The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 239 Mars Base: 6 Flame Palaces

Chapter 239 Mars Base: Palace of Six Flames

Tianzhi's official website and third-party official media cooperated with each other to refresh an explosive message.

[Tianzhi Technology completed the construction of the Mars survival base, successfully landed on Mars, and became the first batch of humans to set foot on Mars in history! 】

Under the information, there is also a small video, which is a super-fast fast-forward video of the construction of the Mars survival base, as well as a screen record of humans officially logging into the survival base.

The moment such news was announced by Tianzhi Technology, it ignited all news media organizations around the world.

[It's time to discuss an issue that was once far away, but is now close at hand.How long are we away from colonizing Mars? 】

[Tianzhi Science and Technology Mars Base detailed science popularization revealed! 】

[How did the Tianzhi Mars base in the huge crater be established in such a short period of time? 】

[Tianzhi's scam?Or are humans really already on Mars? 】

[In this seemingly huge living space, is it really a Mars base? 】


A large number of media inside and outside of China began to frantically report the incident of Tianzhi Technology's Mars base. Most of the media were amazed and surprised by Tianzhi Technology's speed and efficiency, and many of them raised many doubts about Tianzhi Technology.

Finally, NASA of the United States officially stood up to certify Tianzhi Technology!

NASA's astronomical telescope in outer space orbit has taken a new photo of Mars. On the photo, in the equatorial mountain region of Mars, on a medium-sized crater, a shuttle-shaped uniform silver light spot is next to a regular and well-proportioned Wait for the hexagonal black spot!

After comparing a photo of NASA in this area last time 7 months ago, it is confirmed that Tianzhi Technology has really realized Mars landing and established a Mars base on Mars!
After NASA's photo announcement came out, the world further boiled over because of the Mars base.

At this time, Tianzhi Technology also quickly released more detailed information and data of the Mars base, as well as pictures and video data. So far, the name of Tianzhi Technology's Mars base has finally been made public-"Six Flames Palace", which means the ancient city in Chinese myths and legends. Huode Xingjun palace, "six" takes the shape of the base.

Inside the Mars base, 4 figures stood on the 40th floor of the highest floor, leaning on the railing to look at the entire huge Mars base, dozens of multi-armed crabs came and went behind them.

"Is there an answer to the war game in the Mars Sphere Detection System on the Internet?" Toni turned to look at Chen Mengchuan.

"Answer?" Chen Mengchuan shook his head.

"Now they haven't even passed the first level. It's too far to say whether there is an answer." Chen Mengchuan's tone was extraordinarily calm.

Nowadays, more and more players have started to enter this game, but no one or any game has ever defeated the spaceship boss in the game.

"Achen, she is constantly opening up higher degrees of freedom, but still no one has passed the first-level game. Although there are many great game players in it, still no one has reached that step, even stepping out of the solar system. No one has achieved it." Chen Mengchuan said calmly.

"Out of the solar system? It seems that this is not a Mars strategy game, but why is it set on Mars? Is it because of the degree of freedom? Or is it because Mars is the basis for starting and participating in this game?" Toni asked.

"Both, but more because of our current progress and technological imagination."

Toni chuckled next to him: "In our new progress, there are giant plasma turrets? Giant gravitational weapon turrets? Antimatter beams? Stellar particle beams? Giant space cutting circles? And what are the black hole concussion missiles and anti-particle hole mines?" thing?"

"Cough, cough, cough." Chen Mengchuan smiled awkwardly.

"Or are you planning to develop these weapon systems in the future? Are they developed to deal with alien civilizations that may be encountered?" Toni pushed his glasses seriously and looked directly at Chen Mengchuan.

Chen Mengchuan smiled: "As we go farther and farther, it is only a matter of time before we encounter alien civilizations, or the civilizations we deal with are superior to us, or the technology of the other civilizations is lower than ours, or they are equal to ours, with a technical strength of 55%. We always need some self-preservation and deterrence."

Toni glanced at him again and smiled: "I hope we can meet a more peaceful alien civilization."

Xu Shuwei shook his head: "The hope of a peaceful alien civilization is too small. There are not a few supporters of the law of the dark forest, and there is a reason for it. Thinking differently, if we really discover and encounter something similar to ours in the future In the case of alien civilizations, will we destroy each other out of self-preservation? Or, should we destroy each other out of self-preservation first?"

When Xu Shuwei said these words, he looked at Chen Mengchuan unconsciously.

Aware of Xu Shuwei's question, Chen Mengchuan took a breath slowly, then nodded firmly: "Brother Xu, if you are asking me, my answer is yes! Do not hesitate to strike and destroy the civilizations you deal with."

His words stunned the three people around him, and they were very surprised by Chen Mengchuan's answer.

"I believe that the other civilization will do the same. Even if our civilization is far behind the civilization we deal with, the ending will not change much. Even if we have the slightest possibility of threatening to deal with civilization, we will be killed. Human civilization And earth technology, far more fragile and vulnerable than imagined." Chen Mengchuan had some vague emotional fluctuations.

Chen Mengchuan knew very well in his heart that what he said was not meant to be a joke. He knew better than anyone else the... rationality of alien civilizations?It may be a very normal thing for them to eliminate any civilization that may threaten them.

In the dream, the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of mechanical life forms are so proficient in killing, so direct, or rational!

Yes, that's right, sanity!I don’t know how powerful the alien civilization is. For the discovery of the earth and human civilization, what they did was to simply and directly eliminate all human beings. They even ignored other life on the earth, such as being highly close to human DNA. Chimpanzees, apes, monkeys, etc.

The target is precisely positioned on human beings, regardless of gender, regardless of age, all of them are exterminated, without the slightest hesitation.Just like human beings lift up insecticide and spray to kill a group of flies, it is so arbitrary and so natural.

Even if the flies are sprayed to death, they still think that the place where the flies have stopped is not clean enough.

(End of this chapter)

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