The black tech madman who saves the world

Chapter 246 Mars work progress

Chapter 246 Work progress on Mars ([-])

With the passage of time, this Mars Science Exchange Summit, more and more invitees arrived in Huaxia, and came to the Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park in Suzhou City.

Zhao Wanyu arranged a large number of public relations reception staff, arranged to entertain these experts, scholars and scientists who came to China early in advance, and took them to visit Tianzhi Technology a little bit, to understand the magnificent corporate beliefs of Tianzhi Technology, and to visit on the spot And contact with many core technical departments of Tianzhi Technology.

In addition to core technology, Zhao Wanyu has done a lot of charity work in the name of Tianzhi Technology in the world in the past few years, environmental protection work, education and humanities work, medical education work, and even helped many countries that are still in war to quell the war.These are the things that Zhao Wanyu and the core people of Tianzhi Technology are constantly doing.

Based on gravitational technology, multi-armed crabs, and the assistance of super artificial intelligence Chen, Tianzhi Technology has even established a large number of independent work areas on the African continent. In these independent work areas, there are schools, hospitals, living areas, and commercial areas. A large amount of land was contracted, a large number of African people were employed, and a variety of long-term or short-term crops were planted in a process.Cooperating with the African governing agencies to establish a wildlife protection network, using gravitational unmanned flying discs and gravitational mechas to block and assist in the arrest of a large number of poachers. In 6 or 7 months, thousands of poachers were stopped Hunter team.

These are the many achievements that Tianzhi Technology has made in all aspects in the past few years, and these have made Tianzhi people more and more respected.

All of these, in the unhurried and full-fledged tour itinerary, slowly showed the entire and most authentic status quo of Tianzhi Technology in front of these people.

Zhao Wanyu knew very well that each of these people was a human elite who was very smart, very assertive, and good at thinking.Only by presenting Tianzhi in front of them in the most authentic way can they be convinced and yearn for, and then have the opportunity to recruit these people.

From the beginning to the end, Tianzhi Technology has given priority to human beings, from the perspective of all mankind, to protect the earth, educate the earth, explore the interstellar, and explore the universe.

After being authorized by Chen Mengchuan and others, Zhao Wanyu even mentioned some of the current projects of Chen Mengchuan and others on Mars, such as the asteroid capture plan, the Mars nuclear power plant plan, the Mars metal smelting plant plan, the Mars terraforming plan, etc. .

Tianzhi Science and Technology Industrial Park has welcomed more and more experts, scholars and scientists from all over the world, and the attention of the entire global media has also focused on Huaxiasu City.

Already on the way back, Chen Mengchuan and others are directing and continuing various tasks on Mars based on the eternal cosmic particle communication technology.

The latest eternal cosmic particle space traversal technology and space folding technology have been continuously advanced, and it has been possible to realize the time from Mars to Earth in less than 5 days, which was very unbelievable in the eyes of everyone.

The Tissot, which is returning to the voyage, is rapidly jumping in space. Each space jump can achieve 80000 space foldings with an absolute straight-line distance of 124 meters. Such a distance can span 9920 kilometers each time. Absolute straight-line distance.And such a space transition can be completed every 23 seconds!
This speed already means that about 156.5 space jumps can be made per hour, and the speed has reached an astonishing 155.25 million kilometers per hour!And this time the distance from Mars to Earth is about 9500 million kilometers!
The entire sailing time will be about 62 hours!
This brand-new navigation speed allows them to return from Mars to Earth in only 3 days.On this return voyage, there were not many members left on the Tissot.More than 90% of the scientific research staff stayed on the Mars base to fill and improve the Mars base.

The nuclear power plant that Toni and others are in charge of finally confirmed the on-site detection the day before departure. Among the 120 nuclear power plant selection points, the selection point was finally confirmed. It is a mountain area located 190 kilometers away from the Mars base. On the edge of the meteor crater.

This is a deep pit with a very special environment. It is a superimposed ladder pit formed by two impacts. The location of the nuclear power plant is chosen on this pit. It is deep enough to make a large enough water storage area. Based on The entire nuclear power plant in the water storage area will build multiple nuclear power plants composed of light water reactors and heavy water reactors, with a total of 24 nuclear power units with a single reactor power of 1200MW to 1800MW.

A nuclear power plant of this size will largely provide enough electricity for metal smelters to realize electrothermal metallurgy, and at the same time provide a steady stream of sufficient current for the Mars base.


In such a large area, the unlimited supply of current is fully realized!Let all the metal multi-armed crabs and gravitational work platforms and other electrical equipment in this area be able to ensure sufficient current operation.

At the same time, the 7+4 metal smelting plants in the first stage are all within this area.Over 600 metal smelters will be constructed throughout the region.The M-type metal-containing asteroids of suitable size captured by the first phase of the asteroid capture ship will also all land in this area to perform space cutting and digest these asteroids.

When the site selection of the nuclear power plant was completed, the asteroid capture department in charge of Chen Mengchuan and others captured huge polar ice blocks. After several space travels, they accurately arrived at the area where the nuclear power plant is located, and began to cut the ice. Drill, everyone watched this experiment.

In the picture, the huge ice block is firmly fixed by the gravitational structure capture device including a large number of gravitational bee swarms, suspended in the void, and then the eternal cosmic particle shuttle on the asteroid capture machine is turned on. A huge source point circle is opened far away, and the destination source point circle only reserves a distance of several hundred meters, and at the same time, there are a large number of preparatory gravitational bee colonies waiting in the middle of the two source point circles.

Then, under the push of the gravitational capture device, the giant ice cube was slowly pushed, and after halfway through the source point circle, it suddenly disconnected the source point circle!

The space cutting effect produced in an instant is like the sharpest knife in the world, splitting the entire ice cube in two!The cut ice surface is as complete as two mirrors!
(End of this chapter)

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