Chapter 103

Xia Tanqing noticed that Ye Feifan became a little strange. She seemed to be in a good mood because of the calmness along the way.

It's not that he hasn't seen her when she is happy, but usually it's just a fleeting image, fleeting, so subtle that it's hard for people to notice, rarely like this:

She hummed the song for half an hour at first, and when her mouth was dry, she beat the beat with her feet, shaking the driver's seat in front of her, completely ignoring that he was making nine or eighteen turns on the mountain road; Open the window and stick your head out with some mad dog blowing your hair into a ring of nests.

Originally, Xia Tanqing was quite happy, his passenger was a little more energetic, which is not bad, at least he would not feel that he was carrying a plaster statue.But after discovering that this good mood had lasted for three hours, he gradually felt that something was wrong. He wanted to ask but knew that the other party would definitely pretend to be stupid to the end. Find a place to spend the night.

Ye Feifan was in a good mood, so it was rare that he didn't appear impatient.

Xia Tanqing drove into an abandoned rest stop before the sun completely set.

There weren't any zombies inside, and they probably had already followed the tide of corpses. The more troublesome thing was the mutated rats. Before they entered, they could hear chirping and claws rubbing against each other.

Moonlight has been locked in the car for the past few days, eating stale canned meat, and putting on a bad face all day long. When she heard the sound of a mouse, her mint green eyes lit up instantly, and she rushed in first.

Xia Tanqing delayed Ye Feifan at the door. After all, someone thought Moonlight was an ordinary and harmless pet; but in fact, Ye Feifan could still see clearly through the aperture.

Moonlight was full, and with a meow, Shi Shiran came out from the door, as if signaling that people outside could go in and clean up.

After working as a driver for a whole day, no matter how strong Xia Tanqing is, she is a bit overwhelmed. She originally wanted to take advantage of the good time after eating, when her blood sugar rose and her nerves were slow, to talk to Ye Feifan, but in the end it was him He became dull first, his eyelids were heavy, wrapped in a blanket, and he fell asleep with his head down.

It felt like I had just closed my eyes and been woken up again.

"On the way."

"En...." Xia Tanqing was a little confused, rubbing her face with a blanket, why...

"stand up."

Xia Tanqing rubbed her eyes, barely saw that it was a human face, the skin was still faintly glowing pearly white, her heart tightened unavoidably, but soon after, she recognized Ye Feifan, and forced the hand stuck in her throat The scream swallowed.

The temperature in the morning hadn't fully recovered yet, and the girl's face was a little pale and thin due to the cold. Coupled with her lifeless eyes and dead expression, it was so dark that it really looked like a bird coming out of the mist. Specter

"You..." He wanted to pretend nothing happened, but he could only cough guiltily, and said weakly, "Don't...appear like this...."


Xia Tanqing found that she was getting used to setbacks more and more.

The sky hadn't fully opened yet, and the two drove on the road again.

After a night of precipitation and recuperation, Ye Feifan returned to his usual unmoved appearance, hugging the small birdcage alone, with empty eyes and no idea what he was thinking.

Xia Tanqing was a little disappointed, she looked really good and happy yesterday, she looked like a normal girl.Sometimes, he couldn't help but imagine, what would Ye Feifan look like if she could see it?Is it squeamish?is cheerful?Or is it as indifferent as it is now?
Unfortunately, "what if" is the most unrealistic assumption.

"Are you born blind?"

When Xia Tanqing realized it, the words had already blurted out. Ye Feifan was not deaf, and it was too late to regret it.

Just when Xia Tanqing was planning to apologize, Ye Feifan's expression remained unchanged, and he felt that it would be okay to tell him: "I could still see it before I was ten years old."

Xia Tanqing was taken aback by some small accidents. He tried to concentrate on driving, but he couldn't help asking: "You... how old are you now?"

Asking a woman's age is a big taboo, common sense for most men, however, the two opposite sexes in the car cannot be judged from the perspective of ordinary people; Xia Tanqing thinks what he said is fine, Ye Feifan also thinks it's okay to tell him


Well... that is, ten years of light and 13 years of darkness, as if it is the photoperiod of plants, then... the next question, what kind of fruit will such a life bear?
Xia Tanqing began to automatically enter the philosophy mode.He grew up in a pile of books, and he relied on the knowledge in books all the time. Apart from remembering to eat, drink, sleep and go to bed, the scientist couple who are obsessed with research will not take care of their children at all, and directly throw them to the countryside. Grandmother, the child grew up in the room where his father was a child, reading the books left by his father, including science, philosophy, and encyclopedia...


Even in a daze, Xia Tanqing subconsciously followed the girl's instructions and stepped on the brakes.


It was too late, the car's tire was punctured, Xia Tanqing gasped, and punched the steering wheel hard, but he could only get out of the car to check.

(End of this chapter)

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