Chapter 292 Europa ([-])
Whether there is really other life and other civilizations in the abyss of the universe that humans have never reached has always been a topic that humans are constantly exploring and imagining.

For Chen Mengchuan, he suspects that in the nearly infinite three-dimensional universe, there are not only life and civilizations, but there are even a lot of them, and there are even many cosmic civilizations and orders, but humans have not stepped out or touched it. .

Those alien civilizations in the dream are so powerful and mysterious.

How many years has this alien civilization developed in the space of the universe?

Difficult to know.

But there is no doubt that it must have developed longer than the earth civilization.

Maybe the pace of civilization is hundreds of years longer than that of human beings, maybe thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

No one knows.

How powerful is such a civilization?
No way of knowing.

The only thing humans can do is to strengthen themselves, prepare for the coming war, and leave the fire.

Evening on Mars.

A public research and development testing area in Liuyan Palace, many people are watching an aircraft in the testing area on the fences.

"How far can this cold insulation layer withstand the low temperature of Europa?" Chen Mengchuan touched the material of the cold insulation layer in the middle of the aircraft and asked a scientific researcher beside him.

The scientific researcher's surname is Qian, and his name is Qian Jianghai. He used to belong to the Xia Ke Academy, and later started a material business on his own. The business was once very large, and offices were established overseas.Later, the company went bankrupt, and interviewed Tianzhi Technology as a scientific researcher. He joined Tianzhi Technology for more than a year, and soon emerged as an important role in Tianzhi Technology's material research and development department.

"Mr. Chen, the technology of this cold insulation layer is not only due to the material, we have also spent a lot of thought on the structure. The innermost part of the cold insulation layer of the 9-layer structure is based on nuclear energy heating, which means that the external temperature is not easy to corrode. At the same time, the interior is continuously heated, and a lot of heat energy will be lost during the period. But overall, if you work in a space environment of minus 200 degrees Celsius, the problem is not big. If it is more extreme, we have tested it to minus 250 degrees Celsius. The low temperature of [-] degrees Celsius can still hold on and work normally."

"So, the exploration in Europa should be fine?" Chen Mengchuan smiled.

"In a short period of time, the problem should not be big, but the specific situation still needs to be determined according to the actual situation." Qian Jianghai said it relatively conservatively.

"Go and see the multi-armed crab."

"it is good."

Several people bypassed the aircraft and saw a bloated multi-armed crab in the hatch area on the other side of the aircraft.

The overall exterior structure has not changed much, but a lot of modifications have taken place inside.

27 heating devices and 3 high-intensity energy conversion devices make the multi-armed crab's belly bigger.Each limb is also equipped with a cold insulation layer, and the whole looks like a big crab covered with fluff.It does have some cute styles.

"On the limbs of these multi-armed crabs, in order not to affect the action, we will have less cold insulation on it, but based on a large number of graphene heat conducting wires, the degree of flexibility is not bad, and the thermal conductivity of graphene is unparalleled. .We have tested the cold-bearing capacity of these multi-armed crabs, and they are very good. Basically, they can work stably in extremely cold environments."

Chen Mengchuan walked over and patted the joints and limbs of the multi-armed crab. They were very thick, and the outermost layer felt a little fluffy to the touch.

Through the analysis and prediction of a large amount of data from NASA, the surface temperature of Europa is very low. The average temperature in the equatorial region is about minus 150 degrees Celsius to minus 170 degrees Celsius. The temperature at the north and south poles is even lower, reaching a terrifying minus 220 degrees Celsius. .

Because of such a low temperature, the entire surface layer of Europa is filled with permanently frozen water, that is, the permanent ice layer.

But under this permanent ice layer, because of the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Europa has a tidal force, and the heat energy provided by this tidal force may make the water under the thick ice layer on the surface maintain a liquid state at one time !
This conjecture was initially sparked by a series of speculations about tidal heating, a slightly off-centre orbit, and orbital resonances between Europa and the other Galilean moons.

NASA has invested a large number of image-reading teams in the Galileo project. After analyzing a large number of images taken by NASA's Galileo and Voyager, another exploration spacecraft, the image-reading team deduced the location of Europa. Topographical features imply the presence of subglacial oceans!The probability of this is very high, and it is even just a lack of an aircraft to fly to Europa to confirm the coffin.

Now Tianzhi Technology is going to throw this spaceship to Europa to carry out the final step of confirmation.

However, there is no doubt that the surface terrain of Europa is very complicated. The difficulty of scientific research under this complex terrain is also very great, and the test for the multi-armed crab is also great.

A small group of scholars in Europe who have deep research on geology and space environment interpreted the chaotic terrain on the surface of Europa Europa as the result of the seepage of seawater from the lower layer.

However, the controversy over this explanation is relatively large, and it has always been debated endlessly.

Most geologists who study Europa tend to favor a theory known as the "thick ice" model.

Because they believe that even if there is such an ocean under Europa's ice layer, it is almost impossible to have a direct impact on the surface, because the thickness of the ice layer is undoubtedly very, very thick.

But if you really care about how thick the ice layer on Europa is, it is already a matter that requires on-site inspections to know the final result.Because of this, there are considerable differences in the estimates of the thickness of Europa's ice shell by different research teams. Some think it is several kilometers, and some think it is tens of thousands of meters.

This time the Europa exploration spacecraft has a large partition, and this large partition is equipped with a nuclear power drilling machine. According to the plan, the mission of this nuclear power drilling machine is to drill as deep as possible into the center of Europa’s earth. One of the purposes It is to detect how thick the ice shell of Europa is!

As for the "thick ice" model, everyone at Tianzhi Technology is quite sure, because there are several huge impact craters on the surface of Europa Europa!These huge impact craters are the best evidence to support the "thick ice" model.

From the observation point of view, the largest impact crater on the surface of Europa is surrounded by several concentric circles. From the observation point of view, the crater is filled quite flat by fresh ice.

Based on this phenomenon and combined with the estimation of the thermal energy generated by tidal forces, the thickness of the ice shell speculated by Tianzhi Technology and NASA's map reading team is relatively similar, both of which are considered to be between 10 and 30 kilometers, which is the thickness of the earth's crust. is about the same thickness, which means the ocean under the ice could be as deep as 100 kilometers!

If there is life in Europa's subglacial ocean, it will be a huge ecosystem!

(End of this chapter)

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