Chapter 224

Looking at Elon Musk with a somewhat lonely expression beside him, Chen Mengchuan somewhat understood the legendary "Iron Man" of the United States.

Judging from the information that Zhao Wanyu occasionally mentioned in the past period of time, the impact of Tianzhi Technology's industry on his industry is devastating.

The gravitational car launched by Tianzhi Technology and Huaxia Hongqi had a strong impact on Tesla's market in the first place. The same level of cool appearance, similar level of comfort, and subversive driving experience made Tesla in the red market. There was no way for Qigravity to fight back, and Tesla's stock price also fell again and again.

Also receiving the same treatment is SpaceX, the space exploration technology company that is Elon Musk's aerospace industry manufacturer and space transportation service company.Its core recyclable rockets are like stones and diamonds in front of the gravitational technology spacecraft. They are no longer at the same level, and even a large number of orders have been cancelled. Able to carry out air transport services for it.

But even under such a situation of being completely crushed and attacked by Tianzhi Technology, Elon Musk still appeared at the press conference of his core competitor Tianzhi Technology today, and his strength can be seen.

"Musk, this is not a fight under the same level, just like a fight between a 130KG weight boxer and an 85KG weight boxer, so you didn't lose, just." The CEO of Intel comforted with a smile.

Elon Musk rolled his eyes, leaned on the railing, looked at the huge interior space of the Tissot, and said silently: "Look at these, it's a miracle!"

"I bet, this is just a small part of this spaceship, just like what this beautiful Mrs. Chen said." Bob Swan smiled.

"So, your next goal is to go to Mars and build a Mars base on Mars? This spaceship seems to be able to carry a lot of people." Musk asked Chen Mengchuan after smiling.

Chen Mengchuan nodded with a smile: "You guessed right, Musk, this is indeed our plan for the next step."

"Then you should pay attention to the defense departments of many countries. I bet the United States and Russia will not be so comfortable for you to fly into the sky." Musk said calmly.

After Chen Mengchuan noticed the seriousness in his words, he politely followed his words and asked, "Then what do you think they will do? What things do we need to pay attention to?"

"No country can tolerate such a behemoth flying into the universe and staring at the earth in the universe, even if your goal is not the earth at all."

"Do they know? Of course they know! Unless you are crazy at this time and want to start World War III. So they will definitely ask to log in to this spaceship and conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure that this spaceship has no weapon systems, but Even so, they will still require a large number of intelligence personnel to be stationed on the spacecraft to conduct supervision work, which is what the US Department of Defense did to SpaceX." Musk said slowly.

Chen Mengchuan was a little surprised by his words. SpaceX claimed to be a private company, but he never thought that it would be under the intelligence supervision of the US Department of Defense.If Musk didn't mention it, he didn't realize this problem.But maybe I didn't realize it, but Zhao Wanyu and the others have already realized it, maybe they even have a corresponding plan.

Thinking of this, Chen Mengchuan felt a little relieved.

"I can even guess that there is not even a gun on this spaceship, let alone a weapon system. I know that China will not allow private companies to own guns unless you can get an application, but you don't Not a security company or anything." Musk said slowly.

"How is this possible!" Bob Swan questioned in surprise.

Chen Mengchuan smiled awkwardly, then nodded to the two of them: "As you said, there really isn't one."

"God, without any armed forces, how did you own this huge business empire and these sci-fi-like technologies? You even built such a terrifying spaceship???" Bob Swan's expression and voice , making him look a little exaggerated.

"Ahem, Huaxia is indeed such a magical country. If we had the armed forces you mentioned, we would have been harmonized long ago. After all, the national system is different. Huaxia is not as chaotic as your American country. You know, Huaxia It is a country of prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness." Chen Mengchuan said earnestly with a smile.

Both of them were overwhelmed by Chen Mengchuan's smooth and rhythmic syllables.

"It's... a beautiful country." Bob Swan said in surprise, apparently Chen Mengchuan seemed to have a strange symbol in his eyes.

"Ahem, Mr. Musk, I'm a little interested in what you just said. I wonder if you can explain in more detail?" Chen Mengchuan looked at Musk.

Musk smiled: "Of course, if you want to know, I am willing to share some detours that SpaceX has gone through, especially some things with the US Department of Defense." Some dirty and dirty things between SpaceX and the US defense department were slowly summarized.

After listening, Chen Mengchuan frowned slightly.As Musk said, the U.S. Department of Defense requires that all rockets and all satellites launched by SpaceX must be supervised, and some special highly enclosed small devices must be installed on them. Anything, but never a good thing.

Moreover, Musk once even protested to the US Congress, but nothing happened. The US defense department even threatened Musk that they could easily make all SpaceX rockets flying into the sky explode in mid-air.Under such coercion, Musk finally had to accept the request of the U.S. Department of Defense, although he also charged the U.S. Department of Defense a small fee.

"Is this the case... It seems that the defense department of the United States has something. But, Musk, are you leaking the national security secrets of the United States?" Chen Mengchuan asked.

Musk shrugged with a smile: "So what can I do? Send me to jail? The American country is a country with free speech, and this is not a national security secret. At most, I was drunk for a while. Accidentally bragging, hahahaha, do you think so? Chen."

While talking with a smile, Musk raised his hand and twisted open a small metal bottle of wine, and poured a lot of wine into his mouth.

"Oh, Mr. Musk, I saw you were drunk, so let's talk less." Bob Swan smiled and helped Musk make up for it. Obviously, he didn't have much favor for the US Department of Defense.

"Yes, thank you for the reminder, Bob!" Musk laughed, obviously he knew what Bob Swan meant.

 Today's Chapter 4, rewards are added, thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, and will continue to be updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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