Chapter 225 Seventh Fleet!

After the press conference, Zhao Wanyu, on behalf of Tianzhi Technology, sent further cooperation invitations to these giants from all walks of life around the world.

More than half of the industry giants rejected Zhao Wanyu's invitation with complex emotions such as shock, anxiety, or the rest of their lives, and then quickly set off to return to their respective countries and regions. Decided to stay and plan to further discuss and cooperate with Tianzhi Technology.

According to the original plan, Zhao Wanyu immediately started the subdivision cooperation of many departments within Tianzhi, and began to arrange for the core members of the corresponding departments to communicate with these industry giants or their representatives.

At the same time, Chen Mengchuan, Zhao Wanyu, and the most core members of Tianzhi were sitting around a room in the Tissot.

"What we are about to face now is probably like this. If we give feedback from the information we have collected so far, many countries around the world have raised strong protests and condemnations to us, protesting that we disregard the current overall global peace situation and create A super-giant spacecraft called exploration, but its purpose is unclear. We are required to stop the launch of the spacecraft, ground it and destroy it, so as to continue to maintain the current overall situation of peace in the world.” Chen Mengchuan said in a slow and deep voice.

When many countries protested against Hua Tianzhi, Ah Chen immediately discovered and observed the protest information, and at the same time confirmed the current global situation.


"Our gravity observation satellite has observed that the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy is approaching us! Although they are still in the high seas." Chen Mengchuan said in a deep voice.

"The Seventh Fleet of the United States!" Toni frowned slightly. As a Chinese, he grew up in the United States, so he naturally knew something about the American Navy.He is very clear that the Seventh Fleet of the United States of America is one of the most powerful fleets of the United States Navy. Its main station is the Hengxuhe Naval Base of the small island country, located in Hengxuhe City, Shinaichuan County, the small island country. on the military port!
Chen Mengchuan nodded, and nodded at the table in front of everyone.

The entire table was activated in an instant, slowly rose a little, and then lit up, and a picture overlooking the ocean from above appeared on the table.

On the high seas in the picture, there is a huge aircraft carrier leading dozens of command ships, guided missile cruisers, destroyers, attack ships, and transport landing ships on the sea surface. The picture is slowly opened by Chen Mengchuan, and the direction of the fleet is straight. Point to me!

"What do these guys want to do?" Xu Shuwei was slightly startled and angry!
The screen data on the table quickly flickered a few times, and then returned to the fleet group screen, and each ship was marked with its name.

The leader is the aircraft carrier CVN-76 Ronald Reagan, followed by the amphibious landing command ship LCC-19 Blue Ridge, and the other two are the CG-54 Antietam guided missile cruiser and the CG- 67 Hilo guided missile cruiser, followed by seven guided missile destroyers starting with DDG and other ships!

Chen Mengchuan and the others' faces sank like water!
In the multi-department joint command center of the Huaxia military, several military personnel are discussing and discussing.

"Emergency report! The Seventh Fleet of the United States stationed in a small island country is heading towards us at full speed! The current speed of the ship is about 20 knots! It is still in the high seas." A man with a loud voice reported loudly arrive!

"Is it still in the high seas? What do they want to do?"

"Keep an eye on their movements!"

"Yes! Received!"

Before everyone could react, the communicator spoke loudly again!
"Emergency report! The Xiaohan navy fleet is departing from Xiaohan Fusan military base, and the target is also heading towards us! A total of 39 ships! Among them are 12 destroyers! 13 frigates, 14 light frigates! They are still in the open sea scope!"

"Hehe! Has the sky turned upside down? Do you think we have no one left?" A man stared at the map warning in the command department indifferently.

"Always pay attention to their movements! Don't say anything if you are still on the high seas. If you get close to our waters, then don't blame us for being rude!"

"Convey these words to the Seventh Fleet that is currently on the high seas!" The man added.

While the global media was still shocked by the contents of the press conference of Tianzhi Technology and Tiansuo, the space exploration spacecraft of Tianzhi Technology, the netizens of Xiao Han and the netizens of the small island country discovered the collective departure of a large number of fleets!

In less than a few hours, a large number of messages on the entire network were reposted frantically!

[The Seventh Fleet and the Xiaohan Fleet are fully dispatched!What do you want? 】

[Target China?The Tiansuo of Tianzhi Technology has attracted the fear of the great powers, and is it difficult to ascend to heaven? 】

[At the time of China's crisis, is the war approaching?Where is the peace? 】

[The 39 active warships of the Xiaohan Fleet are sailing on the high seas, what do you want to do? 】

【A call for peace...】

In the Internet circle, whether it is Weibo, Tianzhi Xiaochat, Penguin instant messaging tool, major self-media, major webcast platforms, all quickly participated in the fleet's voyage on the high seas in the first place Discuss and communicate!
Countless suitable or inappropriate remarks erupted in the first place!
Netizens were quickly divided into many factions with distinct views, and more than half of the netizens all made a lot of comments that should not be discouraged; the rest of the netizens were mainly pacifists, neutrals, and people who eat melons.

In just a few hours, the atmosphere of the whole world suddenly became tense as the Tissot of Tianzhi Technology surfaced!

In the defense department of the United States, the multi-vision conference in a large conference room at the moment, the relevant departments of many countries are discussing closely and intensely!

"I object! I don't think they can be given too much response time. This is a place that is good at creating miracles. This is the first time this giant spacecraft has appeared in front of the world. I believe its navigation and operation experience is still very good. We cannot give them any process of getting familiar with and adapting to the spaceship!"

The person who spoke was Mrs. Heather, the Minister of the Air Force, and she was a small number of women who held real power among a large group of video people.

"Ms. Heather has a very good point, and I also think we shouldn't give them too much response time! We should give them more pressure than military pressure!"

"For example, more positive, more intuitive pressure!" A spokesperson said coldly!

 Thanks to the book friends: [The Pride of the Whole Village 1], and the book friends [Freedom Like a Mountain Breeze] for their rewards.Thank you so much for your support!Add more!

(End of this chapter)

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