Chapter 293 Europa ([-])
"Suixing Edge One" is the name of the spacecraft that is about to explore Europa.

In ancient China, Jupiter was called Sui Xing, and it took 12 years for it to orbit the celestial sphere, which is the same as the Earthly Branches.It was not until the Western Han Dynasty in China that the astronomer Sima Qian, the author of "Historical Records-Tianguanshu", discovered from actual observations that the age star was blue, which was connected with the "five elements" theory, so he officially named it Jupiter.

The departure time has been determined. The Juxing Edge [-], which is going to Europa for the first time, is an unmanned probe spacecraft. After these two days of testing and debugging, it will go to Europa.

Going to Jupiter is a relatively long journey compared to going from Earth to Mars.

How to calculate this distance?
Chen Mengchuan smiled and explained science to Sun Zhongyong and his daughters.

"Usually in the universe, because the distance is too far away, the distance calculation units we usually use such as meters and kilometers will seem a little weak, so there is a relatively common unit in the world, which is AU, and AU is astronomical. unit of length."

"Uncle Chen, how far is that AU unit?" Sun Zhongyong's daughter asked.

"In the past, people defined the distance from the earth to the sun as an astronomical unit AU. Later, at a meeting held by the International Astronomical Congress, they unified their opinions and defined a distance accurate to the meter astronomical unit AU, which is about 1.496 million kilometers. In fact, it is the approximate distance from the earth to the sun." Chen Mengchuan said with a smile.

The girl asked curiously, "How far is it from Mars to Europa?"

"Girl asked a very good question, you can do the math, Mars to the sun is 1.6 AU, Jupiter to the sun is 5.4 AU, then how many AU do you think it is from Mars to Jupiter?"

"3.8 AU!" The girl jumped up excitedly.

"That's right!" Chen Mengchuan chuckled, and everyone cheered up.

Toni, who was standing aside, rolled his eyes.

Chen Mengchuan's algorithm is not scientific, because the orbit of the planet is also calculated.

The difference between the orbital periods of Jupiter and Mars is huge.The orbital period of Mars is about 1.88 years, while that of Jupiter exceeds 11.86 years.An orbital period with such a large drop will have an additional distance, and what Chen Mengchuan calculated is only the shortest distance.But speaking of children's joking exchanges, he can say so, so why should he calculate the variables of the orbit with the children?That would be really troublesome.

"Mengchuan, how long will it take for this exploration spacecraft to reach Europa?" Sun Zhongyong has some doubts about the time that has changed several times. At the beginning, the proofreading time seems to be much longer than the current proofreading time.

Chen Mengchuan took out the small gravity screen in his hand and swiped it. It marked the latest progress in the realization of space traversing space folding technology for the current example of eternal universe.

For example, the latest update and optimization of the shuttle is that it can perform a space transition every 17.25, each time it can reach an absolute straight-line distance of 16 meters, and perform 246 space foldings at the same time!
That is to say, the absolute linear distance of 39360 kilometers can be achieved every time. After adding the AU astronomical unit, it can be calculated that it takes about 3800 times to complete the distance of 1 AU astronomical unit. With the current efficiency of once every 17.25 seconds, only uninterrupted For 18.2 hours, 1 AU astronomical unit can be completed.

This is also the result of the day and night efforts of the Eternal Cosmic Particle Space Folding Space Traversing Department.

From the data panel alone, the current overall orbit parameter conversion distance between Mars and Jupiter has been calculated as a relatively accurate value of 5.3218AU.

The final proofreading time given by the data panel is 96.9 hours.That is, in about 4 days, the Suixing Edge [-], which is going to Europa for scientific research, will be able to reach Europa, which orbits Jupiter.

"Four days, is it so slow to arrive?" Sun Zhongyong said.

Chen Mengchuan looked at him, and smiled helplessly: "Although this speed is not as fast as we expected, but for the US NASA's former spacecraft, this speed is already very against the sky. You know that the former NASA How long did it take Voyager 2 to fly to Jupiter's orbit? Their unmanned interstellar spacecraft flew for 2 years before reaching Jupiter's orbit."

"It's been so long? If you say that, it's really against the sky." Sun Zhongyong nodded.

"However, in my opinion, this speed is still slow, and we still need to go faster. This will help us understand Europa faster. Europa is also just a small springboard for us. After that, we will Explore farther places, such as flying out of the solar system." Chen Mengchuan said seriously.

Flying out of the solar system has always been in his plan, and this plan is very important.At the current speed, it is not difficult to fly out of the solar system, but it is not necessarily meaningful.Only after reaching beyond the speed of light can there be a basis for truly stepping out of the solar system.

Faster than the speed of light...

How difficult.

The current speed is only 39360 kilometers/17.25 seconds, and the average speed is only 2281.74 kilometers per second, while the speed of light is as high as 299792 kilometers, a difference of more than 131 times.

"We don't need to underestimate ourselves, Mengchuan, we are not always moving forward. One day, we will realize as fast as you said." Sun Zhongyong saw that there was some complexity in Chen Mengchuan's eyes, and he spoke a word of comfort.

After hearing what he said, Chen Mengchuan nodded, and the topic of the few people started talking again, and they talked about many other topics.

After coming to Mars these days, Sun Zhongyong and others have gradually adapted to the many differences on Mars.

Chen Mengchuan even prepared a lot of special gravitational mechas, and let everyone put on the gravitational mechas to actually set foot on Mars, feel the surface gravity of Mars, and the barren land of Mars.

Like the others, everyone returned to the base not long after the initial excitement, because the entire Mars looked the same everywhere, and it was too desolate.Moreover, the Mars base Liuyan Palace chose a medium-sized crater, and the surrounding terrain is basically the same.

Sun Zhongyong played for a long time, he got more authorizations for gravitational mechs, flew to a very high air environment, overlooked the land of Mars, and even completed a trip around Mars, flying a real circle, which made many Everyone was worried for a while.

After these days, Zhao Wanyu began to prepare for the arrangement of returning to Earth, and began to increase the speed of unloading goods. The Tissot was loaded with too many materials needed for life and scientific research.

At the same time, she also prepared a lot of very special Martian gifts to bring back to Earth, such as a whole super large diamond weighing 2 tons...

(End of this chapter)

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