then use the eternal universe magnetic nuclear gravity technology to strip the metal elements from it, so that enough metal can be obtained efficiently, and then Smelting is in progress." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

"What about after smelting?" Zhao Wanyu asked.

Chen Mengchuan patted her buttocks: "There are so many questions, I'll tell you when I'm done."

Zhao Wanyu rolled her eyes and didn't ask any further questions.

Chen Mengchuan smiled and clicked on the data parameters of the metal smelting plant on the graphene curved crystal screen.

After looking at it for a while, he frowned slightly: "The layout is a little smaller. According to this parameter, it will take a lot of time to achieve fast melting."

Zhao Wanyu nodded: "These smelting plants do have some disadvantages. Purely mechanized and automatic production will often cause problems in judgment. The best thing is to be able to train a group of managers and put a manager in each smelting plant. The team, in this case, will be more efficient. At present, Tomoko Chuan's intelligence level is still not perfect at the level of metal smelting and production. Many problems require experience and vision. During the test, Tomoko Chuan Subsystems are not performing satisfactorily."

"Then prepare a group of people." Chen Mengchuan said calmly.

"How many people do you need?" Zhao Wanyu asked directly.

"Of course, as many as there are. If you can recruit 1, you can't recruit 5000. If you can recruit 10, it's not too much." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

Zhao Wanyu laughed angrily: "Did you grow out of the field as a talent? 10, you really dare to say."

"If there are 20 people in a smelting plant, if we build 1 smelting plants on Mars, wouldn't we need a talent reserve of 20 people?" Chen Mengchuan said calmly.

Although she had already thought very far and far away, Zhao Wanyu was still frightened by his words.

"So 10 is not a lot at all."

"Is there any requirement for nationality?" Zhao Wanyu asked stupidly.

Chen Mengchuan shook his head: "There is no requirement. We don't need them to do very difficult things, so we only need unified training and unified planning. Chinese people, Indian people, Korean people, small island people, and English people , Americans, as long as they are talents and accept our work indicators, then everything is fine, after all, what we are doing is the future planning of the entire human race."

"I think your personnel department can start to prepare the management rules and regulations of the metal smelting plant now, be more humane, or prepare more entertainment channels for them, or even arrange more people to change shifts, for example, 12 shifts per shift. Hours, 5 people in a shift, working for half a month, resting for half a month? It’s all right, you can watch it. It’s best to have a ladder in terms of age.” Chen Mengchuan added.

"Okay, I've made a note of this matter. I'll start to arrange it." Zhao Wanyu nodded.

"In terms of remuneration, the space travel technology will continue to improve at that time, and I believe that the time it takes to travel from the earth to Mars in the future will continue to decrease, from one month to half a month, from half a month to half a month. 1 week, from 1 week to 3 days, or even 2 days, 1 day. In the future, work on Mars and life on Earth will become the norm." Chen Mengchuan said calmly.

Zhao Wanyu opened her mouth, a little shocked by the picture Chen Mengchuan painted.

"Will it really reach that level?"

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "In the future, staff flights can be launched, with one round trip per day. When the technology breaks through to a higher level, even multiple spaceships can go back and forth multiple times a day. Go to work on Mars during the day, and reach the spaceship back to Earth to rest after get off work." Sleeping is not impossible."

"This..." Zhao Wanyu felt her mouth dry for a while.

 Today's chapter 3, making up for the previous tip and adding updates, and thank you book friend: [Xiaoshizi's] tip, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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