The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 245 Mars work progress

Chapter 245 Mars Work Progress ([-])

"Pitchblende?" Chen Mengchuan didn't know much about geological minerals and nuclear substances.

Puslin said: "Yes, yes. Pitchblende is a radioactive ore rich in uranium. Its main component is uranium dioxide, and it also contains uranium trioxide, lead, thorium and rare earth elements. And other material elements. In history, the earliest words can be traced back to at least the [-]th century in the silver mining process of the Ore Mountains in Germany."

"But what is really recorded in the books is in the records of mining areas in the Czech Republic in the early 18th century. The real uranium element is Martin Klaproth in a place called Johanngeorgenstadt in the late 18th century. The ore vein was first discovered. Martin Klaproth was a very famous chemist in Germany in the 18th century. He successively discovered elements such as uranium, zirconium, titanium, and cerium. I have read his publications as early as the 18th century. The book "Chemical Knowledge of Mineralogy"." Puslin said slowly.

"Radium, the radioactive decay product of uranium associated with small amounts of radium, is found in all known pitchblende. It also contains small amounts of the isotopes of lead, lead-206 and lead-207, and the decay of uranium-235 and uranium-238 products. As a product of alpha decay, there is still a small amount of helium in pitchblende. You know, this is the first time that helium has been found in pitchblende on Earth after it was discovered in the solar spectrum. Perhaps, we can still find it in these Some technetium is found in pitchblende, which is produced by the fission of uranium-238."

"We may be able to find some technetium to try high-level graphene nano-scale nuclear batteries." Puslin's topic is a bit far away.

"It's a good thing anyway." Chen Mengchuan concluded with a smile.

"Of course, you must know that pitchblende is the main source of uranium. The deposits with the highest known uranium content found on the earth are in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. There is also Big Bear Lake in the northwest region, and there are a large number of silver mines in Big Bear Lake. And these places are basically controlled by the state forces, and they are monopolized." Pushlin said with a smile.

Xu Shuwei, who was on the side, also asked with a smile: "Then I will mobilize a batch of mine prospecting QS10086 multi-functional multi-armed crabs to conduct a more comprehensive exploration?"

Chen Mengchuan and the others thought about it for a while, and finally Chen Mengchuan shook his head slowly: "I don't think there is any rush for this matter. Let these mining prospecting QS10086 multi-functional multi-armed crabs look for more. At present, the most important thing for us is more Explore more, explore more mineral deposits on Mars, and at the same time let us know more about Mars."

"The mineral deposits on Mars are not our priority mining targets in the early stage. Once the asteroid capture ship captures a suitable asteroid, for a long time, we don't even need to dig the mineral deposits on Mars. This uranium mine It is definitely going to be mined, but before our nuclear power plant has started to start, it does not make much sense to mine these uranium mines in advance. After a little observation, I think it is possible." Chen Mengchuan said calmly.

Xu Shuwei nodded after hearing this, expressing his agreement with this point of view.

Just these days when a group of people are discussing pitchblende, there are huge waves on the earth because of the approach of the Mars Science Summit of Tianzhi Technology.

The political institutions of many major countries have expressed strong anxiety and resistance to this Mars Science Summit.However, a group of experts and scholars in the scientific community on the list of the summit expressed their strong wishes for this scientific summit!

For these experts, scholars, and many scientists, a global high-end exchange summit held on Mars by Tianzhi Technology, the most powerful company in the world, is full of fatal attraction!
Today's Tianzhi Technology is no longer the company that sold wireless chargers for mobile phones two or three years ago. ship!

In the scientific community of the earth, it has long been clear and understood that Tianzhi Technology is different. Although Tianzhi Technology is a very pure Chinese company, it can undoubtedly be called the most open and enlightened company in the world.

It can be clearly seen from the company's high-level core members.There is Simba, a talented young man from India, Mo Jierni, an honorary gentleman scientist from England, Puslin, a senior core backbone from Russia, and Toni, who wears the same pair of pants as the founder Chen Mengchuan, is also the same A quasi-American who grew up in the United States with a green card from the United States.Not to mention that there are a large number of scientific R&D personnel from all over the world and of all races in the company.

It is such a company that has unknowingly become a very special existence in the circle of earth science circles. In addition to various scientific research projects, Tianzhi Technology has never been stingy with various research funds, and has super talents in auxiliary science. Artificial intelligence Chen is a plug-in existence, and various experiments and calculations have a graphene light quantum supercomputer group, which can provide the fastest calculations for various scientific demonstrations, and in actual experiments, it also surpasses the world's top machines. Arm the ultimate robotic dobby crab.

Finally, there is an extremely powerful application of technology. A Tissot makes all major countries including the United States helpless. With such a powerful deterrent force, anyone who is not a fool knows that the status of Tianzhi Technology on the earth is already unshakable!
In fact, this is also the case. Today, various products of Smart Technology have become more and more popular, and a large number of high-end scientific and technological applications have been commercialized and pushed to the global market.

Today's Huaxia has entered the wireless era!
Volley 4.0's astonishing 248-kilometer wireless current transmission has also landed in Huaxia, and it has begun to be rolled out on a large scale in China. Whether it is a prosperous city, an urban-rural integration area, or a remote mountainous area, it is now being vigorously promoted by the Huaxia Power Grid. Under the circumstances, it has brought better and better, safer and more convenient electricity experience to Huaxia people.

Some countries that have good relations with China have also given priority to enjoying these benefits.Whether it is the coverage and popularization of infinite current transmission technology or the many applications of gravitational technology, the daily life of these countries has undergone tremendous changes. cooperate.

Based on these various factors, today's Tianzhi Technology has become a paradise that people yearn for, whether it is ordinary workers, scientific research institutions, or experts, scholars and countless scientists...

(End of this chapter)

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