The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 233 Mars Exploration Program

Chapter 233 Mars Exploration Program
After 5 days.

"That's Mars." Chen Mengchuan calmly looked at a faint brown-yellow ball of light on the huge screen, and said slowly.

Everyone's emotions can't help being a little excited. After 14 days of flight, the Shuttle is now getting closer and closer to Mars, and the giant astronomical observation telescope outside the Tissot has also captured the flight trajectory and primary imaging of Mars. A Brown-yellow light ball.

In the past few days, people have been discussing and exchanging ideas about the plan to rapidly terraform Mars. After cooperating with the calculations of Tiansuo's artificial intelligence Yue'er, the results obtained again and again are also very gratifying. In Yue'er's plan, the theoretical Human beings can complete a comprehensive transformation of Mars in 33 years and make Mars have a better living environment.

The calculation result of 33 years made everyone except Chen Mengchuan very excited.

Chen Mengchuan knew very well in his heart that human beings don't have as much time as 33 years. After realizing this, Chen Mengchuan's plan and expectation for terraforming Mars became much weaker.

Today's Tianzhi Technology has embarked on the road of high-speed development, and has been rapidly progressing towards his ideal progress on many levels. He is confident that his team will realize it through space shuttle and space folding in the near future. Beyond the speed of light, and it is likely to achieve ten times, a hundred times, thousands of times the speed of light.

Once that time comes, I will be able to explore and develop the solar system at a higher frequency, and then have more and more resources to start moving towards the depths of the universe.

"How are you getting ready?" Xu Shuwei asked from the side.

"Wanyu has prepared very well, we just need to plan and implement it." Chen Mengchuan replied with a smile.

"Really? Unexpectedly, a small personnel specialist at Keda University has now grown into such a remarkable person. Sure enough, everyone has infinite possibilities." Xu Shuwei said with a laugh.

Chen Mengchuan hummed, swiped and opened the screen, and a large four-grid interface appeared on the big screen. In each virtual grid, there was an intelligent robot modeled on a multi-armed crab.

Chen Mengchuan clicked on the first robot and introduced with a smile: "This is an exploration-type L7332 multi-armed crab. It is an improved model based on the multi-armed crab that was originally used to explore the moon. It is specially used for planetary exploration. This batch of L7332 multi-armed crabs It has many functions, the core mission is to explore and record Mars, there are a total of 128 L7332 multi-armed crabs, and when we arrive on Mars, they will be released in the Martian atmosphere.”

"These 128 L7332 multi-armed crabs will weave and explore along the spherical surface of Mars, start from one point, weave towards the symmetrical point, and then continue to weave and explore. This work will last for a total of 32 circles and 64 core intersections. After that, we will obtain the most complete 3D imaging data of the Martian surface in human history, and then construct a complete 3D Mars."

"These include the physical characteristics of Mars' geology, geography, atmosphere, hydrology, etc. This is comparable to the terrain discrimination that many current probes such as the Mars Reconnaissance Satellite, Mars Express, and Mars Exploration Rovers use aerial maps, The regional topography measured by the parallax method is much more accurate."

Chen Mengchuan said with a slight smile: "The Mars detected in this way will be the most real."

Xu Shuwei nodded, and continued his words: "In this way, we can learn all kinds of possible mining areas that may exist on Mars through calculations, and then carry out fixed-point exploration and excavation on them, right? "

"That's right, we still have a lot of missions on Mars. After exploring suitable mining areas, we need to rationalize and quickly mine them. Look at this, the second robot is the mining exploration type QS10086 multi-functional and multi-functional robot. The arm crab, which is much larger and thicker than the exploratory L7332, is responsible for searching and confirming possible mining areas, and carrying out excavation and detection.”

"Then how to deal with the identification of these minerals?" Xu Shuwei asked.

"Ore prospecting QS10086 is equipped with ore color sorting and mineral analysis systems. Almost all of these equipment systems are currently the top in the world, and can accurately analyze a series of technical means such as mineral color, structure, hardness, and physical temperature change. Minerals were identified and analyzed. This is why the mine exploration QS10086 is much larger than the exploration model L7332." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

In Chen Mengchuan's plan, they need to explore the basic situation of Mars as quickly as possible, at the same time confirm the possible mineable minerals, and carry out the establishment and mining of metal smelters.At the same time, in their plan, this trip also has a great purpose, to search for possible uranium mines on Mars, and to build a nuclear power plant on Mars!

Mars is much farther away from the sun than the earth, so the sunlight and solar energy received by its surface is much lower than that of the earth, which also causes the average surface temperature of Mars to be much lower than that of the earth, which is basically kept at minus several Under ten degrees, for this reason, although solar energy is an important source of energy, it is also very limited, so it is very important to develop nuclear energy on Mars.

And these Zhao Wanyu have already obtained an unusually complete nuclear power plant from the General Electric Company of the United States through the artificial intelligence A Chen [Note: the original Tomoko Chuan, renamed A Chen, implying the sea of ​​stars] and the spider web system. information data.Several sets of nuclear power plant plans were prepared at the same time.

The metal smelting plants prepared on the Tiansuo are all metal smelting based on electrothermal metallurgy technology. The artificial intelligence Chen has fully perfected and optimized the electrothermal metallurgy technology in cooperation with many steel plants of Tianzhi Technology, and can effectively pass Various electrothermal metallurgy technologies to achieve faster and more efficient smelting.

"What are those claws on this QS10086?" Xu Shuwei pointed to the sharp objects on the 3D picture.

Chen Mengchuan smiled and enlarged the picture.

"Long drill bit?" Xu Shuwei asked.

"The JS001 ultra-high-strength gravity-accelerated drill bit is a high-speed drill bit accelerated by high-intensity gravity technology. I have never seen the real thing, but from the data, its strength and durability have surpassed the current so-called highest drill bit in Germany and small island countries. 7 times stronger drill bits, with the support of high-intensity gravity technology, these drill bits can probably directly drill through Mars." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

Toni on the side pushed his glasses calmly, and added: "From the known data, JS001 drilled through Mars. It's not just talking about it. There is a high probability that it will be fine, but we don't need it to do so. .”

"Ahem, is it so powerful?" Xu Shuwei was a little surprised.

"Of course" Toni confirmed.

 The core artificial intelligence Tomoko Chuan was renamed: Achen
(End of this chapter)

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