The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 234 Hello, Mars 【End】

Chapter 234 Hello, Mars 【End】

In the early morning of the next day, after Chen Mengchuan woke up, he opened his eyes, got up and took a quick wash, and then came to the main control room of the Tissot.

His room is not far from the main control room. Not long after he arrived, Toni, Xu Shuwei and others all rushed over.

A group of people sat in the open meeting room of the main control room.

The gravitational screen flew over, and on it were Zhao Wanyu, Sun Zhongyong, Gu Xiaoxiao and other high-level Tianzhi executives.

"How is it, Mengchuan, are you still used to life in the universe? Are you going to Mars soon?" Sun Zhongyong asked with a smile.

Chen Mengchuan nodded with a smile: "It's okay, the gravitational field of the Tissot is basically consistent with the gravitational data of the earth, and the flight of the Tissot is very stable, not much different from the flat ground."

"Whenever, I also want to go to Mars to see and have fun." Sun Zhongyong said with a laugh.

"Brother, you probably don't know that the temperature on Mars is colder than that in the Northeast in winter. It's basically tens of degrees below zero, or even hundreds of degrees below zero. Are you sure you want to go play?" Gu Xiaoxiao on the side said to him Said.

"Is it so cold? Then why do I always think that the temperature of Mars should be higher than that of Earth?"

Toni on the Tissot answered his question with a smile: "It is true, because the environment of Mars is basically arid and barren. This sense of aridity and barrenness reminds many people of the deserts in film and television works, so subconsciously You will feel that Mars is extremely hot, and it is difficult for human beings to survive.”

"But in fact, the reality is completely opposite. Life on Mars is difficult to exist because the average temperature is too low, and it is also difficult for liquid water to exist on the surface of Mars for a long time."

"Ahem, of course I know this. Anyway, I have often supplemented the knowledge of Mars during this period of time." Sun Zhongyong added forcefully.

"Wanyu, what's going on with Huaxia's plan for the Gate of Another Dimension?" Toni asked.

In the video screen, Zhao Wanyu smiled: "The memorandum of cooperation has been confirmed, and the points have been selected. We have carried out pilot projects in six cities in China, including Xiajing City, Shanghai City, Xi'an City, Congqing City, and Luzhou City. Dao City and Guangzhou City. We have confirmed the location with the relevant agencies of Huaxia, and at the same time carried out large-scale planning. The local administrative department will provide the pilot land, and we will provide design and construction. It is expected that all will be completed within 2-3 months After the construction is completed, the point-to-point space crossing space folding in 6 cities will be opened at that time."

"We have planned 6 Eternal Universe example space shuttles at these six points. These 6 Eternal Universe example space shuttles are all set with a fixed space source point circle for two-way docking. Every time the space source point is opened If the trial operation is successful, the construction of 119 space transmission sites will be completed in all first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier cities in China before this year's Spring Festival travel season, and we will help during the Spring Festival I'm very busy and plan to transport 9000 million people." Zhao Wanyu said calmly.

"The relevant department of transportation in Huaxia didn't comment?" Chen Mengchuan interjected with a smile.

"My second uncle conveyed the above words, as long as it is beneficial to China and promotes China, it is correct, and it should be promoted to benefit China. There will be no new actions for the original railway operation and transportation, but it is estimated that it will soon It is inevitable to face a round of changes." Zhao Wanyu said calmly.

Chen Mengchuan nodded. When the "Gate of Different Dimensions Project" was considered for calculation, it used the entire China as a complete network context to carry out rapid space transportation and space transportation, so that the entire China can be squeezed into one, no matter where you are. Rapid population transfer.

In an ideal state, Chinese people only need to go through the space traversal point in the city to achieve a one-step traversal when they go out for a long distance. No matter where they go, it only takes a moment to complete the space traversal, and From a long-term point of view, the cost is ridiculously low. For example, ten yuan of Huaxia coins can allow you to travel from your hometown in the Northwest to Shanghai where you work in an instant.

The Gate of Different Dimensions Project is not only applicable to ordinary travel and transportation, but also to logistics transmission. This kind of power that transcends space will, under a complete and reasonable system in the future, the life of the human world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"I don't worry about your work." Chen Mengchuan smiled.

When Zhao Wanyu heard his praise, she just smiled slightly, then pointed to Sun Zhongyong, and said to Chen Mengchuan: "Brother Sun is the one who blooms everywhere, and he is getting stronger and stronger."

Several people laughed.

"Zhong Yong, it seems that you have done some amazing things." Xu Shuwei asked with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay. So-so." Sun Zhongyong said with a smile.

"Brother Sun has signed sea purification agreements with all the cities along the coast. Tianzhi Technology will provide environmentally friendly small gravitational multi-armed crabs, which will cruise on the coastline of China for a long time, and carry out garbage cleaning and unified treatment. This plan has been praised by the United Nations Environmental Protection Organization. He was awarded the Environmental Protection Award. According to the data calculated by Xiaochen, it only takes about 4 months for Huaxia's coastal waters to completely remove 99% of the offshore garbage, which is a merit." Zhao Wanyu said with a smile .

Her words made others admire Sun Zhongyong.

A group of people were chatting happily, and Mojierni pushed a dining car over.

"Come and try it, this is the oatmeal porridge, fried fish steak, fresh fruit and vegetable salad, and perfectly baked golden golden bread that I made this morning..." Mojierni greeted everyone happily.

Everyone who hadn't eaten anything in the morning got up when they saw the dining car, and started to eat consciously without Mojierni's greeting.

The rich food and the natural appearance made Sun Zhongyong doubt whether they were in space or in the cafeteria of Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park.

After that, the atmosphere became even better. Everyone happily chatted about the earth, Mars, the solar system, and even the origin of the universe, and talked about a lot of aliens.

Chen Mengchuan ate and chatted in a very calm heart. Now that he has taken this step, Tianzhi Technology has finally ushered in the free development it has dreamed of, and is no longer bound and restricted.

The next thing to do now is to continuously develop Tianzhi's technology, enhance and continuously reserve power, and when the final day comes, try to shake and block those six alien spaceships, and the countless Tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of alien mechanical life forms.

This battle must be faced no matter what.

"Brother Chuan! In the last 5 minutes, we will reach the outer orbit of Mars!" A staff member in the main control room reported loudly with some excitement.

Then the screen switched, and a huge maroon planet came into view on the screen!

"Hello, Mars..." Chen Mengchuan whispered calmly.

【End of this volume】

 The fourth volume is off the ground, the end.

  Thank you for the book friend [Qing Ben's beautiful woman is deeply affectionate] 1000 starting point coins for rewarding, thank you for your support!There is also the support of "Freedom Like a Mountain Breeze".thanks.

  After finishing the fourth volume, there are a lot of words, thousands of words turned into a new beginning, I hope book friends can continue to support.Now officially stepping out of the earth, the real sea of ​​stars is slowly unfolding.

(End of this chapter)

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