Chapter 104

A row of spikes drawn with iron hooks lay across the road, obviously a trap.

Xia Tanqing's complexion changed, and at the same time, Ye Feifan also got out of the car, followed by two dogs and a cat, she said: "Someone is coming, let's leave quickly."

Xia Tanqing didn't say much, the two stepped over the guardrail and slid downhill cautiously.

Most of the places where roads are built are barren mountains and ridges. Although desolate, it is safe to be covered by vegetation.

Xia Tanqing walked in front to push away the leaves and insects and flies for Ye Feifan. They walked towards the dense vegetation without any purpose, just to get rid of the people who followed behind.

"Several people?"


"What are they going to do?"

"They are believers, and they want to take us to sacrifice to that "god". I think we are already very close to the former site of the Southern Star Base."


Xia Tanqing didn't wait for the next question, and walked for a while, but suddenly felt that the back was too quiet, and when she turned her head, she found that the person behind her had disappeared, so she hurried back to look for it.

Under the shade of the tree, a large shadow fell, the girl remained motionless, holding the birdcage, quietly waiting on the spot, except for the three animals swaying leisurely beside her, like a lamb at the mercy of others.


Xia Tanqing suspected that the other party was in a daze, but after thinking about it, she woke her up first, so she could only walk over and sighed helplessly: "If you don't have a car, you won't want me to carry you?"

The other party said mercilessly: "I want to follow them, and you can go the rest of the way by yourself."

Ye Feifan thought very simply, since someone is willing to come and lead the way, why would she waste time wandering around the neighborhood?Moreover, Xia Tanqing came here for another purpose, and it was time to part ways.

"..." Xia Tanqing looked at her puzzled.

Her eyes were still emotionless, as if it was only natural for her companions to separate, so he blinked his brown eyes, the color was very warm, but his tone was extremely sad, and his dangling bangs looked like a puppy about to be abandoned.

"Yes... did I do something wrong?"

"?" Ye Feifan was puzzled, why was he suddenly agitated, the fluctuations were so strong that it made people uncomfortable.

He scratched his bangs and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Even if I asked you what you want to do, you wouldn't say it, would you?"

Ye Feifan acquiesced.

"Tsk, does it have to be like this?" Xia Tanqing became more and more anxious
Someone was talking in the distance, Xia Tanqing gritted his teeth, and he glanced at the two mutant dogs beside Ye Feifan.

After careful care by someone, they have evolved very well, beyond human imagination, and can definitely protect a person's safety; and their owners are not necessarily the kind of weak women who are willing to be beaten.

So he struggled to move his mouth, and finally he could only say nonuo: "Can I borrow the moonlight from you? I will go to you and pay you back later."

Ye Feifan subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Yueguang had automatically left her feet and ran to the opponent's territory.

Blatant treason.

Ye Feifan wasn't too disappointed. Moonlight was a wild cat. He had been missing for a week before returning home, so despite his heartache, he nodded and said, "Remember to return it to me."

After getting her promise, he smiled like a big child: "Well! I will definitely return it to you, just wait!"

"The person in front stop!"

Xia Tanqing moved very quickly, with a hook of his hand, Moonlight jumped into his arms, and one person and one cat slipped away without a trace, as if a move had been planned beforehand, without even trying to hide it.

Ye Feifan "looked" at the aperture, and finally confirmed that the two really had an "adulterate relationship".

A figure rushed to her back first, before touching the corner of her clothes, he was thrown down by the red-eyed Bubu.

Ye Feifan has sharp eyesight and quick hands, and he stopped the bloody mouth that was about to kill him - she still needs someone to lead the way!

"It's a mutant dog!!! Quickly shoot!!"

The bullets came bumping, and Bubu, who was standing by, scratched his ears with his hind feet, um, it was a little itchy.

Ye Feifan focused the circle of light on his side. Although the thick protective circle could not completely stop the bullet, it slowed down its speed greatly. It was only a few small bruises on his body, and Ye Feifan easily dodged it.

After the bullets were finished and the smoke cleared, the mutant dog was still safe and sound. Looking carefully, there was actually someone standing there.

"This... this is... an evolutionary zombie! Run away!"

There is only one person who leads the way.Ye Feifan slowly lowered his body and woke up the person who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead: "Jiao Ge... No, where is your god?"

The man thought she was provoking, and even though his back was still pressed down by the sharp claws of the mutated dog, he still stiffened his head and said, "The Winged God is sacred and inviolable! Your hell dog will never defy God's will!"


Ye Feifan digested for a while, and was sure that the two were talking about the same thing.The Feather God is...Jiaoge?Hellhound... what the hell?

Forget it, she shrugged her shoulders and pulled the person on the ground up: "Take me to the God of Wings, or I will send you to see the real God." After she finished speaking, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. It feels good to intimidate people. Should try more in the future...

Duoduo and Bubu barked a few times cooperatively, showing his ferocious fangs, the man shook, the sound of sparse running water was actually wet pants.

(End of this chapter)

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