The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 240 Formation of the Armed Division!

Chapter 240 Formation of the Armed Division!

Time passed little by little, and after some conversations, a large number of staff began to return to the Tissot one after another.

Chen Mengchuan and the others are still communicating and discussing many future work plans and key points for implementation.

Finally, after discussing several core work matters, Chen Mengchuan calmly said the last thing that made the three of them a little uneasy and a little excited.

"It's time to set up our armed department." Chen Mengchuan's tone was firm and serious.

"It's time for us to need some weapons to protect ourselves. Once in the future, when exploring alien civilizations, we encounter each other, we will not be helpless and can only escape. Our human life forms are too fragile. Great, we don’t know what kind of life forms we will meet, and what kind of civilization wars we will face. In terms of defense, we now have the protection of the gravitational shield of eternal cosmic particles, but in terms of offense and reconnaissance, we currently do not have any effective The means of attack, whether it is targeting a spacecraft or a planet, or even a star."

"We need this kind of self-defense force, whether it's deterrence, self-protection, counterattack, or... eradication!" Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

His words made the hearts of several others speed up. Forming an armed force is completely different from development and development. It is more intuitive, more challenging, and more controversial.

"How do you plan to arrange it, Mengchuan?" Xu Shuwei was the first to ask after getting excited.

"We have a lot of things to do, and there are a lot of preparations and directions we want to develop. Brother Xu, it is the most important thing for you. I hope you can use the wave-to-corresponding technology based on eternal cosmic particles. Establish an early warning and defense system with a large area and high coverage." Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

Xu Shuwei faintly trembled in his heart: "The super large area and high coverage you mentioned, how large does it have to be? What places does it cover?"

Chen Mengchuan took a deep breath: "The first stage must cover the entire solar system, and the second stage must cover the solar system and the nearest connected star systems around the solar system with high density. After that, it will cover the Milky Way with high density."

"Shocked! Are you serious?" Xu Shuwei felt his mouth dry for a while.

Chen Mengchuan looked at him calmly, with only seriousness in his eyes.

Xu Shuwei felt dizzy for a while, he took a few deep breaths, tried to keep up with Chen Mengchuan's train of thought, and finally nodded: "Try it, we will do our best for this matter."

Chen Mengchuan looked at him and smiled: "I'll talk to you about more details later. You first recruit some people from the original communication department to form an independent team."

"I will finalize the list in a few days." Xu Shuwei nodded.

Chen Mengchuan then looked at Toni and Simba.

"Tianzhi's first weapon system, I hope to start with the source point circle displacement technology that we have studied for a long time. If the irreversible space cutting is realized as a weapon, its power will undoubtedly be very exaggerated."

"In my previous vision, based on a super-large super-energy-efficient particle shuttle, quickly locate the target unit, activate a source point circle, and use the source point circle displacement technology to quickly approach the target unit. After entering the target unit and making it enter the half-space traversal state, the source point circle collapses instantly, causing him to suffer from an irreversible absolute space cutting effect. And a certain degree of displacement teleportation is carried out!"

"For example, the aircraft carrier of the United States. We locate it from low-earth orbit, and then push a circle of source points to reach the water surface of its hull, and travel its space into space at one time, and at the same time activate space cutting. A A circle is enough to destroy an aircraft carrier." Chen Mengchuan said slowly.

"I know, this is the effect of the giant space cutting circle in the Mars Spherical Exploration System war game." Toni replied.

"Yes, if we can deploy such effective giant space cutting circles throughout the solar system in the future, once alien civilizations appear in the solar system and are detected by us, we will be able to pass through a large number of civilizations immediately. The space cutting is like cutting an onion, cutting it into rings one after another. It can even carry out space cutting attacks with more dimensions, cutting these onion rings into strips, cutting them into cubes, and cutting them continuously. Eliminate it immediately from the physical level."

"If our technology is absolutely mature, at the level of attack, we can even cut off its planets, cut off its stars, or even the entire star system, the entire nebula!" Chen Mengchuan said, making the three of them a little suffocated.

"In terms of the weapon system, we have to give priority to completing the displacement technology of the source point circle. This technology has been continuously developed and improved by a research and development team. It is expected that it will not take long to achieve a certain speed of the small source point circle. As long as the first step is taken, it will be possible to realize a giant space cutting circle in the future.”

"You want us to join this R&D team?" Toni asked.

Chen Mengchuan nodded: "You and Simba have the highest priority in Tianzhi Technology in the theory of eternal cosmic particles. I believe that you will bring your team and join the R&D team, and you will be able to truly realize the displacement technology of the source point circle. "

"Okay." Toni immediately agreed after listening to his words.

The four communicated for a long time before slowly leaving the Mars base "Liuyan Palace" and returning to the Tissot.

Chen Mengchuan made a video call to Zhao Wanyu.

"Are you still used to life at the Mars base?" Zhao Wanyu asked with a smile.

"The construction of the base is still in progress. At present, we have not settled in the Mars base. We just went to visit it and confirm the progress of the Mars base..."

After Chen Mengchuan said something, he changed the topic to the main topic: "I plan to start setting up an armed department to develop and manufacture weapon systems. The first project is a giant space cutting circle based on the source point circle displacement technology."

After hearing his words, Zhao Wanyu's expression became more serious, and she asked slowly: "Now that the displacement technology of the source circle has not been realized, is it too early to start setting up an armed department?"

"I asked Toni and Simba to join it. The displacement technology of the source point circle has been stuck for a long time. The time left for us is getting less and less. If we don't complete more weapon technology as soon as possible, I am worried that the future will give us There won’t be enough time.” Chen Mengchuan shook his head, his tone full of complicated emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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